
TROUT-DNA Research Project -- Craig H. Trout, founder/administrator
  • 295 members

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Welcome to the TROUT-DNA Research Project

George Washington TROUT (1838-1922)

combined genetic and traditional genealogy research reference site

Have you hit a Brick Wall in your TROUT family research?
Perhaps we can help. Y-DNA testing will often help you link to earlier generations of an already documented TROUT family line. Approximately 86.5% of our members achieved an immediate match. Our project includes all TROUT spelling variations from all countries and of all ethnic origins. Won't you join us on our TROUT Family History Corps of Discovery?

  • Project Overview:  The TROUT-DNA Research Project is designed to explore, sort, and document potential relationships between various distinct TROUT-variant surname family lines by using genetic genealogy to provide scientific proofs for TROUT research developed through traditional genealogical research methods. In the alternative, DNA research can also fully disprove a presumptive relationship so that traditional research can now be confidently redirected to more likely family lines, or in some cases, an existing DNA-proven family line.

  • As part of this research process, our project works to establish fully documented TROUT-DNA “reference lines” back to Germany, England, and other countries of origin, thereby allowing TROUT-variant surname researchers to either compare (match) their own Y-DNA against these established reference lines (Haplotypes), or in the alternative, establish entirely new TROUT-DNA reference lines for future use. - Think of a DNA reference line as being the Y-DNA "signature" of your TROUT male ancestors.' '

  • Our research project is also designed to track various TROUT-variant surname family lines that eventually moved inland to many other states, and then through DNA research, attempt to link them back to their originating Colonial lines from the early to mid-1700's, as well as their RAOs (recent ancestral origins) in England or Europe, and ultimately their Haplogroups (deep ancestry - thousands of years).

  • As new members join, we immediately work to link their ascending TROUT lines to one of the early descending TROUT lines we have already identified and documented through the above process.

  • Special Features & Membership Benefits:' In addition to providing the scientific proofs made available through genetic genealogy, our project is also designed to directly support traditional genealogical research, and to the extent possible, cites and/or links are provided for ships passenger lists; Revolutionary War pension files; Find-a-Grave memorials (selected example); census records; WWI & WWII draft registrations; birth, marriage, and death certificates, probate, and similar resources. We also provide links to numerous other websites dedicated to TROUT family research, as well as numerous search engines and research collections.

    • Our project research activities are also directly supported by our Craig H. Trout Family Research Site on RootsWeb WorldConnect which currently lists nearly 33,000 individuals.

    • Our very "search friendly" web site includes a PICO search engine and is also richly embedded with numerous internal links to aid in navigation.

    • The TROUT-DNA Research Project website has been peer reviewed by ISOGG, and was featured as the ISOGG site of the month for December 2007.

    • Our project members receive copies of our issued 8-10 time a year, as well as quarterly research journal. Our Family Forum feature includes the archives for all past editions of our newsletter back to 2005, as well as TFH quarterly research journal back to 2003. Our Family Forum feature also serves as our online reference library and includes a multitude of TROUT research resources.

    • We also maintain a less formal TROUT-DNA Research Project Facebook which is designed as a very friendly "meet & greet" site for our members as well and anyone else interested in researching their TROUT family history. Members of our Facebook page often post historic family photos and also share information on their individual family histories.

  • International Members: Members of TROUT-variant surname lines in England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Germany, Russia, and all other countries are also warmly invited to use our TROUT-DNA Research Project to connect or sort through their own various TROUT family lines as well. The more international TROUT lines we add, the greater the chance of matches and breakthroughs. To date, we have members from the USA, Canada, Germany, England, and Japan, and anticipate several more members from the USA joining in the very near future. TROUT-variant surname researchers living in other countries do not need to have any direct link to any line in the USA to still make excellent use of this DNA research and traditional TROUT reference site.

    • Whoever you are, and wherever you live in the world, if you are researching a TROUT-variant line, you are warmly encourage to join and participate!

  • Who Can Join: To formally join the TROUT-DNA Research Project, you must be a TROUT-variant surname male and participate in Y-DNA testing. Female researchers may also join through testing of a closely related TROUT-variant surname male (Note: only males carry Y-DNA). Regardless, all TROUT researchers from around the world are warmly encouraged to make free use of our site and related traditional reference resources, and of course your research contributions are always very welcome!

  • Genographic Project:
    Members of the National Geographic’s Genographic Project who are researching their TROUT-variant lines can easily merge their existing test results with our TROUT-DNA project at no extra cost. Contact Craig Trout for details.
  •         Come join us in our TROUT Family History “Corps of Discovery”!


Geo. Wash. TROUT and wife Roxanna McDANIEL

PROJECT BACKGROUND:---(you are currently in the “Project Background” tab at top left)

    • Very detailed additional information regarding George TROUT, Line #35 in our study, can be found on Nancy Trout Frame’s genealogy home page listed as RP-15 under “Personal Reference TROUT Genealogy Sites” below. This is a very nicely detailed and illustrated site, and is well worth the visit!

    • Genes Reunited is an interesting site that tends to focus largely on the United Kingdom. If you think your TROUT lines may have ties to Great Britain or related counties, this site is well worth the visit. Like many sites, you can submit your GEDCOMs for comparison purposes. This is a “subscription” site, but at only $14.95 a year, is well worth the price. Also See RT-14 below under General Research Tools for additional details.

    • Google Book Search is, as the name implies, a very powerful search engine for locating books that have been scanned and are available for full on-line text search. Thousands of books have already been scanned or uploaded to Google. This site has now become a surprisingly effective research tool for TROUT and other family lines.

    • Ancient Faces is a website containing collections of photos, family stories, family research and similar materials, including a search engine for the site. A small number of TROUT and TRAUT photos are currently posted, and the site continues to add more.

    • Find A Grave is a truly fascinating site that allows you to search for family graves, as well as add graves from your own research. There are also provisions for posting "virtual" flowers with a message, biographies, and gravestone photos. You will need to register on the site before uploading new grave information, photos, and such. A truly interesting site! We recommend this one!

    • Find A County search engine is a very simple, straightforward search engine for finding what county a city is located in for research purposes. You enter city and state, it provides the county name. If you then click on "map," it will even provide a map you can zoom in with to get the relative location of the city in the county.

    • Pennsylvania Archives Search Engine searches the published volumes of the PA State Archives covering the Colonial period up to the Civil War era. This is a useful site for TROUT (or any other name) oaths, marriages, military records, taxes and similar items in the State Archives. See RT-4 below under General Research Tools.

    • The  TROTT One-Name Research Group (TONRG)  operates the TROTT Surname DNA Project for the names TROTT, TRATT, TREAT. TONRG is researching TROTT-variant surnames in England, Germany, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand, as well as all other countries. Our TROUT-DNA Research Project members are reminded that you can join as many other DNA sites as you wish at no extra cost or effort, so you may wish to consider adding the TROTT-DNA research project. Contact Craig Trout for details.

    • Back issues of can be found at The Trout Family Historian Archives on the TROUT-DNA Forum. Note: First-time Forum users will see a screen asking them to register (much like with GenForum and RootsWeb), but once this is accomplished, access should become routine. Register Now . Note that the third posting in the series is the "Index of Past Issues." Special thanks to TFH editor Edwin Trout for making these TFH back issues available to the TROUT-DNA Research Project. Edwin’s support of our project is very much appreciated!

    • Origins of TROUT-Variant Surnames, as listed under Useful TROUT Research Sources on our new Trout DNA Project Forum.
    • The TROUT-DNA Research Project is also now registered on "Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet" at Cyndi's List - Surname DNA Studies and Projects.


    Genealogists and family researchers have generally identified a series of distinct TROUT / TROUTT / TRAUT / TRAUTT / TRAUDT / TRAUTH / TRAUD / DRAUT / TRUDE / TRUTE lines which include:

    • Note: The following numbering system is -entirely- arbitrary and is not meant to in any way rank arrival dates, order of significance, etc.
    • Additions and corrections are always welcome!

    • Some entries may also include a Philadelphia TROUT Arrivals (PTA) reference number. See our Family Forum feature for most current version listed under thread “Useful Trout Research Resources.”

    • TROUTs serving in the Revolutionary War have an “RW” number assigned which directly correlates to their listing in “TROUT Revolutionary War Records.” See our Family Forum feature for most current version listed under thread “Useful Trout Research Resources.”

    • Tip: To find all TROUTs from a particular location, such as England, NJ, NC, VA, etc., use the Ctrl/F (control/find) key combination on your keyboard

  • Line #1. _____ Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT (1689-1760) of Paradise Twp, near Strasburg, Lancaster, PA arrived Philadelphia 5 Sep 1738 on the ship "Winter Galley" from Kleinfischlingen, Südliche Weinstraße (near the free city of Landau), Electoral Palatinate, Holy Roman Empire (Strassberger - List #52; PTA-E.1). This is a very well-researched line that is perhaps best documented by Geo. E. Trout, 250 Year History Trout Family (Closson Press, Apollo, PA, 1991). Numerous bio-sketches of descendants in this line have been published in various local county histories. DNA Reference Line: Y-DNA Testing by well-documented descendants, Jerre Penn Trout 3rd and David Henry Trout, has resulted in double-validation of the Y-DNA Reference Line (signature Haplotype) for Line #1, and their 37-marker test results are posted below in turquoise-colored Match Cluster-B. Y-DNA testing has also now predicted Line #1 as being Haplogroup “R1b1b2.”; Accordingly, all (21) members of turquoise-colored Match Cluster-B in our study are now proven to be in some way directly related to Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT (1689-1760) of near Strasburg, Lancaster, PA. 

  • Line#1-a. ____Jacob P. TROUT, b. Ohio 1830 has been re-numbered as Line #13. 

  • Line #2. _____ "The TRAUT Brethren" (“Some Virginia Families...”), being Johann Heinrich TRAUT, Säkler (leather sack maker - also leather apparel); and his siblings Johann Balthazar TRAUT, Säkler; and Jeremias TRAUT, Yeoman; who along with their sister,Maria Magdalena “Lena” TRAUT HOLZAPFEL and her husband, Johann Heinrich HOLZAPFEL, cordwainer (shoemaker), arrived circa August 1719 in Germantown, Philadelphia, PA, most recently from Krefeld, but previously from the village of Düdelsheim near Marienborn Castle, Grandduchy of Hessen, Holy Roman Empire. In modern terms, Düdelsheim is near the larger main town of Büdingen, Hessen, Germany. These three brothers had been listed as the three male TRAUT adults in a total party of (8) TRAUT’s and (12) other members of Peter BECKER’s group of “Marienborn Brethren” that arrived in Germantown in 1719 (PTA-C.1; C.2; C.3). The “Neu-Täufer” (New Baptists), German Baptists, Dunkards or “Die Tunkers,” are an Anabaptist religious sect (with roots in the Pietist movement) that believe in informed adult baptism. Prior to current research, these three brothers had been incorrectly listed as being from the Lambsheim area of Rheinland-Pfalz before moving on to the village of Düdelsheim and Marienborn Castle area. Emerging research strongly suggests the TRAUT Brethren may have actually been born in Frankenthal prior to 1708. This line is not to be confused with Johannes TRAUT, Bierbrauer (beer brewer) of Lambsheim and later Upper Dublin Twp, described in Line #14 below. Through Y-DNA testing, project members Noel Trout and Craig Trout have now proven their working theory that their respective lines, #5 and #3 below ultimately link back to Line #2 >>Also see "TRAUT Brethren" listed as RP-10a under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. Early descendants of the TRAUT Brethren tended to first concentrate either in the general Philadelphia region or in lower Shenandoah Valley, VA, and are best documented by Hugh Milton McIlhany, Jr., M.A., Ph D., Some Virginia Families... (Stoneburner & Prufer, Printers, Staunton, VA, 1903). 04/13/06 – Based on a near-perfect 24/25 match, DNA test results have now proven that Line #8 Balthazar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA descends from or is directly related to Line #2, the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown, Philadelphia, PA. Traditional research had previously proven that Line #33 John TROUT and brother Abraham TROUT of Turbot Twp, Northumberland, PA were the sons of Balthasar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA. That is to say, we now have proven that Line #33 descends from Line #8, which in turn descends from Line #2, the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown. 04/19/06 – DNA testing has now also proven that Line #24 Jacob TROUT, Sr. of Earl Twp, Berks, PA is directly related to Line #8 Balthazar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA, with both being directly related to Line #2 The TRAUT Brethren. DNA Reference Line:Y-DNA Testing by Heidi Trout Reents’ father (descends from Johann Balthazar TRAUT. Sr.) has resulted in single-validation of the DNA Reference Line (signature Haplotype) for Line #2, and his 67-marker test results are posted below. Also see Heidi’s research statement below. Y-DNA SNP and Deep Clade tests have confirmed the Haplogroup (Hg) for Line #2 as being “I1” (nomenclature changed from “I1a” June 2008). Match Cluster-A: Significantly, all (11) members of yellow-colored Match Cluster-A in our study are now proven to be in some way directly related to the “TRAUT Brethren” of Germantown, Philadelphia, PA. RESEARCH UPDATE:  4/2/2013-- Y-DNA test results at the 37-marker level which posted on 4/2/2013 for a well-documented descendant of George TROUT (1729-1809) of Amwell Township, NJ, Line #6, indicate that he is a near perfect match at the 37-marker level with descendants of the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown, Line #2 in our study, thereby proving (validating) that Line #6 is a downstream subset of Line #2.  RESEARCH UPDATE:  DNA 1/4/2016 testing has now proven that Line #105 is also a genetic downstream subset of Line #2. 

