Dynastic Royal Ashinas-Eurasian Roots

For Lineages Originating in Khazaria
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Arabs of Kazár-Országa E-Y14891 (MRCA c. 800AD)
This Khazarian lineage also of ancient middle-eastern (Ménrót) ancestry seems to appear suddenly among Kazár-Országa's Kazárok in the already thriving First Bulgarian Empire possibly arriving with the Magyars. It is not clear whether this MRCA was already Jewish or simply converted to Judaism. Either way, his family, joined the Ashkenazim already there. 

Caucasian Avars J-Y3620 (MRCA 400BC)
Benjaminite Jews of Europe Q-Y2225 (MRCA 500BC)

Savromatians R-Z93
Archaeologically confirmed) Especially East European sub-groups R-Y2619R-YP1542R-BY30764R-Y136333R-Y5977R-YP449R-SUR51Atilla's Sauromatians continued under his youngest son Irnik-Csaba's son Ed-Utigur and his brother Edemen-Kothrag. Irnik-Csaba settled in Itil until pushed back across the Volga by the Avars in 460. Edemen-Kothrag's group moved to Crișana as "Avars" against whom the 6th century Byzantines pitted their Utigur relatives under Sandilch in Tauria. From Sandilch's descendents the Pseudo-Avar Kothrags' "Kabar" relatives first appeared as the Kubiar tribe of KubrAt (Kabar Father). Kubrat subdued his Kothrag Pseudoavar relatives for Heraclius in the 620s but the Chronicon Pictum makes clear that it was not until 677 AD that the Onogurs (Utigurs) of Poltava established the base of Ungvari in Zakarpattia under the northern Kubiar sons of Kubrat perhaps having been pressed by the expansion of the Don-Khazars. The miracles of Saint Demitrius mentions the Kubar tribe's raid from Syrmia to Macedonia in the 670s and following the 680 Battle of Ongal Asparukh's branch settled in the Balkans while Batbayan, Bezmer, Kotrag remained in Ungvar. In Jewish tradition, the Kothrags were converted to Judaism by Yitzhak Ha-Sangari in the 8th century being evidenced by late Avar graves and the names of the late Avar leaders like Abraham & Isaac after whom Prince Marot of Kubrats' Polovtsi, established his dynasty over the Kothrags from 835. Although it is clear that Marot descended from one of Kubrat's sons in Ungvaria, it is not clear which son he descended from. Marot was succeeded by his son Zvataplug who was in turn succeeded by Marot's grandson Menmarot. The Hungarians' royal Arpad family as well as Volga Bulgaria's ruling family both descend from Ügyek's Khabars who the Don-Khazars placed over the Magyars. The Don-Khazars adopted the Heresy of Zembra in 860s. When the Kabars rebelled against the Don-Khazars in the 9th century, Ügyek's Khabars first led the Magyars into confederation with the Rus before invading Pannonia. The Huns were settled in the Matra forest. The house of Besarab is also of the same Hun origin. 

Since the time this project was established, a number of important papers/articles in various scientific fields has been published.

The following has been revealed :
-    haplogroup Q-M242 among contemporary Ashkenazi actually is subclade Q-M378 (sometimes called Q1b, Q1b1 etc.) and its further subclades Q-L245 and Q-Y2200 (exclusively Jewish)
-       TMRCA (time of most recent common ancestor) of haplogroup Q-Y2200 is 1600 YBP, therefore it is not Isrealite genetic marker/haplogroup
-    it is restricted to only few % of the Ashkenazi genetic pool
-    the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been located in the tomb of the Yeniseian language speaking Xiongnu/Hunnu aristocracy at the Heigouliang cemetery (Xiongnu king summer camp)- the Black Gouliang barrow to the east of the Barkol Basin at the ruins of Hami (Kumul) in North Xinjiang (at the Mongolian border) from 2nd-1st century BCE
-    the same genetic marker/Y-DNA haplogroup Q-M378 has been detected among contemporary Uyghurs of Xinjiang (2010, 2014)
-    availalble Uyghur Q-M378 haplotypes shows striking similarity to those of Ashkenazi Q-M378 suggesting that at least part of Uyghur Q-M378 actually are L245
-    haplogroup Q-M378 has been also located throughout Mongolia and in Japan

We understand these findings through lenses of the medieval Chinese sources and sciences of 21st century.

