Spain / Espana/Casa

Casa de España Geographical DNA Project
  • 3537 members

About us

Deseamos darle una bienvenida muy especial a todos los miembros de Family Tree DNA (FTDNA por sus siglas en inglés), a los miembros del Genografic Project (Proyecto Genográfico Mundiál) y a todos los nuevos visitantes con herencia Español, Isleña o Balearica inclusive (paterna o materna, p.e. padres, abuelos, bisabuelos).
We would like to extend a special welcome to all FTDNA and National Genographic Project participants with paternal or maternal Spanish heritage including the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands (ie. any of these parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc.)
La idéa para éste proyecto surge de las comunicaciones entre tres administradores con proyectos de estudios del ADN en Family Tree DNA, Catarina Esperanza Bórges (Proyecto de ADN Portuguésa), Gary Felix (Genealogía de México) y Dra. Ana Oquendo Pabón (Proyecto ADN de Apellidos Puertorriqueños). Todos ellos orgullosos de ser descendientes de antepasados cuyo orígen ha sido comprobado a diferentes regiones de la madre patria.

The idea for this project came about from the communications of 3 experienced FTDNA Hispanic and Portuguese Project administrators with proven Spanish ancestors, Catarina Esperanza Bórges (Portugal DNA), Gary Felix (Genealogy of México)y Dra. Ana Oquendo Pabón (Proyecto ADN de Apellidos Puertorriqueños).
Nuestro propósito principal será prestar nuestra ayuda y experiencia en ésta nueva ciencia de genealogía genética y ayudar a los miembros del proyecto de la Casa de España- House of Spain después que reciban sus resultados. A a la misma vez les podemos facilitar la comunicación entre participantes que comparten sus marcadores exactamente sea por medio de la secuencia del cromosoma Y o el ADN mitocondrial especialmente si no domina el inglés o el español.

The principal purpose for this project will be to lend our assistance and experience in this new world of genetic genealogy to the members of the Casa de España- House of Spain DNA Project once you have received your results. We will also try to facilitate communication with those who do not speak either english or spanish with other participants who share your exact markers or genetic sequence, whether it be yDNA or mtDNA.
Para encontrar nuestro proyecto déle click al icono azul en la parte superior de su página personal en FTDNA, escriba "Casa" en la cajita del buscador.
To join our project, just click on the blue pedigree icon on your personal FTDNA webpage, type in "Casa", for the Casa de España.
Visite la CASA de España DNA website
Historia de España (Inglés) Iberian Peninsula From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Iberian Peninsula, or Iberia, is located in the extreme southwest of Europe. It is bordered on the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea, and on the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean. The Pyrenees form the northeast edge of the peninsula, connecting it to the rest of Europe. At Gibraltar in the south, it approaches the northern coast of Africa. It is the biggest peninsula of Europe with an area of 582 860 km². Contents * 1 Countries & Territories * 2 Languages * 3 Pre-Roman languages * 4 History * 5 External links

Countries & Territories

The positions of the different countries/territories.
The positions of the different countries/territories.
  • Flag of Spain Spain, occupying the majority of Iberia
  • Flag of Portugal Portugal, the western most part
  • Flag of Andorra Andorra, a microstate bordering France and Spain in the Pyrenees
  • Flag of Gibraltar Gibraltar, British territory in the southernmost tip
Languages The following languages are spoken in the Iberian peninsula: * Andorra: o Catalan * Gibraltar: o English (official recognition) o Llanito * Portugal: o Portuguese o Mirandese (official recognition) * Spain: o Spanish (also called Castilian) o Catalan (called Valencian in the Land of Valencia) o Basque o Galician o Aragonese o Asturian (official recognition) o Occitan (locally called Aranese, official recognition) Pre-Roman languages The following languages were spoken in the Iberian peninsula before the Roman occupation: * Lusitanian * Aquitan (Basque) * Iberian * Celtiberian * Tartessian History Satellite view of the Iberian peninsula