  • Line #3. _____ Johann Paul TRAUT, b. 30 Jun 1726 in Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany; schuster (master shoe maker); immigrated to the American Colonies after 10 Jan 1753 with his younger sister, Christina Luisa TRAUT b. 6 Jan 1728, also in Saarbrücken, Saarland. They were the children of Johann Friedrich TRAUT, b. 31 Dec 1700 and wife Anna Margarethe BOHRER, b. 14 Sep 1794, m. 9 Oct 1725. Johann Paul TRAUT arrived in Port of Charleston, SC on 1 Oct 1753 with his new wife Anna Katharina (not clear when they were married). They soon departed Charleston, SC, perhaps via Lancaster County, PA, and soon settled in York County, PA by 1762. Children to this union included Paul (conjecture) circa 1755; Casper circa 1762; Anna Marie Magdaline 23 Jun 1763; and Anna Margreth 25 Mar 1773. Due to gaps in known birth dates, additional unrecorded children are likely. The family moved to northern Loudoun County, VA (near current Lovettsville and Taylorstown) in about 1769, and Paul then moved on to near Strasburg, Shenandoah, VA in 1785, where he died circa 1803 at about 77 years of age. Son Casper TROUT stayed behind in Loudoun County, VA and married Anna Maria AMENT on 12 Dec 1787 in nearby Frederick, Frederick, MD. Casper TROUT and his young family briefly joined father (Johann) Paul TRAUT in Strasburg, Shenandoah, VA in 1789, but then returned to Loudoun County in 1796 to live on wife Anna Maria AMENT’s father Johan Anthon AMENT’s farm. Casper and family then moved on to near Timberville, Rockingham County, VA in 1809; Bearfield Twp, Perry (then Muskingum), OH in 1816; and finally, to near Deaverstown, York Twp, OH in 1818 where he later died in Feb 1837. There are no known published works directly focusing on the Paul TRAUT line. Y-DNA testing has now proven a near-perfect match (24/25) with Lines #2, The TRAUT Brethren, but they were related at a much earlier generation, perhaps in the 1600s. : Compelling multiple points of agreement in traditional research have now resulted in the conclusion that Line #3, Johann Paul TRAUT is one and the same as Johann Paul TRAUT Line #45 below. The data for the two Pauls has now been consolidated. >>This is project administrator Craig H. Trout's line; see his research statement below, as well as his research web site listed as RP-12 under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. >>Also see Craig’s 67-marker Y-DNA test results in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below. Y-DNA SNP and Deep Clade tests resulting in Haplogroup “I1” (nomenclature changed from “I1a” June 2008) are complete, and mtDNA test results for Craig’s maternal lines are also posted below.

  • Line #4. _____ Christian TROUT / TRAUT, active duty Revolutionary War militia soldier (RW-4) born 1753 in Sharpsburg, Frederick (now Washington), MD. Christian TROUT married Mary Elizabeth GEARHART 15 Sep 1795 in Rockbridge County, Virginia, and died 15 Jun 1847 in Pikeville, Pike, Kentucky. Issue to this union included John 1800; Letitia c. 1805; Ruth c. 1805; Mary 1808; David Lewis c. 1809; Lewis c. 1810; Charles 1813; Sarah 1813; and Nancy after 1817. Christian TROUT is best documented in Revolutionary War pension file #W.7326, NARA. Y-DNA testing results posted on 05/23/2007 now prove that Christian TROUT descends from or is directly related to the TRAUT Brethren, Line #2 above. Emerging research strongly supports the theory that Christian TROUT was the brother of Joseph TROUT Sr., (Line #5 below). >>This is project member David V. Trout’s line, see his 12-marker test results posted under Christian TROUT in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below.<< This group is predicted as Haplogroup “I1." 

  • Line #5. _____ Joseph TROUT, Sr. of Franklin County, VA was born c. 1745, perhaps in VA or MD, and died 1807 perhaps in Kanawha County, VA. His children included William; Joseph Marion c. 1769- c. 1842; Susannah 1776-1856; (Church of Brethren) Rev. David 1780-1868 who later settled in Springfield, Clark, OH; and Abraham Denver 1783-1863. Youngest son Abraham Denver TROUT was born 8 Apr 1783 in Franklin County, VA and died 1 Dec 1863 in Whitestown, Boone, IN. He married (1) Mary “Polly" LAW 16 Nov 1808 in Franklin County, VA. She was born c. 1790 in Kentucky or Virginia, and died 1846 in Franklin, Johnson, IN. In about 1816, Abraham Denver Trout moved his family to what soon became known as Trout’s Hill, later renamed Fairview, and now known as Wayne, Wayne County, WV (had been part of Cabell County, VA prior to 1842, and part of Kanawha County prior to 1809). He married (2) Susannah GOOD 9 Mar 1854 in Boone County, IN. She was born 1793 in Pennsylvania. Based on Y-DNA testing, coupled with traditional research, it is believed that Joseph TROUT, Sr. descended from or was directly related to one of the three TRAUT Brethren (see Line #2 above), although the linking generation (perhaps Line #6 below) has yet to be proven. DNA testing, coupled with traditional research, very strongly suggests that Joseph TROUT was the brother of Christian TROUT Line #4 above. This is project member Noel Trout's line; see his research statement below, as well as his web site included in the text listed in RP-10b under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. Noel’s 37-marker Y-DNA test results are posted in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below; Y-DNA testing has now proven a near-perfect 36/37 match with Line #2, The TRAUT Brethren, indicating a 99.98% probability of a common ancestor at an early generation; Y-DNA testing has now predicted that Line #5 is Haplogroup “I1”; research continues. 

  • Line #6. _____ Hans Georg “George” TROUT, Jr. (1729-1809) of East Amwell Twp, Hunterdon, NJ and wife Johanna “Hannah” LEQUIER had two sons, John and George, as well as nine daughters. George, a saddletree maker by trade, owned land in Ringoes, East Amwell Twp, NJ as early as 1753, but by about 1800, had moved several miles NNE to Raritan Twp, Hunterdon, NJ where he died in 1809. 12/30/06 -- Emerging research strongly suggests that George TROUT, saddletree maker of Amwell Twp, when was one and the same as Hans Georg TRAUT, Jr., saddletree maker of Germantown, the proven son of Hans Georg TRAUT, Sr., presumptive son of Johann Heinrich TRAUT (Line #2 above). This assessment is supported by a compelling series of points of agreement. As conjecture only, descendants of this line moving into Maryland and Northern Virginia may be the missing link for Line #4 Christian TROUT and Line #5 Joseph TROUT, Sr. RESEARCH UPDATE:  4/2/2013-- Y-DNA test results at the 37-marker level which posted on 4/2/2013 for a well-documented descendent of George TROUT (1729-1809) of Amwell Township, NJ, Line #6, indicate that he is a near perfect match at the 37-marker level with descendants of the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown, Line #2 in our study, thereby proving (validating) that Line #6 is a downstream subset of Line #2.  >>This is member Berjamin H. Trout's line<<

  • Line #7. _____ Henry George TROUT, b. 8 Jun 1770, London, Middlesex, England, son of George TROUT b. 3 Feb 1747 and Hanna MASH, he being the son of Richard TROUT and Theodocia unknown. Henry George TROUT came from London to Ontario, Canada in 1792 as a soldier in Simcoe’s Rangers. He married Rachel EMERSON in 1795, she being born 22 Dec 1775 in CT; their children being George 1799; William 1801; Ann 1803; Henry 1805; Harriet 1807; Rachel 1809; Charlotte 1812; and John Emerson 1819; all born in Ontario, Canada. Henry George TROUT served as a Lieutenant 3rd (and also as Adjutant) in the Lincoln Militia (British) during the War of 1812, fighting in several of the important battles of the Niagra Campaign. Henry George TROUT died 27 Jan 1852 in Erin Twp, Wellington, Ontario, his wife Rachel having preceded him in death 31 Jan 1845. The early generations of this line are perhaps best documented by W.H. Trout, Trout Family History (Milwaukee, 1907). Updates to this line are documented by Hector George Trout, Trout Family History, John Emerson Branch (Saskatoon, 1985). This line is being researched by member Douglas Trout, son of author Hector George Trout. Douglas’ 12-marker test results are posted below in plum-colored Match Cluster - C below. This group is predicted as Haplogroup “I1." 

  • Line #8. _____ Balthazar TROUT, Sr., born circa 1740, in Germantown, Philadelphia, PA, married Eva MOSER 18 Dec 1763, New Hanover Twp, Montgomery, PA, although he was probably already living in nearby Colebrookdale Twp, Berks County, PA by this time. Revolutionary War soldier (RW-16), served as Court Martial Man under Capt. Stephen CRUMRINE’s 2nd Company, First Battalion, Berks Count Militia, PA; enrolled 17 May 1777, continues to show on muster through 1782, appears to have also served as a private, inactive militia service. He died after April 1783, Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA, where he filed his last will and testament in 1782. Colebrookdale and New Hanover townships adjoin, so Balthesar (alternate spellings include Balthazar, Baltheser, etc.) lived in Colebrookdale Twp, but attended church in close-by Hanover Twp, where many of his children were baptized. 04/13/06 – Based on a near-perfect 24/25 match, Y-DNA test results have now proven that Line #8 Balthazar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA descends from or is directly related to Line #2, the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown, Philadelphia, PA. Traditional research had previously proven (02/18/06) that Line #33 John TROUT and brother Abraham TROUT of Turbo Twp, Northumberland, PA were the sons of Balthasar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA. That is to say, we now have proven that Line #33 John Trout 1802-1841 descends from Line #8, which in turn descends from Line #2, the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown. 04/19/06 – DNA testing has now also proven that Line #24 Jacob TROUT, Sr. of Earl Twp, Berks, PA is directly related to Line #8 Balthazar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA, with both being directly related to Line #2 The TRAUT Brethren. Emerging research (probate files) also indicates that both Jacob and Balthazar were sons of Hans Georg TRAUT, Sr., presumptive son of Johann Heinrich TRAUT. >> Lines #33 and #8 are Michael James Trout's proven line(s) and his 25-marker test results are posted below in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A; also see his research statement below. This group is predicted as Haplogroup “I1." 

  • Line #9. _____Ensign Michael TROUT, b. circa 1763; active duty Revolutionary War soldier (RW-11), first served in Capt. Amos HUTCHEN’s Company, Col. RITZMAN's Regiment, NY Continental Line; enlisted from Orange County, NY, served later in Capt. Bernet Ten EYCK’s Fifth Company, Col. Philip VAN CORTLANDT’s Second Regiment of the NY Continental Line. Fought in the Battle of White Plains, NY; First Battle of Saratoga (Freeman’s Farm); Second Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Hieghts); wintered at Valley Forge; Battle of Monmouth, NJ; and at the Battle of Yorktown, VA. After the war, lived in Haverstraw, Rockland County, NY. Rockland County was erected from the SE portion of Orange County 23 Feb 1798, so it is possible that Michael had not actually moved. Michael, a carpenter by trade, married Sarah unknown (date & location unknown) and died after 1820 (appears in 1820 Pension List, pg. 455). Documented in NARA pension file S.42.517. NEW RESEARCH: We are now almost certain that Michael TROUT was the son of Adam TROUT, Line #55 below. >>We need a DNA representative for this line<< 

  • Line #10. _____ Rev. Stephen M. TROUT, b. 25 Aug 1810, Russell County, VA; m. Mariah HUNT 26 Aug 1853 in Pike County, KY. Stephen was both a teacher and a Minister of the Gospel. He performed at least 62 marriages at the Old Pond Creek Regular Baptist Church of Christ at the mouth of Meetinghouse Branch just north of Belfry, Pike, KY, and was later buried in the church cemetery after his death on 1 Jan 1893. Their children included Moses M. 1854; Katherine 1856; Sarah Jane 1858; Lewis 1860; Nelly 1863; William T. 1865; Louisa R. 1867; Thomas H. 1869; and Pheobe 1871, all being born in Pike County, KY. The Rev. Stephen Trout home was on Mudlick Branch approximately 1 mile south of Belfry.>>This is Pamela Trout’s line and her son Matthew’s 25-marker Y-DNA test results are posted below in green-colored Match Cluster-E ; Y-DNA testing has now predicted Line #10 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b1.”<< 

