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Jordan DNA project

  • 749 members

About us

The JORDAN family DNA project is a JORDAN surname project and does not refer to the country of Jordan.  The project has dedicated Jordan members dedicated to discovering matches between participants that enable them to achieve their goals in genealogical research.

The family DNA matches we find between documented Jordan family lines allow researchers to focus their efforts more efficiently. We invite you and your Jordan male relatives to get involved in DNA testing to help us close the gaps between families and get beyond our brick walls.

To order a test kit for the Jordan Family Project with FTDNA:

We recommend the Y-DNA 37, 67 or 111 marker test for best results in this study.

The Jordan project is participating in the Family Finder autosomal Family Finder DNA test.  Both males and females can take the test.  If you have a male or female Jordan ancestor in your lineage tree down to seven generations it will show you cousin DNA matches both paternal and maternal.