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  • 53 members

About us

The Cundiff Y DNA Surname Project was started June of 2009.

The Cundiff Surname in America for the most part traces back to Richard Cundiff died 1723/1724 in Virgina.

See for more on Richard Cundiff.

However it is believed the Cundiff Surname derives from an older line spelled many different ways. All have a root of Cun and a suffix of liff. Hence the variant spellings listed above.

DNA testing opens up the opportunity to tie all of the Cundiffs and matching variants together according to the project goals. It also will help participants with similar names find likely relatives.

This is a YDNA Project so it you are a male of one of the surnames listed above you may join this project. If you are female you will need to have male relative with the same surname provide the DNA to join.

It is also expected for project members to provide a basic male ancestry in GEDCOM format. This will help show the relationships between families. Contact the project administrator if you need assistance.

The project has expanded to include Family Finder participants. The participants must have a documented ancestor with a Cundiff Surname or variant. has been updated to a mufti-user collaborative design. Check it out today.