Greek DNA Project

  • 923 members

About us

The Primary aim of the Greek DNA project is to help others of Greek ancestry to gain the type of genealogical and anthropological deep ancestry information that I have, from having my own Y-DNA and mtDNA tested.A second very important aim is to expand upon the information that has already been gained from scientific studies on the DNA lineages found in Greece . We could choose to just have basic tests done that tell us our haplogroups, and tell us where we fit generally in the family trees of humanity,.. but we can also test more extensively, and help expand our knowledge of the Y-DNA and mtDNA lineages found in Greece.The final aim of the Greek DNA project is to further expand our knowledge by combining our results. As individuals we merely learn how we fit into the existing picture, but by combining our results together, we expand and increase the detail and patterns that we see.
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