
  • 314 members

About us

We began by verifying a paternity relationship with DNA results among relatives - back 10 generations to a 9th male cousin. Then more generally, we sought to identify Humphrey family lines & relationships in America & Europe. We include all historical spelling variations & other surnames with genetic lines tracing to common ancestors.

We also have members with surnames, Peet, Thomas, Roberts, Nelson, & Connolly who have matches close enough to indicate likely common ancestry with some other Humphrey members in the past 4-16 generations.

More information can be found at:

The graphs use the British Isles data of Capelli, et. al, and show distribution of several of our Humphrey haplotypes in the I1a, R1b, R1a, I1b haplogroups. Soon, I'll be identifying more of our specific haplotypes in these graphs, using our project kit ID#s, in addition to the current I1 lineages.

Data on a multi-surname project: Humphrey, Hue(s),Morton, Liles, Sutton, Thomas, Connolly,& Peet can be found in these web-pages.