  • Line #11. ______Abraham Abner TROUT, b. 22 May 1807 in KY or PA; m. Sidney REED 20 Sep 1826 in Clinton County, OH, she having been born circa 1806 in OH. Issue to this union included Simpson M. 1826; Alfred R. 10 Aug 1827; Sara Ann 1832; Eleven Riley 1834; Amy 1836; Joseph 1840; Rachel 1842; Sidney 1844; Abram James 1845; and John Thomas 1850. Abraham Abner TROUT died sometime after 1880, perhaps in Sullivan County, IN. Descendants of this line eventually settled in Cuyahoga County, OH and Clark County, MO, with lines also in OK and KS.>>This is project member David H. Trout's line; see his research statement below; Line #11 is a near perfect match (24/25) with Line #2 and Line #5 above; see 25-marker Y-DNA test results posted in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below; Y-DNA testing has now predicted that Line #11 is Haplogroup “I1”.<< 

  • Line #12. ______William W. TROUT b. circa 1822, perhaps in Williamson County, TN, m. Sabra HARRAWOOD 20 Mar 1842 in Hamilton County, IL. Sabra was also born in TN circa 1820. Issue to this union included Henry Jacob, Aug 1843; John William, Feb 1845; Nancy, 1847; George, Nov 1849; Elizabeth, 1854; Richmond B., 22 March 1855; Louisa, 1858; and Daniel Robert TROUT, 2 Aug 1847; all born in Hamilton County, IL. It is assessed as likely but not proven that William was the adopted grandson of John TROUT, Sr. (circa 1745- after 1840), Line #44, and wife Mary. While research continues, it appears that his unknown biological father died young, and William was adopted and raised by John TROUT, Sr. (Line #44) as his own. This working theory could explain the very strong TROUT family ties, but the lack of a Y-DNA match with a known TROUT family line. >>This is project member Cindy Trout Marasligiller's line; research statement pending; see her 37-marker Y-DNA test results posted below in the light green-colored Match Cluster-H series below; Y-DNA testing has now predicted Line #12 is Haplogroup “R1b1b2.”<< 

  • Line #13. _____ Jacob P. TROUT, b. Ohio 1830; both parents being born in PA. Jacob first appears in Milan Twp, Allen, IN in the 1850 census, where he had just recently married Elizabeth MILLEDGE on 26 Jan 1850. The MILLEDGE family had moved PA (probably Luzerne County) through OH, where Elizabeth was born in May of 1831 in either Franklin or Delaware counties OH. Elizabeth and Jacob P. TROUT remained in Allen County, IN until 1856 when Jacob P's family, as well as part of Elizabeth's extended family, moved on to Iowa County, WI. Jacob is buried in Mound City National Cemetery in Pulaski County, Illinois where he had died 3 May 1864 at the military hospital while serving during the Civil War. Jacob P. TROUT and wife Elizabeth had five children; George Washington; Andrew Jackson; Sarah Ellen; Martha "Marty" and Albert Jacob. Elizabeth married 2nd to George BUCK on 2 Jan 1870 and had three additional children by this second union. Y-DNA testing has now confirmed that this line is directly related to Line #1 – Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT (one step of genetic distance at 25 markers), and therefore Jacob P. Trout “may” be the son of or be directly related to Jacob Trout, son of Judge George TROUT, son of Hans Michol TRAUT, son of Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT, Strasburg, PA (see “Line #1" above). Traditional research to validate his exact line of descent continues. >>This is project member Sheri Trout's line; see her research statement below, as well as her very detailed web site listed as RP-9 under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. >>Also see 37-marker Y-DNA test results posted in turquoise-colored Match Cluster-B below; Y-DNA testing has now predicted Line #13 (old #1-a) as being Haplogroup “R1b1b2.” 

  • Line #14. _____ Johannes TRAUT, Sr., Bierbrauer (beer brewer), Reformed Lutheran, age 40, arrived 6 May 1709 at St. Catherin’s, London, England with wife and two sons, age 10 and age 6, as recorded in Board of Trade Miscellaneous, Vol. 2, D. 57, General Records Office, London (PTA-B.1). Johannes TRAUT had been born circa 1669 in Lambsheim, Electoral Palatinate, Holy Roman Empire (now landkreis Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Rheinland Pfalz, Germany), where he was accused of Pietism in 1706 and sentenced to clean the town ditches. Johannes TRAUT died after 23 Apr 1728 in Upper Dublin Twp, Philadelphia, PA. Johannes married Anna Katherina unknown (perhaps HAUTZAREN or HATUZARM) circa 1698 in Lambsheim, she being born circa 1671, probably also in the Rheinland-Pfalz region, and died after 23 Apr 1728 in PA. Their two sons, Johannes Jr. B. 1699, and Philip b. 1703, were later noted in Bedminster Twp, Bucks, PA, and Cocalico (now Ephrata) Twp, Lancaster, PA respectively. Philip and his son Joseph later relocated to what would become Lebanon County, PA. For proximity reasons only, there is some possibility (doubtful) that this line is in some way related to Johann Heinrich TRAUT, Säkler (leather sack maker - also leather apparel) of Düdelsheim and his siblings listed in Line #2 above, but they did not interact on wills or deeds after arrival in the Philadelphia, PA general area. The Johannes TRAUT line is briefly mentioned by Geo. E. Trout, 250 Year History Trout Family (Closson Press, Apollo, PA, 1991), pg. 79. >>We are extremely interested in finding a DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #15. _____ Hans Martin TRAUT and family, to include son Johan Theobald TRAUT, arrived in Philadelphia on the ship Eliza (sometimes Elizabeth) 27 Aug 1733, Edward LEE, master, from Rotterdam, last from Dover (Strassberger - List #30; PTA-D.1). After brief stops in Berks and perhaps Lancaster County, PA, descendants of this line ultimately settled mainly in the Frederick County, MD area. This line is perhaps best documented by Geo. E. Trout, 250 Year History Trout Family (Closson Press, Apollo, PA, 1991), Chapter 13. Sons Johan Theobald TRAUT and Johann Heinrich TRAUT are also documented by Grace L. Tracey and John P. Dern, Pioneers of Old Monocacy (Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1989). Prior to Y-DNA testing, researchers strongly believed that Hans Martin TRAUT was a cousin of Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT -- Line #1, but DNA testing has now revealed a compelling 17 steps of genetic distance between the two lines. These two lines are absolutely not even remotely related, and Line #15 does not currently match any other TROUT line tested so far. >>>This is member Gerhard Traut's line. His 12-marker Y-DNA test results are now posted in orange-colored Match Cluster-J. Also see Gerhard’s research statement below; Y-DNA testing predicts a Haplogroup (Hg) of “J2" for this line.<<< 

  • Line #16. _____ Johann Jacob TRAUD (TRAUT) arrived on 2 Oct 1749 on the ship “Jacob,” Captain Adoph DeGrove, from Amsterdam, last from Shields, England (Strassberger - List #141; PTA-F.1). Jacob was born 14 Jul 1709 in Hoffenheim, near modern day Sinsheim-Elsenz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, son of Adam TRAUTH (TRAUD), and married first Johanna Catherine SCHOPFFLIN on 5 May 1733. She died 13 Oct 1734, and Jacob marred second Maria Eva RUPP on 24 May 1735. Daughters to this second union included Maria Catharina b. 10 Jun 1736, and Anna Maria b. 10 Oct 1738. Johann Jacob TRAUD (TRAUT) “may” have died after 1749 in York County, PA. This line is briefly documented by Annette Kunselman Burgert, Eighteenth Century Emigrants, Volume I: The Northern Kraichgau (Pennsylvania German Society, Kuntztown, 1983), pg. 368, #552, and is also briefly mentioned by Geo. E. Trout, 250 Year History Trout Family (Closson Press, Apollo, PA, 1991), pp 80-81. >>We need a DNA representative for this line<< 

  • Line #17. _____ Johann Gerlach TRAUT born circa 1744, arrived in Philadelphia 28 Nov 1764 on the ship Jennifer, Captain George Kerr, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes (Strassberger - List #249; PTA-G.1). Died circa 23 Aug 1775 in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia and was buried 25 Aug 1775 First Reformed Church, Philadelphia, PA.>>We need a DNA representative for this line<< 

  • Line #18. _____Johan TRAUT was born circa 1689, and is listed in the as among the “poor Palatines that are arrived in St. Cathrin’s [sic], the 2nd of June, 1709," in Board of Trade, Miscellaneous, Vol. 2, No. D 68, Public Records Office, London (PTA-B.2). Johan is listed as being 20 years old and Catholic. It is assumed that Johan TRAUT continued on to New York or Philadelphia in the Fall of 1709 with his fellow Palatines, although he has not yet been clearly documented in the Colonies. >>We need a DNA representative for this line<< 

  • Line #19. _____ John TROUT was born 8 Mar 1781 on board ship from England and first settled with his unknown parents near Front Royal, Warren, VA, and by 1800 had married Elizabeth AKE and relocated first to Mount Morris Twp, Huntderdon, PA, and then Allegheny Twp by 1810. John TROUT and his wife are both buried in Antis Twp in what is now Blair County, PA. This English TROUT line is best documented by Mary Dannehower Trout, The Trout family and related families from Blair and Bedford Counties, Pa, Including the Ake, Harrison and Smith forebears (privately printed, 1975). Also see link to Scott Duncan’s excellent web page listed as RP-4 under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. >>We need a DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #20. _____ John L. TROUTT was born 6 Jun 1805 in NC and m. Elizabeth PICKETT circa 1809 perhaps in TN, had moved to Madison County, AR by 1840, and d. 12 Apr 1875 in Osage Twp, Benton County, AR. Their children included Robert (1835-after 1850); Sarah (1838-before 1860); Mary (1840-1921); Rufus King (1848-1915); John L., Jr. (1849-1907); and Palestine (Lizzie) (1850-after 1870); all being born in AR. For additional details, also see link to Rick and Joy Troutt’s excellent web page listed as RP-7 under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. RESEARCH UPDATE: 10/10/08, research has now determined that Line #20 descends from John TROUTT, Line #60 below. >>This is member Danny Allen Troutt, and member Rick Lee Troutt’s line.<< 

  • Line #21. _____Jacob TROUT, Sr. , was born circa 1749; m. Elizabeth SAIN(E), Rowan County, NC; he d. circa 1840, probably at son Joseph’s home near Yorkville, Gibson County, TN. Children born to this union included Margaret, b. before 1794; Mary; John B., circa 1798; Joseph, circa 1803; and Jacob TROUT, Jr., circa 1805. Jacob TROUT, Sr., was an active-duty Revolutionary War soldier (RW-7) and had served at Rowan County, NC and then in Wilmington as a private for 6 months in 1781 in Capt. Douglas HADEN’s Company, Col. William LOFTON’s Regiment, under Gen. Griffith RUTHERFORD, and was later granted a pension (NARA Pension File #S.1780). There are strong indications that Jacob TROUT, Sr., was perhaps the son of George TROUT/TRUTE of modern Davie County, NC, who may be one and the same as George TRUKE who had arrived in Philadelphia 2 Sep 1749 on the ship Albany (Strassburg - List #127). Also see link to Brinda Mae “Brin” Wade’s exceptionally well-designed website listed as RP-6 under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. RESEARCH UPDATE: Testing results posted 01/14/2010 report a perfect match with descendants of John TROUT, Sr, (1745-1833), Line #44 listed below, also from Rowan County, NC. Perhaps this Jacob TROUT, Line #21 and John TROUT, Sr., Line #44, also a Revolutionary War soldier, were brothers? >>This is project member Mark Lance Trout's line; his 37-marker Y-DNA test results are posted in light-blue-colored Match Cluster-I under the Y-DNA results tab. This line has been determined to be Haplogroup (Hg) "J2."<< 

