R1a Project

  • 11847 members

About us

JULY 2015
New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch Z280:
- YP1144 -
SNP under "Volga Carpathian" cluster under: Y33-> CTS8816-> Y2902-> Y3219 (brother clade of Y3222)
- YP1147 -
SNP for "Finnish" cluster under: Z280-> CTS1211 (brother clade of YP343, Y35, YP1019, YP1034)
- YP1260
- SNP under "Eastern Slavic/Baltic" cluster under: Z92-> Y4459-> YP569-> YP682 (brother clade of YP685, YP1696)

JUNE 2015
New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch Z280:
- YP1034 -
SNP under Z280-> CTS1211 (brother clade of YP343, Y35, YP1019, YP1147)

New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch M458:
- YP444 -
SNP under L1029 (parent of YP445)
- YP418 - main SNP under L1029->YP417 (parent of YP728, YP1013)
- YP1183 - SNP under YP515
- YP870
- SNP under L260->YP254->Y4135

project reached 3500 members

New R1a SNP markers available to order: 
- YP1051 is equivalent(?) of YP1041 and can be tested by people negative for marker M417 (but positive for M198)

Branch M458:
* YP1136
- small subclade under L1029 -> YP593

Branch Z280:
* YP940
- SNP for subclade under "East Pomeranian" clade L365 -> YP243 -> YP389


New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch M458:
YP728 - under YP417->YP418 (sibling of YP1013)
- YP1013
- under YP417->YP418 (sibling of YP728)

Branch Z280:
* (CTS3402)
Y6956 - downstream from YP269 (subclade of "East Pomeranian" L365 cluster)

New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch M458:
- YP590
- under YP414 close to YP589 lvl (negative for YP610)
- YP610 - under YP414 brother clade of YP589/YP590
- YP616 - equivalent to Y2905 (under YP254 clade, sibling of Y4135 and YP414)
- YP654 - under YP256 lvl & brother clade to YP254
Z2945 - Previously thought to be downstream from L1029, current usefulness unclear
Branch Z280:
* (CTS3402)
- YP315 - downstream from S18681 (but upstream from YP314)
- YP611
- downstream from L1280 (brother subclade of FGC19283 & FGC11555)
- FGC19283 - downstream from L1280, sibling of FGC11555 and YP611
- Y3219 – downstream from Y2902, sibling of Y2910, Y4379, and CTS11142, upstream from Y3220 and Y3222
- YP677 - downstream from "Pomeranian" L365 clade (brother clade of YP243)
S799   - equivalent to YP677 (under L365)
* (Z92):
- YP576
- "Eastern Slavic" branch marker - equivalen of YP569(?)
- YP612 - smaller subclade of "Eastern Slavic" under: YP569>YP682
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP618
- subclade of L448->YP355
Branch Z93:
- YP639
- subclade of Z2122->Y57 branch (brother clade of Y52)
- Y52     - downstream from Z2122->Y57, sibling of YP639
- Y2742
- equivalent (so far) to Y2630 (under CTS6)

New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch CTS4385:
- M2747
- SNP downstream from S3477
- YP282
- SNP downstream from S2894 (parallel to S2880) 
- YP442
- SNP downstream from YP282 (parallel to YP441 and CTS5768) 
- YP438
- SNP downstream from S2894>S2880  
Branch M458:
- YP589
- SNP downstream from YP414 
- YP515
- SNP downstream from CTS11962 (parallel to L1029)   
- YP593
- SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263, YP416, YP417 and YP445)
Branch Z280:
- YP569 - SNP downstream from Y4459
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- S4458 - SNP downstream from Z284 and upstream  S5301>L448 (parallel to YP556 and Z287)
- YP386 - SNP downstream from CTS4179 and upstream YP383 (parallel toYP276, CTS3390)
- YP280 - SNP downstream from L176.1, YP275 and upstream YP507, YP330   
Branch Z93:
- Y23592 - SNP downstream from Z2124 and upstream S23201 (parallel to Z2122 and Z2125
- YP413 - SNP downstream from Z2125 (parallel to Z2123
- YP639 - SNP downstream from Y57

JULY 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch CTS4385:
- S3477
- SNP downstream from L664 (parallel to S2894 and S2857) 
- YP547
- SNP downstream from S3477
- S2894
- SNP downstream from L664 (parallel to S3477 and S2857) 
- YP360
- SNP downstream from S2857>S2858 (parallel to S2859)
Branch M458:
- YP417
- SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263, YP416 and YP445)
- YP517
- SNP downstream from YP416 
Branch Z280:
- Y4459 - SNP downstream from Z92 (parallel to Z685)
- Z685 - SNP downstream from Z92 (parallel to Y4459
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP556 - SNP downstream from Z284 and upstream CTS4027 (parallel to L448 and Z287)  
- YP355 - SNP downstream from L448 (parallel to CTS4179
- YP507 - SNP downstream from L176.1 (parallel to YP330>YP327>YP326)
- YP383 - SNP downstream from CTS4179>YP386 (YP386 is parallel to YP276, CTS3390)
- YP398 - SNP downstream from CTS8401 (parallel to Z281
Branch Z93:
- Z2125 - SNP downstream from Z2124 and upstream Z2123 (parallel to Z2122 and YP349)
- YP526 - SNP downstream from YP520 

