
  • 69 members

About us

We are interested in all variations of the surname KIN(G)(S)MAN - the G and the S in the middle are optional and in early times in England the same family would be variously known by just about any of the spellings, often with an optional "E" or an additional "N" thrown in. Some of the earliest written records have the "G" replaced with a "D" - if there are any modern day KINDMANs out there we'd love to hear from you too.

The names are now spread across the world and our participants reflect that. One of the things we like best is being able to link these branches back to their roots - almost always these are in England, so the Dutch one we've found did have me stumped for a while.

One thing that we do not expect is for all of these families to be related, some are, some most definitely are not. Finding which is which is the fun bit.

If you're interested in knowing more then please do get in touch with me (Derrick Watson - docwatto) via the e-mail link above. 

If you'd like to see more information on our interpretation of our results to date then please take a look at the DNA pages on our website at  Kin(g)(s)man family lines 

This study is registered with the Guild of One Name Studies and there is more information available at the Kingsman page at the Guild website

We do of course maintain a General Fund which is used to part pay for tests if the donor is keen but doesn't have the cash. If you'd like to you can always support what we're doing with a donation to that - but if you're male and have the right surname I'd much rather have your DNA.

This DNA study - one part of the One-Name study - started off as a result of some questionable research done in the Victorian era. In the 1870s Frederick Kinsman, a successful American businessman, commissioned research into his family history.  This was eventually published as "The Kinsman Family. Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Robert Kinsman, of Ipswich, Massachusetts. From 1634 to 1875", by Alfred Mudge & Sons, Boston, in 1876.

The American side of this research was done by a Lucy Stickney and appears to be thorough and honest. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the work in England which was contracted to Ms. Harriet Bainbridge de Sallis. Ms de Sallis was maybe a little over enthusiastic in trying to prove that her client was of "noble" descent, much of her work does not stand up against even moderate scrutiny but it has sadly been copied with all it's flights of fancy into many modern trees.

Although we started off as part of an attempt to set this record straight the study has evolved into something far more interesting as more participants have joined. We still have nowhere near enough people joining in and every new set of results adds to our understanding of the overall picture - not always in the way we expect, but the surprises are more fun than the confirmations.
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