R Z255 and Subclades

R1b-Z255 and Subclades Project inc. Z255,L159.2,Z16437
  • 1130 members

About us

The goal of this project is to discover the origins of Z255 and its subclades. There have been some interesting observations:

1) A number of families associated with the Kings of Leinster and Diarmaid MacMurchada (Dermot MacMurrough) are Z255+: O'Byrne, Kavanaugh/Cavanaugh, and Kinsella.
2) Z255 can be found at its highest frequency throughout Great Britain and Ireland.
3) Z255 has also been observed in Norway (from Troms in the North, to Møre in the South), Sweden, Northern France, and the Netherlands.


Note: The first discovery of L159.2 was within Haplogroup I-M26; it was then found within R-L21. FTDNA designated them L159.1 and L159.2, respectively. L159.2 can be found under the "Advanced Orders" page, as part of a stand-alone test within R-L21. I strongly recommend any R1b male who is L159.2+ -or is 2C2G on 464X - to join the project so that a definitive hypothesis can be made as to the origins of this SNP.
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