  • Line #22. _____ Christopher TRAUTZ (TRAUTS) born circa 1726; arrived on 24 Sep 1753 at age 27 on the ship Peggy, Captain James Abercrombie, from Rotterdam, with 119 men, 21 women and children, for a total of 140 souls (Strassberger - List #204; PTA-H.1). Appears to have soon settled in Chesterfield Twp, Burlington County, NJ, and descendants soon anglicized their surname to “TROUT.” A Christopher TROUT is listed in the Jun 1793 tax list for Chesterfield Twp, Burlington, NJ. 07/11/08 – Christopher is confirmed father of William TROUT, Line #29, and brother Jacob TROUT, Line #30 below. >>We are extremely interested in seeking a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #23. _____ Johann Paul TRAUB(c.1725 - 1787) was baptized 3 May 1725 at the Gimbsheim Reformed Church (Evangelisch-Reformiert), Gimbsheim, in what is now Alzey-Worms, Rheinland-Pfaulz. He was the son of Johann Jacob TRAUB (1680-1737) and Anna Margaretha WILLIUS. Paul married first to Charlotta BECHER, widow of Abraham KÖNIGMACHER, and daughter of Johann Jacob BECHER. Together with wife and stepson Adam KÖNIGMACHER (1738-1793), Paul left Gimbsheim 14 May 1749 (per Gimbsheim KB) and arrived 4 months 16 days later in Philadelphia 29 Sep 1749 on the ship Ann, John Spurrier, Master, from Rotterdam & last from Cowes, England, with 105 adult men and an overall total of 242 whole freights (adults over 16). The families were officially reported as being from Basil, Wirtemburg, Zweybrect, and Darmstad (Gimbsheim is near Darmstad) (Strassberger - List #139 C; PTA-F.1). Paul TRAUB, a tanner by trade, married 2nd Mary DIERDORF (c. 1727 - after 1787), daughter of Anthony DIERDORFF who had arrived in Germantown, PA in the original Peter BECKER party of Brethren, and had joined Johannes NAAS in 1733 in establishing the Amwell Congregation of the Brethren. Anthony Dierdorff had died in 1743 near Ringoes, Amwell Twp, Hunterdon, NJ. Paul and Mary lived in Reading (now Washington) Twp, York, PA and their Issue included Henry; Peter; John; Paul; Robert; Philip; Mary; and Margaret, all of which appear to have embraced the later “TROUP” spelling of the name. Johann Paul TRAUB and wife Mary were among the founding members of the Bermudian Congregation of the Brethren organized in 1758 by Ephrata Cloister founder, Johann Conrad BEISSEL (1691-1768), in adjoining Warrington Twp, York County, PA. Paul TRAUB’s stepson, Adam KÖNIGMACHER (known as “Brother Naaman”), died 31 Jan 1793 at Ephrata Cloister. Interestingly, one of Johann Paul TRAUB’s shipmates had been Johann Conrad BEISSEL’s nephew, Johann Pätter BEISEL (1710-1794). >>We are extremely interested in finding a DNA representative for this line.<<

  • Line #24. _____ Jacob TROUT, Sr. (circa 1735-1817) was born in Germantown, Philadelphia, PA in about 1735. It is believed he married Ann Elizabeth RAES 10 Dec 1761, and then eventually relocated to Eastern District, Berks, PA by 1780, where Jacob worked as a cordwainer (shoe maker). Issue to this union included John 1758; Jacob Jr. c. 1765; George before 1766; Margaret 22 Feb 1766; Samuel before 1774, Joseph 1784; and Elizabeth 1785, the latter two children being born in Earl Twp where Jacob died c. Feb 1817. It is strongly believed but not proven that Jacob was the son of Hans George TRAUT, Sr. (c.1695-1745), son of Johann Heinrich TRAUT of the TRAUT Brethren (also see Line #2 above). Jacob TROUT, Sr., has been incorrectly documented in Morton Montgomery, Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania (Beers Publishing Company, Chicago, 1909) as being the brother of a John and Samuel TROUT, but research has proven much of Montgomery’s information to have major factual errors in the early generations. A detailed 171-page genealogy of the Descendants of Jacob TROUT, Sr., of Earl Twp was privately published in October 2007 by researchers William F. Trout Koehler and Craig H. Trout, and is electronically available in PDF format on request. 04/19/06 – DNA testing has now proven that Line #24, Jacob TROUT, Sr. of Earl Twp, Berks, PA is directly related to Line #8 Balthazar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA, with both being directly related to Line #2 The TRAUT Brethren. >>This is project member Robert T. Trout's line; his 37-marker Y-DNA test results are posted in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below; his 67-mark testing results are posted below; also see Bob’s research statement below as well as his excellent home page at TROUT’S OF LEHIGH COUNTY.<<

  • Line #25. _____ William TROUT arrived in Berks County, PA in 1811 from Scotland, served in the War of 1812 as a substitute for Uthree SNYDER, who was at that time working the Oley furnaces, and after the war, William TROUT accompanied the SNYDERs to what is now Snyder County, PA and assisted in the settlement of that county. While at that place, he followed the occupation of butcher, although his regular trade at which he worked the major portion of his life was that of tanner. His wife was Catherine SCHWOYER, of Goshenhoppen, Montgomery, PA, and their children included Joseph Z.; John of Reading; George of Reading; Mary m. William YERKEY; Kate m. Rev. WILKER, of Goshenhoppen, PA; Polly m. John KASE, blacksmith of Goshenhoppen, PA. This line is perhaps best documented in Morton Montgomery, Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania (Beers Publishing Company, Chicago, 1909). Although a relatively recent arrival, the William TROUT family is offered here as a possible Scottish line to consider for TROUT researchers not successfully linking to one of the early Palatine TRAUT lines. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<<

  • Line #26_____Joseph TROUTT, Sr. , b. circa 1768 near Kings Mountain, NC, m. Mary A. “Polly” WALL 20 Dec 1797 in NC. Polly was born c. 1775 also in NC. Shortly after their marriage the young couple moved to Lebanon, Wilson, TN where all 10 children were born. Those identified to date include John 1807 (m. Mary Ann TOMLINSON); Polly 1812 (m. Grief A. SNEAD); Isaiah 1816 (m. Nancy BOWERS); Henry 1818 (m. Mary R. CLARK); Elijah 27 Oct 1821 (m. Lucinda CARSON); and perhaps Margaret. The family moved next to near Elkton, Todd, KY in 1833. According to Polly’s obituary, Joseph TROUTT passed away 4 Jul 1868 in Elkton, Todd, KY at age 100, and Polly passed away on 30 May 1871 at age 96. While many descendants remained in the Todd County area, son Elijah TROUTT and his older sister, Polly TROUTT SNEAD, moved across the river to Nashville, Washington, IL in 1863 due to their objections to slavery and the Civil War. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #27_____Anthony Daniel TROUT, was born 24 Dec 1751; lived in that part of Tryon County that later became Rutherford County, NC. Active duty Revolutionary War soldier (RW-2); enlisted 1777 at the Tryon County Courthouse as a private in Capt. Henry HAMPTON's Company, Col. Thomas SUMTER's 6th Rifle Regiment of the South Carolina Continental Line for a period of five years; also served an additional 6 months in Col. Elijah CLARKE's Regt. of Georgia Militia; discharged 1782 in Augusta, GA. After the war, Anthony Daniel TROUT m. 31 Aug 1790 inRockingham County, VA to Mary Catherine GRUBB b. 15 Dec 1775 in Rockingham County, VA. Their children born in Rockingham County, VA, included Catherine Elizabeth, 9 Oct 1791; Peggy, 1795; Mary, 28 Dec 1799; David, 26 Dec 1802; and Marian Sophier, 18 Feb 1808. Anthony Daniel TROUT died 21 Feb 1844 in Harrison County, IN, and was buried in Trout Cemetery (also known as Luther Chapel Cemetery). Certain aspects of this line are very similar to Line #35 below. >>We are extremely interested in finding a Y-DNA representative for this line.<<

  •  Line #28. _____ William TROUT b. circa 1781 in TN, then moved to Lincoln County, NC, m. 29 Oct 1807 Sarah HOSS b. 10 Jan 1786. Children included John 1808; David 1810; Daniel 1812; Eleanor 1814; Anna 1816; Margaret 1818; Andrew 1821; Eliza 1823; and Elizabeth 1826. William TROUT later settled 1809 in Feesburg Precinct, Lewis Twp, Brown, OH. William TROUT died in Feesburg in 1878. RESEARCH UPDATE: 10/10/08, new Y-DNA testing results for a proven descendent of this line are an exact match with Line #1 above. >>This is member Amy Trout's line. Her father’s 12-marker Y-DNA test results are posted below in the turquoise-colored Match Cluster-B series. His full 37 marker results are pending. Y-DNA testing predicts a Haplogroup (Hg) of “R1b1b2" for this line.<<

  • Line #29. _____ William TROUT b. 12 Aug 1760 Chesterfield Twp near Bordentown,, Burlington, NJ; m. Elizabeth unknown; issue to this union included Ann JEFFERIES of New Brunswick, Middlesex, NJ; Lucretia PEARCE; and Hanna POND. William died 11 Nov 1845, Chesterfield Twp, Burlington, NJ; wife Elizabeth had died prior to this time. William was an active dutyRevolutionary War soldier (RW-9) in the NJ Continental Line (numerous details of extensive service pending); NARA pension file S.2567.  07/11/08 – Confirmed to be the son of Christopher TROUTS (TROUTZ), Line #22 above, and younger brother of Jacob TROUT, Line #30 below. >>We are extremely interested in seeking a DNA representative for this line.<<

  • Line #30. _____ Jacob TROUT b. 1756; m. Jane unknown b. circa 1770; at least one unknown child born circa 1806; active duty Revolutionary War soldier (RW-6), first enlisted in 1776 for 6 months in Capt. George ANDERSON’s Company, Col. Silas NEWCOMB’s 1st Regiment of the NJ Continental Line, fighting in battles of Long Island (29 Aug 1776) and White Plains (28 Oct 1776); reenlisted spring 1778 for 9 months at Mount Holly, Burlington, NJ, in Capt. John ANDERSON’s Company, Col. Ephraim MARTIN’s 4th Regiment of the NJ Continental Line; served in the Battle of Monmouth (28 Jun 1778); later transferred to Col. Israel SHREVE’s 2nd Regiment of the NJ Continental Line; discharged winter 1778-1779. Was residing in Bordentown, Chesterfield Twp, Burlington, NJ in 1820 (wife still living at this time) when he applied for his Revolutionary War pension (NARA pension file # S.22822), where he later died 4 May 1829. 07/11/08 – Confirmed to be older brother of William TROUT, Line #29 and son of Christopher TROUTS (TROUTZ), Line #22 above. >>We are extremely interested in seeking a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #31. _____ John TROUT b. 1701, perhaps in Devon or Cornwall England, m. Margaret unknown, and was living in Monmouth County, NJ by 1745 where he died 1768 in or near Freehold, Monmouth, NJ, and is buried in the Old Tennet Church Cemetery, Manalapan, Monmouth, NJ. At least six issue were born to this union, to include John; Catherine; Elisabeth; Margaret, 1735-1807; Jacob, born 1738; and Peter TROUT, Sr., born 25 April 1742 in Upper Freehold Twp, Monmouth, NJ. After leaving New Jersey, descendants were later present in Clermont, Brown and Highland counties, Ohio, and ultimately Illinois and Iowa.  (06/25/2010), Y-DNA test results show a perfect match with descendants of William TROUT (1790-1862), Line #36; and John TROUT (1786-after 1824), Line #46 below. >> This is member Alan Trout's line and his 12-marker test results are posted in the magenta-colored Match Cluster-F series below.<< 

  • Line #32. _____ Joseph TROTT m. Sarah [unknown]; children included Richard TROTT (born 7 Nov 1779, christened 28 Nov 1779, Saint Leonards, Shoreditch, London, England, died at age 69 on 22 Apr 1848 Rotherhithe, Surrey, England), m. Mary BATCHER on 18 Jan 1827, Lewisham, Kent, England; children included (Sea) Captain Richard TROTT (b. Dec 1827, christened 18 Jan 1828, Saint Nicholas, Deptford, Kent, England, died 25 Jul 1902, Mobile AL), m. Martha MANSON 23 Jun 1857, Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London, England d/o John Jasper Manson and Elizabeth Emms; Mary TROTT b. 1829; and William Henry TROTT b. 3 Mar 1831; all born in England. Captain Richard TROTT arrived in the U.S. in 1860, settled in Mobile, AL, and continued as a sea captain until his death at age 74. Richard and Martha's children included Martha Mary Anne Trott b. 12 Apr 1858 Rotherhithe, London, England; Richard William Lee Trott b. 24 Sep 1859 Rotherhithe, London, England; Dominick Jasper Trott b. 6 Dec 1861 Mobile, Alabama; and Philip F. Trott b. 1867 Mobile, Alabama. Dominick Jasper Trott m. (1) Rebecca Jane Rhodes on 3 Feb 1881 in Butler, Choctaw County, Alabama (she died 20 Dec 1903 in Mobile and it is unknown if they had children), and (2) Susan 'Sue' Mary Powell on 21 Jun 1905 in Mobile, Alabama. Dominick and Susan had one child, Thomas John Trott, Sr. b. 11 Sep 1904 in Mobile, Alabama. >>This is project member Thomas John “Tommy” Trott’s line; research statement pending; 67-marker Y-DNA test results are posted in the beige-colored unmatched series below; Y-DNA testing has confirmed Line #32 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b1.<<

  • Line #33. ____ Abraham TROUT Sr. and older brother John TROUT of Turbot Twp, Northumberland, PA, were born in Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA in 1776 and 1769 respectively. Abraham TROUT Sr. was listed as a shoemaker living in the Borough of Milton, Northumberland, PA in 1804-1808, was elected borough councilman in 1817, last appearing in the Milton census in 1850, living with wife Christiana TROUT, b. circa 1775. Abraham TROUT, Sr. was the father of John TROUT 1802-1841 who married 1828 Hester “Hessie” PURSEL (PURCEL) b. 1802 in NJ, she died about 1875 in Lancaster, Fairfield, OH. Among this John TROUT’s sons was Horatio Gates TROUT (1829-1917) who was a successful tailor and clothier in Lancaster, Fairfield, OH, and married Ruth CARD; they being the parents of the Rev. William W. TROUT born 1858. Abraham TROUT Sr.’s older brother John TROUT was born in Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA in 1769, married Elizabeth unknown in Berks County, then lived outside Milton in Turbot Twp (first appeared in 1810 census), had one daughter, and died in 1862. 02/18/06 -- Based on the last will and testament of John TROUT, it is now clear he was the son of Balthazar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA, Line #8 above. 04/13/06 – Based on a near-perfect 24/25 match, DNA test results have now proven that Line #8 Balthasar TROUT, Sr. of Colebrookdale Twp, Berks, PA descends from or is directly related to Line #2, the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown, Philadelphia, PA. That is to say, we now have proven that Line #33 descends from Line #8, which in turn descends from Line #2, the TRAUT Brethren of Germantown. : As corrected above, it is now believed that John TROUT 1802-1841, father of Horatio Gates TROUT, was the son of Abraham TROUT, Sr, brother of John TROUT 1769-1862. >> Lines #33 and #8 are Michael James Trout's proven line and his 25-marker test results are now posted in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below; also see his research statement below. This group is predicted as Haplogroup “I1."

