
  • 54 members

About us

Welcome to the Doolin DNA Project.

My name is Emily Doolin Aulicino, and I have been gathering Doolin data since 1970. As a result, I have found many major family groups with the Doolin surname, but no records, as yet, have been located to connect these families. With the hopes that DNA testing will assist in crumbling our brick walls, I am excited to be your administrator for this project, and urge you to join me in solving our surname dilemma.

As only the males with the surname of Doolin (and variant spellings) can be tested, please consider volunteering or if you aren't male and/or don't carry the surname, assist in locating possible candidates to test. Each of you who can't test could also consider contributing financially to those who can by clicking on the General Fund link.

I recommend that anyone wishing to test to consider a 37 marker as this provides a more accurate match. In order to find DNA matches, a tester needs to allow his DNA to be available to the public. 

Each tester may forward their lineage to me (Emily).  This lineage should be your all-male line with names, spouses, dates, and places of birth, marriage and death.  I do not share dates and locales of the living nor maiden names of mothers whose children are living.  However, by sharing your lineage with me, I email it to the project's private email group so others can see if they can help in your research.  I would like to have you join the Doolin DNA E-mail list. Just contact me (Emily) at the above e-mail. This e-mail is a one-way communications to keep you updated on testing and product sales. However, forwarding your lineage and joining the email list is optional due to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) law which was established for those living in EU countries and the UK, but over time may apply to all countries.  I recognize that you own your DNA, and I respect your privacy and decisions regarding it. You can also remove your test results at any time and your lineage in my files will be deleted. 

The success of this website will depend upon contributions of other Doolin researchers both with participation in the DNA Project and in providing source documentation and family records to assist everyone in understanding the lineage of the various DNA groups posted to this site.

As our group grows, there will be a need to revamp this website to assist its members. Send your ideas for this website, as well as any lineage you would like posted to the group email list, directly to me. In the least, I would like to post the ancestors in brief form for those who are testing. We do wish to respect everyone's privacy, so please do not expect any dates and locations for living persons to be added to this site. At best, the year of birth may be included. It is also imperative that we post genealogical data that has good documentation to minimize errors. If you share data that is speculative, please clearly state so.

Again, welcome to the group. We hope you enjoy your visit and that you will be the one to provide that missing link we all need!

If you have question, email me at:


As Administrator and Co-administrators of the Doolin Project we give priority to protecting your privacy and to the confidentiality of your personal data. In particular we will not publish your name, e-mail address or other contact details, or share this information with any other project member or other person or organization without your specific written approval.

The only personal data we hold is that relevant to meeting the published goals of our Project, and which has been made available to us by DNA testing companies, in the same format as they make it available to you, or which you have given us direct by e-mail or by post.

We hold this data indefinitely or until you request its deletion and publish anonymized data at least [once a year] on our Project website ( where you may see its current status. You may also request a more updated version direct from the Project Administrator.

We will be pleased to correct any errors in your personal data that you bring to our attention.

At your request at any time we will promptly remove your data from our project files. However, we cannot retrieve data that has previously been posted in the public domain.

In our administration of this project we endeavor to comply with the most recent guidance issued by ISOGG ( and by FTDNA (, and with the Genetic Genealogy Standards (

We endeavor to respond promptly to any queries or complaints you may make about our handling of your personal data for this Project. However,you should be aware that some of your concerns may be better forwarded direct to the relevant DNA testing company.

Emily D. Aulicino
Janet Burks
Member of the International Society of Genetic Genealogists (
Regional Coordinator of and Speaker for ISOGG for Oregon, Washington and Idaho
If you do not hear from me in a timely manner, just write again...I was buried in email.  LOL

Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond by E. Aulicino.  Order online at AuthorHouse, Amazon or Barnes and Noble

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