JUNE 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch M458:
- YP445 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parrallel to YP263, YP263, YP416, YP417)
- YP414 - SNP downstream from YP254 (parallel to Y2905)
- YP415 - SNP downstream from Y2905 
- Y4135 - SNP downstream from YP254 (parallel to Y2905 and YP414)
- YP416 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263 and YP445)
Branch Z280:
- Y2613 - SNP downstream from CTS3402 (disjoint from CTS8816 and YP237)
- FGC10355
- SNP downstream from Y2902 (disjoint from Y2910)
- YFS052695
- SNP downstream from Y2902 (disjoint from Y2910)
- Y2609
- SNP downstream from Y2613
- Y2608
- SNP downstream from Y2609
- YP243
- SNP upstream from YP269 and YP389 (probably downstream from L365
- YP314 - SNP downstream from S18681 (upstream from YP331)
- YP350
- SNP downstream from YP270 and Y1401
- YP469
- SNP downstream from S24902
- YP371 - SNP downstream of YP340 (same level as YP380)
- YP389 - SNP downstream from YP243 (parallel to YP269)
- YP419 - SNP downstream from YP237 (parallel to YP234)
- YFS137565 - SNP downstream from YP419 (perhaps defines a group "YP419-A")
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP276 - SNP downstream of CTS4179 (upstream from L176.1
- YP275 - SNP downstream of YP276 (same level as L176.1
- YP326 - SNP downstream of YP275 (upstream from L175)
- CLD12 - SNP downstream of YP326 (parallel to L175)
Branch Z93:
- YFS102022 - SNP downstream from S23201 (defines a group "S23201-B British cluster")
- YFS102143
- SNP downstream from S23201 
- Y2630
- SNP downstream from Y2619 (upstream from YP264)
- YP450
- SNP downstream from Z2123 (disjoint from Y2632, Y47, Y937 and Y874)
- YP520 - SNP downstream from Z2123 (and Y934, parallel to Y874)

MAY 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:

Branch M458:
- YP256 - subclade of L260
- YP254 - SNP downstream of YP256
- Y2921/FG1227 - SNP downstream of FG1234
Branch Z280:
- YP380 - SNP downstream of YP340 (disjoint from P278.2)
- YP381.1 - SNP downstream of CTS1211 (probably same level as YP340)
- S18681 - subclade of CTS8816 (disjoint from Y1392 and L1280)
- FGC11555/Y3302 - SNP downstream of L1280  
Branch Z282:
- Y2395 - subbranch of Z282 (upstream of Z284, disjoint from M458 and Z280)
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- PF4661 - SNP downstream of L448 (disjoint from CTS4179)
Branch Z93:
- S23201 - SNP downstream of Z2124 (disjoint from Z2122, Z2125)
- YP264
- SNP downstream of Y2619
- S4583/Y2620 - SNP downstream of CTS6 (probably same level as Y2619)
- YP381.2 - SNP downstream of Y6  

15th May 2014 - project reached 3000 members

APRIL 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order: 

Branch Z282:
- CTS3462 - SNP downstream of Z282 (disjoint from M458, Z280 and probably Z284) 
Branch M458:
- Y2905 - SNP downstream of L260
- YP263 - subclade of L1029 (upstream of FG1234)
- FG1234 - SNP downstream of YP263  
Branch Z280:
- S24902 - subbranch of Z280, parallel to CTS1211 and Z92
- YP340 - subbranch of CTS1211, parallel to CS3402 (upstream of P278.2)
- CTS8816 - SNP downstream of CTS3402 (upstream of L1280)
- Y1392 - subbranch of CTS8816
- Y1394 - SNP downstream of CTS8816 (probably same level as Y1392)
- Y2902 - SNP downstream of Y1392 (upstream of Y2910)
- Y2910 - SNP downstream of Y2902 (upstream of YP310) 
- YP310 - SNP downstream of Y2910
- YP331 - SNP downstream of CTS8816 (disjoint from Y1392 and L1280)
- YP237 - subbranch of CTS3402, parallel to CTS8816
- YP234 - SNP downstream of YP237 (upstream of L365 and L366)
- YP295 - SNP downstream of YP234, parallel to L365 (upstream of L366 and YP335)
- YP335 - SNP downstream of YP295 (disjoint from L366)
- YP269 - SNP downstream of L365 (upstream of L669, L670
- YP270 - SNP downstream of Z92
- Y1401 - SNP downstream of Z92 (parallel to CTS214, and level YP270)
Branch Z93:
- Y2619 - SNP downstream of CTS6
- Y2632 - SNP downstream of Z2123 (disjoint from Y47, Y874, Y937, Y939)  

MARCH 2014
New R1a SNP marker available to order: 

- Y40 -
SNP downstream of Z94 (disjoint from L657 and Z2124)


Proposed tree R1a-M417 by Michał Milewski (2013).