  • Line #34. _____ Zacharias Sylvester TRAUD b. 31 Dec 1747 in Herbstein, Vogelsbergkreis, Hessen, Germany , where he died 3 Dec 1801. Zacharias married Anna Catharein Eleanor DOTZERT 26 NOV 1781 in Herbstein. Their great grandson, Gregor Englebert TRAUD, b. 16 Nov 1846 in Herbstien, immigrated to New York 15 May 1865 on the ship Saxony out of Hamburg, and later married Anna Marie HANSEL who had been born 13 Jan 1858 in Dresden, Sachsen, Germany. After later living for many years in Louisville, KY, Gergeor Englebert TRAUD died 6 Jun 1906 in Los Angeles, CA. >>This is project member Jon E. Traud’s line; also see his research statement below; 37-marker Y-DNA test results have been posted in ligh blue-colored Match Cluster-G below; Y-DNA testing has confirmed Line #34 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b1b2. (Updated nomenclature June 2008)<<

  • Lin #35._____George TROUT , 1755-1843; active duty Revolutionary War militia solider (RW-25), served as private in the South Carolina Militia under Col. Anderson after the reduction of Charleston in May 1780; had perhaps been raised on a plantation near the NC/SC colonial boundary before the war, located about 15 miles northwest of the Kings Mountain Battle site. In the 1800-1810 census, George appeared in the Pendleton District of SC, and had moved to Hall County, GA by 1820. It is believed that George died in Cherokee County GA circa 1843. It is assessed as highly likely but not proven that George was actually the son the Hans Georg TRAUT and wife Mary CLEMONS, he being the son of Line #1 Hans Wendel Georg TRAUT of Lancaster County, PA. >> For additional detailed information regarding George TROUT, see Nancy Trout Frame’s genealogy home page listed as RP-15 under “Personal Reference TROUT Genealogy Sites” below. Testing results received on 06/28/06 indicate that the George TROUT line is an exact match with Line #13 and Line #37, thus strongly suggesting his line originated in Virginia. Significantly, Y-DNA testing has also now proven that Line #35 is directly related to Line #1 above, based on a near-perfect match of 36/37 markers, thus directly supporting emerging research indicating that this George TROUT descends from or is directly related to Hans Georg TRAUT, proven son of Line #1 Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT. >>This is member Max B. Trout’s line and his 37-marker test results are posted in turquoise-colored Match Cluster-B below; Y-DNA testing has now predicted Line #35 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b1b2.”<<

  • Line #36. _____William TROUT b. 1790, probably in the Cumberland or Cape May County area of southern New Jersey. William m. before 1827 to Mary COX b. 1806 in Ewing’s Neck, Maurice River Twp, Cumberland, NJ. Issue to this union included Jeremiah 1829, Hannah 1834, John 1836, Elizabeth 1841, William Edward 1843, Margaret 1844, and Alexander 1845, all born in Cumberland County, NJ. William TROUT died 10 Aug 1862 in Ewing’s Neck, Maurice River Twp, Cumberland, NJ. Test results posted 05/31/07 report perfect match with John TROUT b. circa 1786, Line #46 below. (06/25/2010), Y-DNA test results show a perfect match with well-documented descendants of John TROUT (1701-1768), Line #31 above. >>This is member John H. Trout’s line and his 12-marker test results are posted in magenta-colored Match Cluster-F below; Y-DNA testing has predicted Line #36 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b1.<<

  • Line #37. _____ Levi TROUT b. 7 Dec 1805, probably near Timberville, Rockingham, VA, m.1825 Margaret THOMPSON b. 30 Dec 1809, (daughter of David THOMPSON and Elizabeth SWOPE); children included Caroline 1826; Robert Alexander 1830; Emily Mary 1831; Marcus H. 1835; William G. 1837; Frances Elizabeth 1839; Abraham 1842; John Levi 1844; and Margaret R. 1847. Levi and family had moved to Buckskin Twp, Ross, OH by 1830, and had then settled in Fall Creek Twp, Henry, IN, by Aug 1838. Levi and wife Margaret died in Fall Creek Twp on 11 Jun 1884 and 22 Sep 1892 respectively. Both are buried in Painter Cemetery.  Y-DNA test results show a near-perfect 36/37 marker match with Line #1 above, Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT, thus indicating Levi is in some way directly related to Line #1, although the linking generations have not yet been identified.  >>This is member Timothy Hayden Trout's line and his 111-marker test results are posted in the turquoise-colored “Match Cluster - B”;Y-DNA testing has also confirmed Line #37 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b1b2, recently renamed Hg "R-M269".<<

  • Line #38. _____ Frederick TROUT b. circa 1802 PA; d. after 1870, Union Twp, Lebanon County, PA, m. circa 1832 Maria unknown, b. circa 1809, d. after 1870, Lebanon County, PA. Frederick TROUT and Maria are first noted in the 1840 census living in East Hanover Twp, Lebanon, PA, but had moved to nearby Union Twp, Lebanon, PA by the 1850 census, where the family remained for several generations. Frederick and Maria’s children included John 1833, Edward 1838, and Leah 1839. >>This is member Harry Russell Trout's line and his 12-marker test results are posted incoral-colored Match Cluster-D below; Y-DNA testing has confirmed Line #38 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “I2b” (Updated nomenclature June 2008).<< 

  • Line #39. _____ John G. TROUT b. circa 1788 VA; d. after 1860, VA?, m. circa 1826 Susannah unknown, b. circa 1804 VA, d. after 1860 VA?. John and Susannah are first noted in the 1840 census living in Rockbridge County, VA, and may have been living in household of his possible father, John TROUT (no further information) in the 1830 census in Rockbridge County, VA. John and Susannah are last seen in the 1860 census, still living in Rockbridge County. Issue to this union included Hannah 1827; Andrew I. 1830; Susannah 1833; Rachel M. 1835; William H. 13 Apr 1837; Catherine H. 1844; and Franklin R. 1847; all presumably born in Rockbridge County, VA. A Civil War veteran, son William H. TROUT 1837-1910 was a private in Company "H" (Capt. W.C. WINN), 22nd Bn. Virginia Infantry Regiment (Col. TAYLOR - BARTON’s Brigade), and was listed at the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. William H. TROUT was the 3rd great grandfather of member Charles Edwin Trout. DNA testing has indicated this line as being a near-perfect 11/12 match (one step of genetic distance) from Line #2, The TRAUT Brethren, above. >>This is member Charles Edwin Trout's line and his 12-marker test results are posted in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below.<< This group is predicted as Haplogroup “I1." 

  • Line #40. _____ Carl Adam TRAUT b. 13 Jul 1864 Germany; d. 7 Jan 1927 St. Louis, MO; m. circa 1888 to Emma Gertrude DOERR, perhaps in St. Louis, MO. Carl had immigrated to from Germany to the U.S. in 1882, and was naturalized in 1887. Five children were born to this union, of which only three survived to 1900, their names being Pauline “Paula” TRAUT b. circa 1888; Oscar Charles TRAUT b. 11 Aug 1893; and Anna TRAUT b. circa Feb 1900, all in St. Louis. The names of the other two children are not yet known. DNA testing has indicated this line as being a near match (one step of genetic distance) from Line #38, Frederick Trout above. Obviously, any connection must have been at a much earlier generation back in Germany. >>This is member Timothy Allen Traut's line and his 12-marker test results are posted in coral-colored Match Cluster-D below.<< This group is predicted as Haplogroup “I2b."

  • Line #41. _____ George TROUT (TROUTE) b. 1776 Cameron Parish, Loudoun, VA; d. 19 Oct 1859 Washington Twp, Highland, OH; m. 10 Dec 1809 Loudoun County, VA to Sarah FISHERb. 1783 Loudoun County (?), VA. George appears to be one and the same as listed in Lt. Richard KEEN’s Company, 2nd Bn, 57th Regt. of Virginia Militia (Loudoun County, VA) from at least 1807 to 1809. It appears that George had married once before, with two issue from this first union. Shortly after their marriage, George and Sarah removed to Liberty Twp, Highland County, OH. George TROUT’s children included (by first marriage) James 1804; Margaret 1808; (by second marriage) Mary 1810; Robert William 1811; Jeremiah 1812; Nancy 1818; Martha Jane 1819; George 1820; Reuben 1826; John 1828; Milly 1829; and Henry 1831. Reuben and descendants settled in Valley Twp, Page, IA, with later generations settling in High River, Alberta, Canada. Y-DNA testing results posted on 09/14/2007 now prove that George TROUT (TROUTE) descends from or is directly related to the TRAUT Brethren, Line #2 above. Based on both living in Cameron Parish in southwestern Loudoun County, VA, and being of the appropriate ages, it appears possible that Line #41 George TROUT was perhaps the son of Line #42Jeremiah TROUT (next entry). It is also noted that George named one of his sons Jeremiah. Research continues. >>This is member Tammy Troute-Wood’s line; also see her research statementbelow; her 12-marker test results are posted in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below; Y-DNA testing has confirmed Line #41 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “I1. (Nomenclature updated June 2008)<<

  • Line #42. _____ Jeremiah TROUT b. circa 1725 location unknown, d. Aug 1778 Cameron Parish, Loudoun, VA; m. circa 1750 Elizabeth unknown. Jeremiah TROUT purchased 150 acres in Cameron Parish, Loudoun, VA 11 Feb 1771 from John THORNTON of Fairfax County, VA; Jeremiah TROUT (TROTE) was on the list of tithables for Cameron Parish 1771-1778 (6 entries); evidence suggests his lands were in southwestern Loudoun, County, VA, perhaps near Middleburg or Aldie; died Aug 1778, with Martha TROUT being named administrator of his estate (not clear if she was a second wife or daughter). Only confirmed son was Richard TROUT b. circa 1750, also named in father’s 1771 deed. Martha had great difficulty in settling estate and law suits continued in Loudoun County, VA through at least 1786.  Based on both living in Cameron Parish in southwestern Loudoun County, VA, and being of the appropriate ages, it appears possible thatLine #41 George TROUT was perhaps the son of Line #42 Jeremiah TROUT. Research continues. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<<   

  • Line #43. _____ George TROUTT b. circa 1776 in Botetourt County, VA; m. 14 Jan 1801 to Mary GRAVES in Knox County, TN, where he died Jan 1852 and was buried in the Trout Family Cemetery, Corryton, Knox, TN. Children to this union include William 2 Jul 1805; James G. 1807; John 1809; Isaac 1811; and Nancy 10 Jul 1818, all born in Knox County, TN.  Y-DNA testing has proven this descends from or is directly related to Line #1 Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT. >>This is member Verlan Esau Troutt’s line and his 25-marker test results are posted in turquoise-colored Match Cluster-B below; This group is predicted as Haplogroup “R1b1b2."<<

  • Line #44. _____ John TROUT, Sr. b. circa 1745, perhaps in Rowan County, NC,. A monument across from the White County, IL courthouse honors his Revolutionary War service, perhaps in Rowan County, NC, and John did file a pension application 1833, although additional details are currently lacking. Sometime before 1791, John married Mary unknown, also perhaps in Rowan County, NC. The family had moved to Williamson County, TN by 1820, to White County, IL by 1830, and perhaps finally to Hamilton County, IL prior to his death in about 1833. Regardless, John's widow Mary is found in Hamilton County, IL in the 1840 census. At least (9) children were born to this union, to include George, Sr. , b. 1791 (formerly listed as the earliest known generation of Line #44); Jacob, Sr., circa 1796; unknown, circa 1800; Catherine, circa 1801; Elizabeth, circa 1804; Daniel, Sr., circa 1805; Nancy R., 17 April 1806; John, Jr., circa 1808; and Juliana TROUT, circa 1811. It is believed that the first (8) children were born in Rowan County, NC, and their last child, Juliana, being born perhaps in Williamson County, TN. RESEARCH UPDATE: Testing results posted 01/14/2010 report a perfect match with Jacob TROUT, Sr.,Line #21 listed above, also from Rowan County, NC. Perhaps this John TROUT, Sr., Line #44 and Jacob TROUT, Sr., Line #21, were brothers? See Line #21 for additional details. >>This is member Ola Mae Trout’s line; her husband's 12-marker Y-DNA test results are posted in light-blue-colored Match Cluster-I under the Y-DNA results tab. This line has been determined to be Haplogroup (Hg) "J2."<< 

