
  • 198 members

About us

This global DNA project is primarily a Y-DNA surname project for males with the surname Sutton and its various spellings. The project also includes Sutton-de Sotto-Dudley lines including the additional surnames: de Neuville/Neville, Dudley, Manner, Montague, and Teuton.  Maternal mtDNA Sutton etc. lines and autosomal DNA Sutton etc. lines are also welcomed.  To enjoy the benefits of this project, your known Sutton etc. lineage data is required.  These data are crucial for pairing with DNA results.  For new donors and testers uploading their DNA results to FTDNA, please ensure your DNA has been processed by the FTDNA laboratory.    

Note:     Those persons with a Sitton lineage or spelling should join both the Sutton and "Sittons of North Carolina" projects.    There is also a separate Dudley DNA project and a separate Montague DNA project. 

NOTE:  Houston-based FTDNA has a multi-lingual office, iGENEA, in Zurich.  iGENEA offers customer support and news in Spanish, French, Italian, German and English, while providing local shipping and payment in common European currencies. 


The three primary DNA tests for genealogy are:  Y-DNA for males to test for their paternal ancestry; mtDNA for males or females to test for their mother's maternal  ancestry; and autosomal (Family Finder) test for males and females to identify cousins within about 5 generations.  Best results are obtained by a combination of Y-DNA and/or mtDNA testing with the autosomal test.   BigY-700 test for males only is the top-of-the line paternal test.

DNA testing for genealogy is nothing more than a couple good swabs of saliva from inside the cheek in the privacy of one's own home. 

 Other Company Test Uploads to FTDNA:

FTDNA accepts raw autosomal DNA results for persons who tested: National Geographic Society's Genographic Project (but not Helix version),  AncestryDNA (Versions 1 & 2),  and MyHeritage.  Y-DNA results processed by Sorenson Laboratory are also accepted. (Note: Genographic Project DNA results were only available into 2020 for donor downloads. For details visit their web site.  My Heritage instructions state one's results can only be downloaded within six months of testing with them.)

 For DNA autosomal uploads from other companies major benefit is gleaned by "unlocking" the Chromosome Browser that includes the unique and valuable chromosome browser tool, Ancient Origins and MyOrigins.  

FTDNA's Learning Center contains a wealth of information regarding tests, test instructions, and other valuable information:


Note: FTDNA Project Administrators are volunteers who welcome the opportunity to help advance project genealogy and DNA.

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