- project reached 2500 members

New R1a SNP marker available to order:

- Y937 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47 and Y874)
- Y939 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47 and Y874)

New R1a SNP marker available to order:

- F2935 - subbranch of Z2122+ and F1345+ (but negative for Ashkenazi-Levites CTS6)
- Y874 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47)
- L1497 - NEW discovered SNP in WTY project under Z2124 (disjoint from Z2122 and Z2123)

JUNE 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- CTS3607 - near CTS1211 (which is under Z280)
- CTS4314 - under Z92
- CTS5149 - under Z92
- F2405
- under Z287
- F1493 - under CTS4179 (which is under L448)

MAY 2013

New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- F2686 - SNP downstream of L365

APRIL 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- Y6 - SNP downstream of L657  (disjoint from Y7)

25th April 2013 - project reached 2000 members

MARCH 2013
New R1a SNP markers available to order. 
- Y57 - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree and probably parallel to F1345
- Z2124 is downstream from Z94 and upstream from Z2122 and Z2123
- Y34 - SNP near of CTS1211 and/or CTS3402
- Y7 - SNP downstream of L657  

New R1a SNP markers available to order:
- CTS3402 is downstream from CTS1211 and upstream from L365, L366, and L1280.
- CTS456 (/Z686) is near Z92.
- F1345 (/Z2472) is downstream from Z2122 and upstream from CTS6.
- F3462 is downstream from Z282.
- Z645 (/PF6162) is downstream from M417 and upstream from Z283 and Z93.
- CTS8401 is downstream from Z287, Z288
- CTS4179 is downstream from L448 and upstream from L176.1 and CTS3390  
- PF4279 is downstream from L664 
- PF6155 is near M458
- PF6161 is near M458
New R1a SNP markers available to order. 
Geno 2.0 SNPs: 
- CTS6 (/Z2469) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree 
- CTS1211 - SNP downstream of Z280 in the haplotree 
- CTS11962 (/Z2953) - SNP downstream of M458 (L260-) in the haplotree 
- CTS214 - SNP downstream of Z92 in the haplotree
- CTS1055 - SNP downstream of Z280 (Z92-, CTS1211-) in the haplotree 
- CTS8841 - SNP downstream of Z280 (and CTS1211) in the haplotree  
- CTS3412 (/Z2475) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree 
- CTS3605 (/Z2476) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree 
- CTS3390 - SNP downstream of L448 in the haplotree 
- CTS8277 - SNP downstream of Z287 in the haplotree 
- CTS4385 - SNP near L664 in the haplotree  

New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z2122 - SNP downstream of Z94 (L657-) in the haplotree 
- Z2123 - SNP downstream of Z94 (L657-) in the haplotree, and parallel to Z2122  
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1357 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Russian Federation 

New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1282 - found in R1a-Z94 (L657-) member from India 
24th September - project reached 1500 members

New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1280 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Germany 

JULY 2012

New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z660, Z661 - SNPs near Z92 in the haplotree

19th July ISOGG changed R1a tree 
JUNE 2012

New R1a SNP marker available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1232 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Lithuania

APRIL 2012
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z2029, Z2031, Z2032 - probably SNPs downstream of Z280  
- Z282 - ancestral mutation for M458, Z280 and Z284
MARCH 2012

New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z85 - probably SNP near M417 in the haplotree
- Z1917, Z1918 - probably SNPs downstream of Z280  (found by asdgood)

25th March 2012 - project reached 1000 members

New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1029 - found in R1a-M458 (L260-) member from Germany


New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L872, L873, L874 - found in R1a-L664 (DYS388=10)
- L871 - found in R1a-Z93 (L342+, L657-) member from Russian Federation  

30th January 2012 - project reached 750 members

New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
 - Z287, Z288 - found in result under Scandinavian Z284 subcluster


New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z86, Z281 - found in result under Scandinavian Z284 subcluster
- Z283
- ancestral mutation for M458, Z280 and Z284 clades

5th October
New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in WTY program of our member:
- L783, L784, L785, L786 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Russia (New: M2. Cathegory)
(L784 is SNP for that clade and L783, L785, L785 appeard to be "private")

8th October ISOGG registered SNP Z280 on R1a tree thanks to our members orders

12th October - project reached 500 members

New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z96 - SNP under Z93  
- Z280 - probably biggest SNP for Central European clades
- Z284 - cousin of Z280 and ancestor of all Scandinavian branches

New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in WTY program of our members:
- L657 - found in R1a-L342 member from India
- L664 - found in sample of member from North Western Clade (DYS 388=10)
- L669, L670 - could be subcluster of "Pomeranian Type" (R1a-L365)

JULY 2011
Building admin crew and base of results
(on 6th July we had 250 members!)

JUNE 2011
10 June 2011

We just started.
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