Topographic map of the Iberian Peninsula
The Iberian Peninsula has been inhabited for at least 500,000 years, first by Neanderthals and then by modern humans. The original peoples of the Iberian peninsula (in the sense that they are not known to have come from elsewhere), consisting of a number of separate tribes, are given the generic name of Iberians. This may have included the Basques, the only pre-Celtic people in Iberia surviving to the present day as a separate ethnic group. In the early first millennium BCE, several waves of Celts invaded Iberia from central Europe and intermarried with the local Iberian people, forming the Celtiberians (with many different nations). The seafaring Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians successively settled along the Mediterranean coast and founded trading colonies there over a period of several centuries. Around 1100 BC Phoenician merchants founded the trading colony of Gadir or Gades (modern day Cádiz) near Tartessos. In the 8th century BC the first Greek colonies, such as Emporion (modern Empúries), were founded along the Mediterranean coast on the East, leaving the south coast to the Phoenicians. The Greeks are responsible for the name Iberia, after the river Iber (Ebro). In the 6th century BC the Carthaginians arrived in Iberia while struggling with the Greeks for control of the Western Mediterranean. Their most important colony was Carthago Nova (Latin name of modern day Cartagena). In 219 BC, the first Roman troops invaded the Iberian Peninsula, during the Second Punic war against the Carthaginians, and annexed it under Augustus after two centuries of war with the Celtic and Iberian tribes and the Phoenician, Greek and Carthaginian colonies becoming the province of Hispania. It was divided in Hispania Ulterior and Hispania Citerior during the late Roman Republic; and, during the Roman Empire, Hispania Taraconensis in the northeast, Hispania Baetica in the south and Lusitania in the southwest. Hispania supplied the Roman Empire with food, olive oil, wine and metal. The emperors Trajan, Hadrian and Theodosius I, the philosopher Seneca and the poets Martial and Lucan were born in Iberia. In the early 5th century, Germanic tribes invaded the peninsula, namely the Suevi, the Vandals (Silingi and Hasdingi) and their allies, the Sarmatian Alans. Only the kingdom of the Suevi (Quadi and Marcomanni) would endure after the arrival of another wave of Germanic invaders, the Visigoths, who conquered all of the Iberian peninsula and expelled or partially integrated the Vandals and the Alans. The Visigoths eventually conquered the Suevi kingdom and its capital city Bracara (modern day Braga) in 584-585. In 711 CE, a Moorish Umayyad army from North Africa invaded Visigoth Christian Spain. Under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, they landed at Gibraltar and brought most of the Iberian Peninsula under Islamic rule in an eight-year campaign. Al-?Andalus (Arabic ????????) is the Arabic name given the Iberian Peninsula by its Muslim conquerors. From the 8th to the 15th centuries, parts of the Iberian peninsula were ruled by the Moors (mainly Berber with some Arab) who had crossed over from North Africa. Many of the ousted Gothic nobles took refuge in the unconquered north Asturian highlands. From there they aimed to reconquer their lands from the Moors: this war of reconquest is known as the Reconquista. Christian and Muslim kingdoms fought and allied among themselves. The Muslim taifa kings competed in patronage of the arts, the Way of Saint James attracted pilgrims from all Western Europe and the Jewish population of Iberia set the basis of Sephardic culture. In medieval times the peninsula housed many small states including Castille, Aragon, Navarre, León and Portugal. The peninsula was part of the Islamic Almohad empire until they were finally uprooted. The last major Muslim stronghold was Granada which was eliminated by a combined Castillian and Aragonese force in 1492. The small states gradually amalgamated over time, and for a brief period (1580-1640) the whole peninsula was united politically under the Iberian Union. After that point the modern position was reached and the peninsula now consists of the countries of Spain and Portugal (excluding their islands - the Portuguese Azores and Madeira Islands and the Spanish Canary Islands and Balearic Islands; and the Spanish possessions of Ceuta and Melilla), Andorra, and the territory of Gibraltar. External links * Iberianature A guide to the environment, geography, climate, wildlife, natural history and landscape of Iberia * Detailed map of the Pre-Roman Peoples of Iberia (around 200 BC) Retrieved from "" Categories: Geography of Europe | Geography of Portugal | Geography of Spain | Iberian Peninsula | Peninsulas All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details).

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