• 24 members

About us

The Swinfield Group has been set up to encourage active participation in research into the history our surname. If you are a Swinfield either by birth or by marriage, you are part of the "family". Through genealogical research, over the past 50 years, I have tried to link together as many people as possible who have used this name since the early 17th century. Only a few pedigrees are required to join most Swinfields together. Do these trees ultimately combine, reflecting a common ancestry from the original man who assumed the surname in perhaps the 14th century?

The collection of information about those called Swinfield has been running for many years and is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies at http://www.one-name.org . Information about the scope of the research and the data held can be viewed at my Swinfield Profile Page at http://www.one-name.org/profiles/swinfield.html . 

A Swinfield Blog is now being produced. Anyone who has the surname or is interested by its history can read about the family. Please send me your own memories, stories, documents or photographs and I will be happy to include them. We can then share what we can know and can discover more about our relatives at http://swinfieldblog.blogspot.com .

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