R-DF41 / R-CTS2501

  • 608 members

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For more information on the R-DF41/R-CTS2501 haplotree structure, please see the tree below, or visit:
To join the R-DF41 project, most project members will meet one of these criteria:
  • A positive (derived) result for DF41 or CTS2501 or any of the SNPs located under R-DF41/R-CTS2501
  • A close Y67 or Y111 match with a result that is positive for one or more of the DF41 SNPs
  • A close paternal relative that meets one of the above two criteria
  • Planning to order tests and wants assistance with determining what to order
The DF41 SNP was first made available in early 2012, over time the numbers testing positive for it have progressively grown, given the number of STR signatures that are DF41+ it's apparent that it's a fairly old SNP. It was added to the ISOGG tree during the Summer of 2012 and currently bears the long haplogroup title of R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d

Through testing we know that the following SNP's are valid subclades of R-DF41. 

  • DF41* (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1dBismire, Campbell, Chopard, Clark, Dixon, Dwyer, Fuentes, Gamino, Guinness, Hall, Harding, Harper, Isbell,  Major, O'Hare, Pearce, Rogers, Wolcott, Wyatt, 
  •         S775 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d1)
  •                 L746 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d1a) Monteith
  •                          S781  (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d1a1Sir John Stewart of Bonkyll
  •                          Z38845  (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d1a2StewartStuart
  •                 A600 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d1b) Lundberg, Matthews, Ryley
  •         BY114 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d2) Dixon, Dugger, Ellis, McLean, Russell
  •                 L563 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d2a) Creer/McCrereMacKenzie, Mills, Nuckolls
  •         FGC5572 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d3) Aloito, Colón, Kelly, Kelley, Sotomayor
  •                 MC21 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d3a) Adams, Bain, Benham, Conn, Cowle/Cowell, Huston, Loveland, McClaren, McCrysten/Christian, McIntosh, MacMillan, Moore, Morrison, Phinney/Finney, Pittenger, Quark/Quirk, Yabsley
  •                 FGC5586 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d3b Alexander, Appleby, Arthur, Benvie, Birnie/McBurney, Barton/Bratton/Brewton/Broughton/McBratney, Burke, Cannon, Carrasco, Daugherty, Donaldson, Frazier, Gilmore, Godfrey, Gordon, Grant, Hagaman, Hagen, Hyslop/Haislip, Heffernan, Henry, Hiner, Johnston, Mack, McChain/Chiene, MacLellan/McClelland, McClenny, McCormick, McCown/McCune/McEwen/McKeown, McGeorge/Majors, Miller, Moon, Morrison, Nichols, Neal/Nelson, Opt, Patten, Reese, Reynolds, Rorison, Skees, Smith, Tate/Tait, Taylor, Tucker, Turner, Walker, Webb, Webster, Woodall, Williams, Wilson, 
  •                 BY168 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d3c) Cooper, Edmonds, Hudson, Jones, Mayson, Phillips, Price, Samuel, Selfe, Stevens/Stephens
  •                 BY23462 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d3d) Kelly, Wright
  •                 FT229038 (TBD) Waldon
  •         A874 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d4) Andrews, Bechman, Campbell, Carnes, Carpenter, Davidson, Gary, Groot, Llwyarch, McLemore, Olmsted, Riggs, Simpson, Thomas, Van Allen
  •         A98 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d5) Black/Dowie/Duffy, Holder, McAuley, Moore, Owsley, Salmon/Fisher
  •         FGC13023 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d6)  Bettcher, Borlase, Browning, Cameron, Clowe, Evans, Forsythe, Grant, Henderson, Jones, McDougle, Pike/Pyke, Powell, Ridge, Simmons, Trevathan, Wynne
  •         Y5628 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d7) Burns, Carroll, Cavanaugh, Erskine, Grant, Howard, Lamberson, McConnell, Nowlan/Nolen, Olofson, Tuite, Williams, Wilson
  •         BY39033 (R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a1d8) Amsden, Benton, Marlar/Marler/Marlow
The current geographic spread includes men from predominantly Celt Belt territories such as Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, Wales, Cornwall/Devon, Cumbria, Galicia, Brittany

R-CTS2501 which is on the National Geographic Geno 2.0 chip appears to be DF41 equivalent. All CTS2501+ men so far tested have tested DF41+, likewise men from each of the DF41+ clusters have tested CTS2501+. 

Due to combination of BigY testing from FTDNA and other "Next Generation Testing" such as that form "Full Genomes" (FGC) a number of interesting and new SNP's have been discovered under DF41 which appear to mark the individual clusters. Below is a image taken from the "BigY" tree generated by Alex Williamson. The original tree (which covers all P312 results) can be found here: http://ytree.net/

An updated version of the below diagram that is specific to DF41+/CTS2501+ men who have done the BigY test can be found here:

Below is a tree generated by Larry Walker using the current project members results. (URL: http://rangebiome.org/ClanDF41.jpg

There are also a number of discussion Fora on the Internet that contain information regarding DF41 and ongoing testing these include:
Anthrogenica -- DF41 (L21>DF13>DF41): http://www.anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?785-DF41-(L21-gt-DF13-gt-DF41)
Molgen -- DF41+: http://eng.molgen.org/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=612&sid=19653723cfe6a882739701746000fcc6
Worldfamilies -- 
R-L21: DF41 another new subclade to watch - it is old!: 
Yahoo Group -- Clan DF41: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ClanDF41/

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