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Researching family line connections of the SE Kentucky Begleys with other Begley, Bagley, Begly, Bagly, Baguley lines of the world. We are nearly sure the father of the 4 Begley brothers, Henry, Thomas, John, and William that settled in SE Kentucky in the early 1800s was Henry Begly whose first wife was Elizabeth Cook and second Elizabeth Pearsall Brannon. We base this in part in the information found in Henry Begley Jrs Revolutionary War Pension Application. In it, Henry states he was born and partly raised in Hampshire County, (now present day Romney, WVA). He says he went into the service in Montgomery County VA which is known as Wythe County now. The only Begley family records found in the 1750-1770 time period in Hampshire County records are for a Henry Begly and a court record indicates he is married to Elizabeth Persall Brannon, widow of Robert Brannon. Elizabeth has a daughter, Bithia, with Robert and marries Samuel Newberry. Samuel is listed in the Montgomery records along with the Begleys. Samuel and Bitha's son, David Newberry is murdered near Red Bird, KY in 1817. Thomas Begley Jr was one of three hanged for the murder.

What information we have found indicates that Henry Begly Srs. line goes back to a 1635 Virginia settler, Peter Bagly. We are not sure of this and our conclusion is based in part on the lack of evidence for other claims. We think Peter may be an uncle to the early Massachusetts settler, Orlando Bagley. We base this on information found in the Stormont Lineage posted on the NET. In it, a Peter Bagley is listed as a brother to a William Bagley, father of Orlando. The listed father of Peter and William, a John Bagley has a sister listed as Judith Bagley. A Judith Bagley, age 58, is listed as a Sept 13, 1635 passenger on the Dorsst along with a 15 year old boy named Thomas Atkins. An Atkins and a Peter Bagley are listed as co owners of land in Virgina.

So the purpose of this site is to confirm the relationship or lack of relationship of these three groups, the SE Kentucky Begleys, the descendants of 1635 Peter Bagley, and the descendants of Orlando Bagley as well as the many other groups with a similar surname
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