  • Line #45. _____ Johann Paul TRAUT b. 30 Jun 1726 in Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany; master shoe maker; immigrated to the American Colonies prior to 1760 with his younger sister,Christina Luisa TRAUT b. 6 Jan 1728, also in Saarbrücken, Saarland. They were the children of Johann Friedrich TRAUT, b. 31 Dec 1700 and wife Anna Margarethe BOHRER, b. 14 Sep 1794, m. 9 Oct 1725. This line is perhaps best documented by J.C. Bartels, Ortssippenbuch dem Saarbrücken (manuscript, 1800), and is also briefly mentioned in , Vol. XI, No. 3, Winter/Spring 1986, pg. 121. : Compelling multiple points of agreement in traditional research have now resulted in the conclusion that Line #45, Johann Paul TRAUT is one and the same as Johann Paul TRAUT Line #3 above. The data for the two Pauls has now been consolidated. . >>This is project administrator Craig H. Trout's line; see his research statement below, as well as his research web site listed as RP-12 under “TROUT Genealogy Research Sites and Resources” below. >>Also see Craig’s 67-marker Y-DNA test results in yellow-colored Match Cluster-A below. Y-DNA SNP and Deep Clade tests resulting in Haplogroup “I1” (nomenclature changed from “I1a” June 2008) are complete, and mtDNA test results for Craig’s maternal lines are also posted below. >>>We remain extremely interested in finding a TRAUT male descendant still living in Saarbrücken that would be will to test so as to complete the proof for this match.<<< 

  • Line #46. _____ John TROUT was born circa 1786, perhaps in the Burlington County, NJ area; father of Jacob TROUT, Sr., 1824 - after 1880 East Windsor Twp, Mercer, NJ; father of Jacob A. TROUGHT, Jr. 15 Sep 1870 - before 1920, East Windsor Twp, Mercer, NJ.  Test results posted 05/31/07 report this line is a perfect match with William TROUT b. 1790,Line #36 above. (06/25/2010), Y-DNA test results show a perfect match with well-documented descendants of John TROUT (1701-1768), Line #31 above. >>This is member George E. Trought, Jr.’s line and his 12-marker test results are posted in magenta-colored Match Cluster-F under the Y-DNA results tab; Y-DNA testing has predicted Line #46 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b” (nomenclature updated June 2008)<<

  • Line #47. _____ John Peter TROUP (TRAUB) was born 1757, perhaps in York County, PA, married Anna Maria HOFFMAN before 30 Mar 1777, Lower Bermudian (Reformed) Church, Monagham Twp, York, PA (now Latimore Twp, Adams, PA) died before 4 Oct 1823, Perry Twp, Union (now Snyder), PA. Issue from this union included John 12 Jan 1779; Peter 7 Oct 1784; and Christina 15 May 1792; all born in what is now Mahantango, Chapman Twp, Snyder, PA. Early generations interchangeably used TROUP / TRAUB surname spellings, while recent generations have embraced the TROUPE spelling. This line may eventually resolve to Line #23 above, due to Johann Paul TRAUB having a son, Peter, born around 1757, and the two churches, Bermudian Church of the Brethren (Line #23) and the Lower Bermudian (Reformed) Church (Line #47) being only 5 miles apart. >>This is member Susan and Douglas Troupe’s line and his 37-marker test results are posted in the beige-colored unmatched series under the Y-DNA results tab; This group is predicted as Haplogroup “I1."<< 

  • Line #48. _____ Jacob TROUT, Sr., born 13 Jun 1794 in Strasburg (now Paradise) Twp, Lancaster, PA, m. Elizabeth BRADY in about 1818, she being born 27 Jun 1799 in PA. At least 12 issue were born to this union, to include Catherine, circa 1818; Abraham, circa 1820; Isaac Newton, 1 Feb 1822; Mary, before 1825; Margaret, circa 1825; Rebecca, 1 Apr 1827; Jacob William, 16 Jul 1832; Samuel, Aug 1834; Susan, circa 1835; George Washington circa 1839; Hannah Ann, circa 1840, and John TROUT circa 1842. Jacob died circa 24 Jan 1874 and is buried in Harrisburg Cemetery, Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. Elizabeth died circa 25 Dec 1865 and is also buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. : It is now assessed as extremely likely, but not proven, that Jacob TROUT. Sr., was the son of the Isaac TROUT (1781-after 1810) and Rachel FERREE (1774-after 1830), Line #1 in our study. That is to say, we now believe that Line #48 is actually a subset of Line #1. RESEARCH UPDATE:  On 11/1/2013, a proven descendant of Line #48 came back as a perfect or near-perfect match with (27) testing descendants of Line #1, thus proving that Line #48 is a genetic downstream subset of Line #1 as long theorized. 

  • Line #49. _____ Jacob TROUT, born circa 1758; Revolutionary War militia soldier (RW-26), private, Middlesex County Militia, NJ; listed among those officers and men of the Middlesex Militia who served in the War of the Revolution 1775-1783; lived in South Amboy Twp, Middlesex, NJ, and appears in all available tax rolls, 1780-1789; still listed as active in Middlesex Militia as of 12 Apr 1793; death date not known at this time. >>We need a DNA representative for this line<< 

  • Line #50. _____ David Swisher TROUT, born 2 Dec 1820, perhaps in Rockbridge or Botetourt County, Virginia, married 19 Feb 1845 Frances Adeline EDWARDS, b. 14 Aug 1824 Augusta County, VA. Although they have not yet been found in the 1850 census, the family may have been living near Salem, Roanoke, VA by 1850, relocating 180 miles southwest to Rogersville, Hawkins, TN in about 1855. In about 1869, the family joined her brother, Robert C. EDWARDS in Abingdon, Cedar Twp, Knox, IL, where he had been living since before 1860. David Swisher TROUT and wife Frances EDWARDS had 15 children, see family link for details. >>This is member David Alan Trout’s line; his 37-marker test results are posted in the teal-colored Match Cluster "K" series under the Y-DNA results tab. Deep-clade testing has identified David’s line as being Haplogroup (Hg) “R1b1b2a1a”, which was later re-classified as Hg "R-M269"<<  David Alan Trout would be extremely interested in corresponding with other researchers working on his 2nd great grandfather, David Swisher TROUT, and his ancestral lines.

  • Line #51. _____ William R. TROUTT (1830-1914) was born 27 Jun 1830 in TN, parents yet to be determined. He married Lucy Marlida Francis PUCKETT (1836-1915) on 16 Feb 1854 in Todd County, KY, and by 1856, the young family had moved to Liberty Twp, Washington, MO, with many later generations remaining in that general region today. Issue to this union included Mary F., 02 Jan 1855; Samuel Harrison, 20 Aug 1856; Joseph E., 11 Jan 1859; Martha J., 26 May 1861; Lucy Ann, 28 Jan 1866; William Henry, Mar 1866; Thomas E., 9 Jun 1870; John, 03 Mar 1872; Della Margaret, 07 Apr 1875, and Pinie Bell, 12 Apr 1876. William R. TROUTT died 26 Jul 1914, Liberty Twp, Washington, MO, and wife Lucy died 10 Feb 1915. Both are buried in the Hopewell Cemetery, Potosi, Breton Twp, Washington, MO. >>This is member Mark Alan Troutt, Jr.’s line and his 12-marker test results are posted in light-blue-colored Match Cluster-G under the Y-DNA results tab; This group is predicted as Haplogroup “R1b." (nomenclature updated June 2008)<<

  • Line #52. _____ John Riley TROUT (1831-1878) was born 15 Oct 1831 in Henry County, TN, parents yet to be determined. By the 1850 census, John is found living in Pulaski County, MO, and on 10 Oct 1850 married Elizabeth Caroline WOFFORD (1825-1898), daughter of Charles Pinkney WOFFORD and Jerusha BURTON. Issue to this union included William Wesley, 22 Jun 1851; Elizabeth Arabelle, 12 Dec 1852; Mary Ann, 9 Nov 1854; Emily Jane, 22 Aug 1856; Wen’a Jerusha, 22 Jun 1859; Narcissus, 9 Oct 1861; Nancy Queen, 22 Jan 1864; Laura Isabelle, 10 May 1866; and Julia Ann, 18 Apr 1868; the last two children being born on the eventual family homestead on Six Crossing Hollow, Spring Creek Twp, Phelps, MO. John Riley TROUT died 25 Nov 1878 and was buried in the Trout Cemetery on the family homestead. His wife, Elizabeth, died 19 Nov 1898 and was also buried in the Trout Cemetery, as were a number of the later generations. >>We are extremely interested in finding someone to act as Y-DNA representative for this line<< 

  • Line #53. _____ Christopher TROUT (1760-1859) was born 04 Jul 1760, it is believed in South Carolina. He married on 16 Jan 1796 to May LUMMAR, most likely in the Fairfield District, SC.Issue to this union included William 1799; May 18 Sep 1801; Esther 28 Sep 1803; John 5 Mar 1806; Judith 22 Oct 1808; Christopher Jr. 14 May 1811; and Adam 19 Jul 1813; all probably born in the Fairfield District, SC. The family had moved to TN (perhaps Gibson County) by about 1812, and had then relocated to MS by the late 1830s, settling in Yalobusha, Tate, and Desoto counties,MS. Mary LUMMAR TROUT died 31 Mar 1847, perhaps in Yalabusha County, MS, with Christopher passing away on 26 Jan 1859, perhaps in Desoto County, MS. Christopher had been continuing his coopering trade while living with daughter Judith and her family. >>We are extremely interested in finding someone to act as Y-DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #54. _____ Frederick James TROUGHTON (c. 1838-1900) – most often known as “James” – was born circa 1838 in London, England, perhaps immigrating first to Canada, and then eventually immigrating to Chicago, Cook, IL by about 1880, where he married Maud Elizabeth SAYERS on 27 Oct 1883. Maud was born 23 Feb 1860 in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, and immigrated to the US in about 1883, not long before their marriage. There were five issue to this union, including Willie Wallace c. 1884; Ivan Leslie 12 Jun 1886; Frederick James 22 Nov 1889; Louis Albert 5 May 1892; and Irene Julia 23 Jun 1896, all born in Chicago, Cook, IL. James TROUGHTON died 3 Apr 1900, and Maud died 7 Nov 1952, both in Chicago. Maud had remarried to Lewis Samuel DAVIES after the death of husband James TROUGHTON. >>This is member Jill Troughton Tarapand brother Michael James Troughton’s line; see his 67-marker Y-DNA test results posted in the beige-colored unmatched results series under the Y-DNA results tab; This group is predicted as Haplogroup “R1b1"; Their mtDNA results are also posted below.<<