Main facts are:
-    Medieval Chinese sources located and equated Tiele (direct progeny of the Xiongnu/Hunnu/Huns according to the same sources) tribe Kosa (Gejie, Gesa etc.) with the Khazar clan/tribe/surname located around Caspian Sea and with Qasar clan/tribe/surname of legendary Orkhon Uyghur Nobility „Nine Tiele Clans/Names/Tribes„(Toquz Oghuz, Jiu Xing) founders and later rulers of the Uyghur Empire
-    the same sources links exclusively both Uyghurs and Ashina to Tiele, not all Turkic speaking peoples
-    Turks had become a strong power after absorbing about 50,000 households of the Tiele Tribes (which included the later so-called 'Nine Family Names')
-    sometime during early 7th century branch of the Khazar/Qasar clan together with branch of Ashina clan migrated to Eastern Europe and formed independent Khazar Empire
-    remaining part of the Khazar/Qasar Clan as part of Toquz Oghuz alliance destroyed Eastern Gok Turk Empire and formed independent Uyghur Empire
-    after fall of the Yaglakar Royal Dynasty in early 9th century, it has been replaced with the Qasar/Khazar/Ko-Sa Royal Dynasty to rule with the Uyghur Empire
-    the European branch of the Khazar/Qasar Royal Clan accepted Judaism sometime in 8th or 9th century
  (a branch or cousin of the Ansa /Ashina Royal Clan of Turks)
-      While the plundering of the Roman areas is variously attested (for sources, see Maenchen-Helfen, pp. 38-42), only Priscus (frag. 11) and the Liber Calipharum (Chronicon miscellaneum 3.4; tr., pp. 106-7) report the invasion of the Persian empire. Under the leadership of Basikh and Koursikh, a detachment of Huns rode down the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris to Ctesiphon. This invasion (395-396/8) included Armenia, Syria, Palestine and Northern Mesopotamia.
Therefore that can be one of the likely source events for Q-L245 in the region.

We believe that evidences strongly suggest conclusion/proof/possibility that minor part of contemporary Ashkenazi people, those with Y-DNA mutations Q-M378,Q-L245, Q-Y2200 (and its various further subclades) are direct progeny of the Xiongnu supreme rulling class through Qasar/Khazar/Kosa historical episode.

We understand proof as “a conclusion based upon the sum of the evidence that supports a valid assertion or deduction (i.e., a conclusion drawn from aggregated clues)” ref. Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, 2d ed. (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing, 2012).

http://www.semargl.me/ (enter name: Uygur)
Li Hongjie, Y chromosome genetic diversity of ancient population in the Northern China, Jilin
University, 2012.
Zhong et al., Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern
humans into East Asia via the northern route // Molecular Biology and Evolution, First published
online: September 13, 2010, doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq247
Wenjuan Shan et al. (2014) Genetic polymorphism of 17 Y chromosomal STRs in Kazakh and
Uighur populations from Xinjiang, China
Y-chromosome lineage in five regional Mongolian populations, Toshimichi Yamamoto, Tomoki sending, Daiki Horiba, Masayoshi Sakuma, Yuuka Kawaguchi, Yuuichi Kano Department of Legal Medicine and Bioethics, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan, 2013
Y chromosomes of ancient Hunnu people and its implication on the phylogeny of East Asian linguistic families. LL. Kang et al., 2013
Knowing the Xiongnu Culture in Eastern Tianshan Mountain from Tomb Heigouliang and Dongheigou Site at the Beginning of Xihan Dynasty, RenMeng, WangJianXin, 2008
Some Chinese Sources on the Khazars and Khwarazm, Lin Ying 2004-08-02 19:02:24 阅读 2714 次作者提供,原刊ARCHIVUM EURASIAE MEDII AEVI, 11 (2000-2001), Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz Verlag, 339-364
The Research on the Identification Between Tiele and the Oghuric Tribes, Fangyi Cheng
Qasar-Qurug: Western Headquarters of the Uighur Khagans and the Problem of Por-Bazhyn Identification, S.G. Klyashtornyi, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dvortsovaya Nab. 18, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia
The Problems Of Uighur (Uygur) Kagan Family //// Uygur Kag an Ailesinin Problemleri, Saadettin Gomec, Hamiyet Sezer

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