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About us

This study began with an effort to determine whether or not two major New England Hoyt lines (descendants of 17th century English immigrants Simon Hoyt died 1657 Stamford, Connecticut, and John Hoyt died 1687/88 Amesbury, Massachusetts) were related. As it turns out, DNA results of Simon’s and John’s male line descendants clearly are distinctively different, making it easy to separate Simon Hoyt descendants from John Hoyt descendants. To date, it would appear that most American Hoyts are descendants of either Simon or John. The study has been expanded to include several Hite and Hight lines, some of German origin and others of English extraction. DNA results show that there are many different lineages attached to Hight and Hite surnames. For more information on some of the earliest ancestors, check the Hite Family Association's website - www.HiteAssociation.org.
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