
  • 200 members

About us

The Vick DNA Project is primarily focused on finding family connections for men with the Vick surname. Our project supports traditional methods used in VICK family history research and genealogy. We are also very interested in those men who have Vick in their male line but who may have other surnames. Additionally, we are interested in variants of the name which are listed below. If your surname variant is missing we'll be glad to add it. Surnames In Project: Bick, Bicke, Byke, Fick , Ficke , Fickes , Fyck , Fycke , Fyckes , Fycks , Veack , Veak , Veake , Veck , Veckes , Veeck , Veek , Veeks , Veix , Vesgue , Vesk , Vesque , Vic , Vick , Vicke , Vickes , Vicks , Vicq , Vicqs , Vics , Vieck , Viek , Vig , Vigs , Viik , Viiks , Vik , Viks , Vikse , Viq , Viqs , Vique , Viques , Vix , Vyck , Vycke , Vyckes , Vycks , Wic , Wich , Wick , Wicke , Wickes , Wicks , Wicq , Wicqs , Wics , Wig , Wigs , Wiig , Wiik , Wiiks , Wik , Wike, Wiks , Wiq , Wiqs , Wique , Wiques , Wix , Wyck , Wycke , Wyckes , Wycks
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