  • Line #55. _____Sgt. Adam TROUT, b. circa 3 Feb 1739; active duty soldier in the French & Indian War, first enlisting 26 Mar 1760 at Orange County, NY in Capt. Johannes SNEDEKER’s Company, Col. Abraham HARING’s Regt. of NY Provincial Troops. Adam TROUT was also an active duty Revolutionary War soldier (RW-1), and first enlisted 1 Mar 1776 at Orange County, NY in Capt. Amos HUTCHEN’s Company, Col. RITZMAN's Regiment, NY Continental Line; served later in Capt. Bernet Ten EYCK’s Fifth Company, Col. Philip VAN CORTLANDT’s Second Regiment of the NY Continental Line. Fought in the Battle of White Plains, NY; First Battle of Saratoga (Freeman’s Farm); Second Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Hieghts); wintered at Valley Forge; and fought in the Battle of Monmouth, NJ. Adam was discharged after the war back to Orange County, NY where he is found in Newburgh in the 1790 census. Adam had married Ann HUTCHENS 24 Apr 1760, and issue to this union is believed to have included Michael TROUT b. circa 1763 (Line #9 above) and Robert TROUT. There is some chance that Adam married second to unknown, since later issue included George L. TROUT, Sr., born circa 1792, and Benjamin TROUT also born circa 1792-1793. That fact that Adam may have married twice is purely conjecture based on fact that Ann HUTCHENS would have been around 51 years old at the birth of the later children. Regardless, Adam TROUT, a weaver by trade, eventually moved to Ayrelius Twp, Cuyaga, NY ( before 1800), and then ultimately moved on to Elmira, Tioga, NY where he died circa 4 Mar 1819. His (second?) wife died 1826. Documented in NARA pension file S.42.527. NEW RESEARCH: We are now almost certain that Adam TROUT was the father of Michael TROUT, Line #9 above. >>We need a DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #56. _____Isaac TROUT, b. 22 Nov 1810, perhaps in York, York, PA, m. Sarah JAMES 6 Dec 1831 in York County, PA. She was born 13 Oct 1811 in PA. Issue to the union included George; Abraham; Adam 4 Nov 1837; Daniel 2 Jan 1840; Mary J.; Elizabeth A. 15 Nov 1842; Lubilla; and Harriett; all presumed to be born in York County, PA. Son Adam seems to have preceded the family to Clinton County, IN before 1850, with his father and siblings joining him in Clinton County the early 1860's. Adam’s mother, Sarah JAMES had died in York County, PA 16 Nov 1849. Isaac TROUT died 18 Feb 1889, most likely in Michigan Twp, Clinton, IN. >>We are extremely interested in locating a Y-DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #57. _____William J. TROUT(T), b. circa 1815 in NC, m. Victoria Isabella WILKINS 23 Dec 1834 in Maury Crockett, TN. The family moved to Graves County, KY by 1840; Calloway County KY by 1842; and Benton, Marshall, KY by 1860. Issue to the union included Nancy J. 1835; Livonia L. 1837; John R. 1839; Mary C. 1840; Tennessee 1842; Victoria Isabella 06 Jun 1848; Judge James M. TROUTT 08 Apr 1845; Eliza M. Aug 1850; and William Lighten 08 Dec 1851. William J. TROUT died before 1860 in Benton, Marshall, KY and his wife, Victoria, died after 1870, perhaps in Briensburg, Marshall, KY. Their 7th child, Judge James M. TROUTT (1845-1928) married Susan Mirenda PROVINCE (1853-1926) and rose to prominence in Jackson, Madison, TN, as did their son, Colonel James Monroe TROUTT (1883-1951). While all descendants in this line embraced the TROUTT (double-T) spelling, it is not clear if father William J. TROUT ever used the double-T variation. >>We are extremely interested in locating a Y-DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #58. _____Jacob S. TROUT, Sr., b. circa 1795 in PA, m. Susanna unknown circa 1827 in PA. The family is first noted in Tamaqua, Schuylkill, PA in 1850 where many of the first few generations remained. Issue to this union included Jeremiah 1828; Amos 1830; Jacob Jr., 1832; Maberry 1834; Samuel 1836; and Franklin 1839. A number of later decedents located in East Mauch Chunk, Carbon, PA. RESEARCH UPDATE:  10/11/2012, Y-DNA testing indicates that Line #58 is a downstream subset on Line #2, the TRAUT Brethren, linking generations have not yet been determined, research continues. This is member Tim Brennon's line. 

  • Line #59. _____Ephraim P. TROUT, Sr., b. circa 1834 in PA, m. Sarah BAUMAN circa 1863 in PA. The family is first noted in Pike Twp, Clearfield, PA in 1870 where many of the first generation remained. Issue to this union included Lundy Wilbert 1864; Howard 1868; Emory 1869; Franklin H. 6 Oct 1874; and Calvin L. 4 Mar 1877. The last two children appear to have been born inWoodward Twp, Clearfield, PA. The lives of this northwest Pennsylvania family are romanticized by author Leona Shew Wiesner, Lundy: Adventures of a Little Boy in Early America (iUniverse, Inc., 28 Sep 2007), a historical novel intended for young readers 9-12. Leona Shew Wiesner (1918-2007) was the great granddaughter of Ephraim P. TROUT. >>We are very interested in locating a Y-DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #60. _____John TROUTT, b. circa 1775, perhaps in NC, m. Mary unknown before 1813 in TN. John TROUTT died circa 1845 near Whitener, Prairie Twp, Madison, AR. Issue to this union included John L. (1805-1875); Philemon Henderson (1811-after 1860); Nancy D. (1813-after 1860); Jane (1817-c. 1856); Winifred C. (1820-after 1880); and Line #20, Robert D. TROUTT (1822-1864). The second generation was scattered in clusters in Madison, Washington, and Benton counties, AR. >>We are extremely interested in locating a Y-DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #61. _____Isaac TROUT, b. 10 Mar 1818, Lancaster County, PA, m. Mahala DANIELS c. 1850, perhaps in Green Twp, Summit, OH. Isaac TROUT died 28 Feb 1906 in Elkhart, Elkhart, IN , and wife Mahala died 21 Jun 1911. Issue to this union included George Marion 1851; Olivia Margaret 1853; Franklin Madison 1855; Flora A. 1857; Minerva A. 1860; William Harvey 1862; Clarence J. 1864; Mary Electra 1866; Frederick Earl 1867; Maude Estelle 1871; and Harry Llewellyn TROUT 1874. Being very near the state line, the family lived for at time in Porter Twp, Cass, MI.>>This is member Mary L. Trout’s line, and 37-marker Y-DNA test results for her nephew, Scott B. Trout, are posted in the beige-colored unmatched series under the Y-DNA results tab; Y-DNA testing has confirmed Line #61 as being Haplogroup (Hg) “J2."<< 

  • Line #62. _____James TROUT, b. circa Oct 1792, perhaps in Westmoreland County, PA, m. 8 Jul 1819 Sarah KIEFFER who had been born 7 Apr 1799 in Westmoreland County, PA, the daughter of Casper KIEFFER and Margareth SCHONER. James TROUT, a farmer by occupation, died 21 Mar 1853 in Monroe Twp, Licking, OH, and wife Sarah died 9 Oct 1876, also in Licking County, OH. Issue to this union included Daniel C., 10 Mar 1824; Nancy, c. 1826; Margaret, c. 1828; Elizabeth, c. 1830 (all in Westmoreland County, with the following issue born in Ohio); Moriah, c. 1832; Levi, 12 Mar 1834; Catherine, c. 1836; Sarah, c. 1836; Cynthia, 12 Jun 1842; and Victoria, 12 Jun 1842. The last two issue (twins) were born in St. Albans Twp, Licking, OH. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #63. _____Heinrich TRAUTH was born 10 Oct 1866 in Germany, the son of Conrad TRAUTH, who had been born circa 1847, and immigrated to the US in 1883. “Henry,” who was a baker by trade, m. Katherine M. BRAUM 25 Nov 1891 in St. Louis, MO. Issue to this union included George Andrew, 5 Dec 1892; Edward, 26 Jan 1895; and Walter, 16 April 1899, all being born in St. Louis, MO. The parents separated sometime prior to 7 Sep 1909, when Katherine married second to Henry F. JAHN. Henry TROUT died of tetanus 16 Oct 1913, and his former wife, Katherine , died the following year, 23 August 1914. >>>This is member LaDena Trauth Miller’s line, and the 12-marker results for her brother, Edward Gene Trauth, are now posted in orange-colored Match Cluster-J under the Y-DNA results tab<<< 

  • Line #64. _____Conrad TRAUTH, b. 25 Dec 1866 in Germany, the son of Fransisci Christophori TRAUTH and Carolinae GAULY. Conrad TRAUTH, a beer brewer by trade, had immigrated from Germany to the US in 1885 and m. 18 Feb 1891 Mathilda HILL in St. Louis, MO. Mathilda was born 02 Feb 1865 in Germany. Conrad TRAUTH d. 22 Mar 1939, and his wife Mathilda d. 3 Jan 1944, both in St. Louis. Issue to this union included Rosa M.C., 8 Jan 1894; and Paul Peter Conrad TRAUTH, 10 May 1897, both being born in St. Louis. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #65. _____Konrad TRAUTH, b. before 1800 in Kleinfischlingen (near Landau), Electoral Palatinate, Holy Roman Empire (now in Südliche Weinstraße, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany). Konrad TRAUTH, a school teacher by profession, m. 1st to Anne Mari SHAFER before 1820 in Kleinfischlingen. Issue to this first union include Karl, b. before 25 Feb 1820; Christine, circa 1821; Sofia, 30 Jan 1823; Johann Friedrich Adam, 11 Jul 1824; Samuel Conrad, 14 Mar 1826; Anton, 4 Jun 1827 (died as an infant); Anton, 15 Jul 1828; and Anna Margarethe, 12 Oct 1831, all born in Kleinfischlingen. Konrad TRAUTH m. 2nd Margaretha SCHAFER after 1834 in Kleinfischlingen. Issue to this second union included Johann Nicholas, 14 Feb 1834; and Jacob, 22 Jul 1836, both being born in Kleinfischlingen. It is known that brothers Samuel Conrad (school teacher), Anton, and Johann Nicholas all emigrated from Germany to the US in about 1851, perhaps also joined by their brother Jacob, and soon settled in Louisville, Jefferson, KY, where several generations remained. A number of their descendants worked in the printing trades. >>>This is member Jack Trauth’s line, and his 37-marker results are now posted in turquoise-colored Match Cluster-B under the Y-DNA results tab.<<< 

  • Line #66. _____Louis TRAUTH, b. circa 1824 in Germany, m. Anna Mary KRANNAUER 14 Apr 1853, in New Orleans , LA. Mary had been born 13 Jul 1828, also in Germany. Louis TRAUTH, a blacksmith by trade, died 19 Mar 1900, and his wife Mary had died 3 Nov 1890, both in New Orleans. Issue to this union included Anna M., 4 Aug 1854; Henry, 29 Jul 1858; Elizabeth, circa 1861; Anna Mary, 4 Aug 1864; George Joseph, Jan 1868; and Lewis George TRAUTH, Jr,. 20 April 1869, all in Carrollton, Jefferson, LA. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #67. _____Henry TRAUTH, Sr., b. 13 September 1862 , Landau, Bravaria, m. Caroline unknown c. 1885, Brooklyn, NY. Henry TRAUTH, Sr., a butcher by trade, died sometime after 1930 in Flushing, Queens, NY. Issue to this union included Henry TRAUTH, Jr. , 9 Feb 1886; Bertha, Apr 1888; and Edward, 5 Jul 1895, all being born in New York. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #68. _____Ignatius TRAUTH, b. 26 Jun 1813, Herxheim bei Landau, Suedliche Weinstrasse, Suedliche Weinstrasse, Germany, m. Anna Maria DUERZAPF 14 Oct 1844 in Herxheim bei Landau. “Ignatz,” as he was commonly known, died 12 Nov 1870 in Gretna, Jefferson, LA, and his wife, Mary, died 27 Nov 1903, also in Gretna. Issue to this union included Jacob, 16 Jun 1845; George, circa 1846; Louis, circa 1849; Maximilian TRAUTH, Sr., 12 Mar 1853; Elizabeth, circa 1855; Anne Marie, circa 1855; and John, circa 1858, all probably born in Carrollton, Jefferson, LA. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #69. _____John TROUT, b. 1813, MD, m. Elizabeth Rebecca MADERIA 7 Dec 1839, Frederick County, MD. John died after 1880, as did his wife, Elizabeth, both perhaps in Buckeystown, Frederick, MD. Twelve issue to this union included John Andrew 1842; Valentine Tobias 1843; William Henry 1843; Charles E. 1847; Richard A. 1849; Elizabeth 1851; Ellen 1853; Laura 1855; Margaret Malinda 1857; Wilson 1859; Ammie 1861; and Thomas H. Trout 1862; all believed to have been born in Buckystown, Frederick, M.D. A number of later generations settled in Preston County, WV. >>We need a DNA representative for this line.<< 

  • Line #70. _____ John Henry TROUT, b. 22 Jul 1825, Toledo, Lucas, OH, m. Virginia F. COBB 24 Dec 1849, Marion County, MO, she being born 1 Apr 1825 in Kanawha County, VA (now WV). Two issue to this union included Elizabeth Alen 1850 Marion County MO; and John Martin TROUT 1851 Madison, Monroe, MO.  RESEARCH UPDATE: 3/25/2012 - DNA testing has determined this line appears to be a downstream subset of Line #1, the immigrant Johann Wendel Georg TRAUT (1689-1760), although the linking generations have not yet been identified. Research continues. 

