
Becket-Beckett-Bicket-Bickett-Bichan Surnames
  • 44 members

About us

The Becket-Beckett-Bicket-Bickett-Bichan DNA Project welcomes all participants. We encourage you to join today!

This DNA Project is part of the Becket-Beckett-Bicket-Bickett-Bichan surname study, which is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies. You can learn more about this significant research, and the associated family trees, by visiting the one-name study web site, or contacting the Project Administrator. The site below gives further information about the different Becket-Beckett-Bicket-Bickett-Bichan branches being researched.

The Y DNA test tells you about your direct male line, which would be your father, his father, and back in time. You must be male to take this test, and you should be a Becket, Beckett, Bicket, Bickett, Bichan or close variant, or have one in your direct paternal line, to participate. If you are female, you will need to find a direct line male in your branch to participate and represent your branch.

Family Tree DNA offers Y-37 and Y-111 tests which should be sufficient to show whether a tester is closely related to other testers, but generally it will not show what this relationship is. We are instead focusing on finding one tester per branch, as documented in historical records, to take, or upgrade to, the more detailed (and more expensive) Big Y 700 test. This test shows not just that a tester is related to other testers, but through his SNPs (testing more than 50,000 different locations for possible DNA mutations) exactly where his branch fits into the family tree of mankind, called the 'haplotree'. The haplotree shows branch relationships down to periods where historical genealogical records begin, and sometimes even into current generations, and hence allows us to say exactly how the different branches are related to each other. In some cases, they have allowed us to connect separate branches for which we have historical records, but which previously we had been unable to connect, e.g., because we could not determine which of alternative candidate parents was the correct one.

We have also established a General Fund, to accept donations in any currency via credit card, to help sponsor test kits for those key males who would otherwise be unable to afford the cost of participation in the project.

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