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The surname Huling/Hulan/Hulin/Hulen/Hulon/Hewling and other variations has existed in North America for well over 300 years.  There appear to be at a minimum four distinct lines, and in at least one of the branches several variant spellings have been adopted -- although this family appears to trace its origins to one specific geographical area, and possibly to a single immigrant.  The surname is recorded, under various spellings, in the British Isles as early as the 1200s.  A great deal of research has been completed for several branches in the UK.  However, to date no substantial evidence has united all of the global "branches," and several distinct lineages may be involved.

This project has been organized by descendants of Thomas Hulon of Marion County, SC; of Arthur Hulen of Rowan County, NC; and of William Hulin of Davie County, NC.  Preliminary testing appears to confirm a very atypical subclade of the large western European haplogroup R1b-P312* as the probable baseline genotype for the Virginia-Carolina colonial group.  [Note: subsequent BigY and FGC Elite sequencing has confirmed several levels on the YDNA haplotree below R1b-P312>DF27>Z195>Z295>CTS4065>FGC15710>FGC15733.  So any Hul*n* male in this VA/NC/SC lineage should be able to test for the single YDNA SNP, FGC15733+.] 

The paper connection has not yet been confirmed, at the surname level, between this line in America and that of the Hulins of the upper Severn watershed (primarily Gloucestershire).  However, the unusual markers of the tentative Hul*n* baseline have been detected in at least two other American families (Hall and Brown) with confirmed ancestry from the upper Severn valley.  The pattern is also present in apparent Hul*n* descendants from SC whose surname is now Coats.

As we enter phase II we hope to include researchers from the various other Hul*n* lines, domestically and abroad.

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