  • Line #71. _____ Jacob TROUT, b. 29 Dec 1801 Dividing Creek, Downe Twp, Cumberland, NJ. In about 1827, Jacob married Elizabeth LAKE b. 15 Feb 1805, Cumberland County, NJ. Jacob died 13 Nov 1870, and Elizabeth followed on 22 Feb 1890. Issue to this union included John B. 1829; Elizabeth L. 1832; Jacob 1835; Job T. 1836; Mary L. 1837; Miller 1840; William R. 1840; Samuel T. 1842; Charles 1845; and Elmer S. TROUT 1847, all believed to have been born Dividing Creek, Downe Twp, Cumberland, NJ. Many descendants of this line have continued to live in Cumberland County or neighboring Cape May County, NJ. >>We need a DNA representative for this line<<

  • Line #72. _____ Charles TRAUTH, b. circa 1868 in France or Germany, married Josephine LEVI about 1879, immigrated to US in 1892, naturalized 1900, worked as florist, first in Brooklyn, Kings, NY, then Newark, Essex, NJ. Issue to this union included David 1906; Herbert M. 1907; and Albert 1911; all born in Newark, Essex, NJ. >>>This is member Jason Brady Trauth’s line, and his 12-marker results are now posted in beige-colored un-matched series under the Y-DNA results tab.<<< 

  • Line #73. _____ John Michael TROUT (TRAUT), b. circa 1853 in Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany, married Johannetta "Nettie" KLUG before 1876, she being born Feb 1849, also in Frankfurt am Main. The young couple immigrated to US in about 1877, with John working as a miner in Chartiers Borough, Allegheny, PA. John apparently died sometime before 1900 when his family is found in Homestead, Allegheny, PA.. A total of 10 children were born to this union, six of which still survived at the time of the 1900 Census. Known children include Kathie 1876; Mary 1877; Menny Oct 1879; Albert E. 18 May 1883; Bruno Harry 15 Apr 1885; Nettie Aug 1887; and Otto Frederick TROUT, Sr. 14 Sep 1889; the last four children being born in Homestead, Allegheny, PA. The youngest child, Otto Frederick TROUT, Sr., served as a 2d Lt. In the 42nd Infantry Division, also known as the Rainbow Division, in France during World War I, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. >>> We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #74. _____ Thomas TROUT, b. circa 1800 in Massachusetts, married Elizabeth Cordelia WALTER circa 1825, perhaps in Charleston, Charleston, SC, she being born 1808 in Connecticut. The family moved from Charleston, Charleston, SC to Memphis, Shelby, TN sometime between the 1850 and 1860 census. Thomas died Feb 1878 in Memphis, Shelby, TN, and Cornelia followed him in death in Oct 1880, also in Memphis. At least (8) children were born to this union; two unknown sons prior to 1825; Mary Elizabeth 31 Jul 1829; Louisa W. circa 1836; William Walter "Billie" circa 1838; Leland W. circa 1841; Emily W. circa 1843; and Ellen W. 1850, all born in Charleston, Charleston, SC. Later generations tended to live in Memphis, with several descending lines ultimately relocating to the Houston, Harris, TX region. Line #74 is a member of  violet-colored Match Cluster "L" in our study. 

  • Line #75. _____ Abraham TROWT (TROUT), b. circa 1757 in Manchester, Essex, MA, married Hannah WOODBURY 29 Oct 1789 in Beverly, Essex, MA. At least (8) children were born to this union; Anna 14 Feb 1790; Elizabeth 2 Apr 1792; unknown son 16 Feb 1794 died young; Abraham, Jr. 27 Apr 1795; (twins) Hannah 27 May 1797; Molly 27 May 1797; Jacob 24 May 1799; and Rebecca 12 Sep 1802; all born in Beverly, Essex, MA. Hannah and then Abraham both died of consumption within a year of each other and were buried on 6 Jan 1825 and 6 Feb 1826 in the churchyard at the First Parish Unitarian Church, Beverly, Essex, MA. The family line remained in Beverly for the several generations, with some descendants moving close by to Wenham, Essex, MA. The surname spelling appears to have shifted to TROUT by about the 1850 census. >>> We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<<  

  • Line #76. _____Andrew TROUT, b. circa 1790, most likely in Pennsylvania, had settled in Towanda, Bradford, PA by 1821. Andrew married Ann unknown sometime before 1816, she having been born in New York in about 1788. At least seven children were born to this union, to include William, circa 1816; Ransom, circa 1820; John, circa 1824; (Capt.) Andrew Jackson, circa 1826; and George, circa 1832, the last three sons being born in Towanda. At least two daughters were also born to the couple between 1825 and 1830 in Towanda, confirmation of their names is still pending. While Andrew TROUT's actual occupation has not been confirmed, it may have also involved river commerce since he drowned in about 1832 while running a raft over Shamokin Dam, Snyder, PAin the darkness of night. After Andrew's untimely death, Ann married 2nd to Luther "Luke" Gillespie who had been born circa 1787 in Ireland. Son John TROUT became a prosperous gunsmith inWilliamsport, Lycoming, PA, and son Capt. Andrew Jackson TROUT served in the US War with Mexico (1847-1848), and then in the Civil War as a Captain in Company "F," 13th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. Later generations of the Andrew TROUT line also settled in Elmira, Chemung, NY. >>> We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<<   

  • Line #77. _____Andrew V. TROUT, b. circa 1819, most likely in Pennsylvania, and married Lovica CROFUT sometime before 1843, perhaps in Towanda, Bradford, PA. Lovica was born 22 May 1820 in Leroy Twp, Bradford, PA to James Seeley CROFUT (1791-1823) and Phoebe WOOSTER (1793-1860). At least four children were born to this union, including Burton William ("B.W."), 8 March 1843; Milton M., September 1845; Amelia, December 1849; and George A. TROUT, circa 1854, all believed to be born in Towanda, Bradford, PA, where the family is first found in the 1850 census. They later moved to Leroy Twp sometime prior to 1860. Sons Burton William TROUT and Milton M. TROUT both fought in the Civil War, with Burton being wounded at Gettysburg, PA, and again at Petersburg, VA, where he was also captured, spending over eight months as a prisoner of war. Burton later settled in Sac City, Jackson Twp, Sac, IA, and then finally in Winfield, Cowley, KS. Andrew V. TROUT moved to Canton, Bradford, PA sometime prior to 1870, where he died 6 Jun 1882. His wife, Lovica, had preceded him in death on 10 Mar 1870, also in Canton. >>> We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<< 

  • Line #78. _____Ernst TRAUDT b. 1739, Isenburg, Hesse, Germany. Ernst m. Catharina unknown about 1761 in Hesse. There were at least 6 issue to this union, to include Wilhelm, 1761; Conrad, 1767; Anna Margaretha, 1768; Elisabeth, 7 Mar 1770; Catharina, 1771; and Johann Heinrich TRAUDT, 2 Jul 1772. Wilhelm was born in Hesse, Germany, and the remaining five children were all born in Norka (now Nekrasovo), Saratov, Volga, Russia, the family having arrived from Isenburg, Hesse, Germany in Norka on 15 Aug 1767, and being among the colonists that founded the new farming colony of Norka on that date. Catherine the Great (Russia) had published manifestoes in 1762 and again in 1763 inviting Europeans to emigrate to Russia and farm the lands while still maintaining their native languages and culture. Norka, located on the Russian steppes along the Volga River, was among the earliest of 104 colonies founded during this period. Many TRAUDT/TROUDT families now living in Canada, the United States, and South America find their roots in the Volga region of Russia and are often collectively known as "Volga Germans" or "Norka TRAUDTs." It is possible that Ernst TRAUDT (1739-1798) of Norka may be the common ancestor for most if not all TRAUDT families coming out of the Norka region. Dr. Ruth Kahre Schultz maintains an excellent "Norka Ancestors, Inhabitants & Descendants" site that includes 553 entries for TRAUDTS from Norka, Saratov, Volga, Russia. (See the Ernst TRAUDT link above).  >>> RESEARCH UPDATE: 6/22/2017, Y-DNA testing of proven descendants has validated that Line #78 is a genetic match with Lines #2 and #3, indicating all share a common progenitor sometime prior to 1590, and all share Haplogroup I-M253, indicating deep ancestral origins in Northwest Europe (Danes, Vikings, Netherlanders, et al.   

  • Line #79. _____Daniel TROUTS (TRAUTZ), b. 2 Jan 1807, Baden, Germany. Daniel m. Catharina STOECKLE 16 Jun 1831 in Konigsbach, Karlshruhe, Baden, Germany. Catharina was born 2 Sep 1809, also in Baden, Germany. At least 11 children were born to this union, George Adam, 20 Feb 1828; Louisa, 1 May 1830; Daniel, 19 Apr 1832; Franz, 16 Jun 1836; Katrina, 23 Mar 1838; Magdalena, 22 Sep 1840; Jakab, 23 Mar 1843; John, 21 Dec 1846; Salome, 5 Jun 1848; Heinrich, 12 Mar 1851; and Samuel TROUTS, Oct 1854. The first five children were born in Konigsbach, Karlshruhe, Baden, Germany, and the remaining six children were born in Nockamixon Twp, Bucks, PA. Daniel died 20 Jul 1880, and wife Catharina died 3 Sep 1882. Daniel TROUTS and his family immigrated from Germany to the US in about 1839, settling briefly in Easton, Northampton, PA, boating on the Delaware Division of the Lehigh Canal, and then soon relocating to Nockamixon Twp, Bucks, PA. Most descendants have remained in the Bucks County, PA, with the exception of at least one line in Trenton, Mercer, NJ, and one line in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. >>> We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<< 

  • Line #80. _____Michael TROUT was born circa 1776, perhaps Virginia or North Carolina, and married Rachel LORANCE 11 Mar 1797 in Lincoln County, NC, she being born circa 1780, NC. At least 7 children were born to this union, to include Elizabeth, 2 Nov 1797; Dicy, after 1797; Logan, after 1797; Margaret (Peggy), after 1797; Anna circa 1802; Henderson circa 1812; and Rachel Polly TROUT circa 1820, all born in North Carolina. Elizabeth was specifically born in Lincoln County, NC, and Anna was born in Burke County, NC. Michael TROUT died after 1842 in Union (now Towns) County, GA. >>> We need a Y-DNA representative for this line.<<< 

  • Line #81. _____Charles TROUGHT, Sr. was born circa 1838 in Delaware County, OH, to unknown parents (research pending). Charles married Mary unknown circa 1860, and at least four children were born to this union, to include Charles, Jr.; Walter A., Nov 1864; Emma E., circa 1864; and Mary TROUGHT. Most if not all the children were believed to be born in Maryland. Charles TROUGHT, Sr., enlisted on 1 Jul 1864 in the U.S. Army (regular) and served as a musician in the 4th Light Artillery Regiment. After the Civil War, Charles lived in Maryland and the Washington DCarea, where he died 8 May 1905 in Cherrydale, Arlington, VA. Charles is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Several of the descending generations remained in the Washington DC and Northern Virginia region. >>> This is project member David Andrew Trought's line and his 12-marker test results are still pending.<<< 

  • Line #82. _____William J. TROUT was born circa 1822 in North Carolina, perhaps to John TROUT, who had been born c. 1775 in NC, and died after 1840, perhaps near Conasuaga, McMinn County, TN. William J. TROUT married Matilda unknown sometime before 1844 in TN. At least 5 children were born to this union, to include Jason L., circa 1844; Mary, circa 1846; Susan, circa 1847; Warren Davis circa 1850; and Bartley TROUT, 25 Mar 1851, all believed to be born near Conasuaga, McMinn County, TN. Son Jason L. TROUT later settled in Carbondale, Jackson, IL, with his descending lines eventually settling in Oklahoma. Son Warren Davis TROUT settled in Williamson County, IL , with several of his descendants eventually settling in New Madrid County, MO. >>>We need a DNA representative for this line.<<< 

  • Line #83. _____William TROUT was born circa 1824, perhaps in Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany. William married Elizabeth unknown about 1849 in Darmstadt, and at least (7) children were born to this union, to include Charles, circa 1850; Lewis, circa 1851; Henry, 20 July 1854; John, 20 July 1854; Augustus F., circa 1856; William, circa 1859; and Conrad TROUT, circa 1861. The first four children were born in Darmstadt, with John being born just before the young family immigrated to the US and ultimately settled in Allegheny County, PA. Son John TROUT (1854-1923) and many of his descendants ultimately settled in Ocean City and the surrounding areas of Cape May County, NJ.. >>>This is project member Melissa Trout Braon's line<<

  • Line #84. _____ Jacob TROUT born before 1795, perhaps in Pennsylvania, m. Sarah CROUTHAMEL sometime before 1816 when the couple was living in Montgomery County, PA. At least one known issue was born to this union, Jacob TROUT, born 7 Dec 1816 in Montgomery, County, PA. Descendants of this line tended to remain in the general region, with a number of descendants being buried in Lansdale, Montgomery, PA and surrounding communities. >>>We need a DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #85. _____  Samuel Jackson TROUT born circa 1830, perhaps in North Carolina, m. Louis Jane WARD 1 Nov 1847 in Union County, GA. (Samuel may have been the son of Michael TROUT born circa 1776, Line #80)  At least five children were born to this union, Samuel ; Jeff; George Washington, 15 Sep 1847; William H., circa 1850; and Andrew M. TROUT, 50 Nov 1855. >>>We need a DNA representative for this line.<<<

  • Line #86. _____Samuel H. TROUT was born 14 Apr 1820 in VA. He married Margarett W. BROWN on 4 Feb 1846 in Highland County, OH. (Some census records report her name as "Margery"). At least (7) children were born to this union. The family had moved to Camp Twp, Polk IA, by 1850, and Samuel served during the Civil War in Company "G," 23rd IA Infantry Regiment. In about 1864, after death of his wife, Margarett (Margery), Samuel placed some of children with relatives and neighbors; then took son oldest John to gold rush region of Galletin County, MT to make his fortune. Samuel died 11 Oct 1900 (age 81) at the Montana Soldier's Home, Columbia Twp, Flathead, MT and is buried there. >>>We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #87. _____Henry G. TROUT was born circa 1802 (or perhaps as early as 1792) in Germantown, Philadelphia, PA. Henry was a shoemaker by trade and married Susanna unknown about 1828 in Germantown or Philadelphia. At least (4) children were born to this union, to include George F. , Feb 1829; Rebecca, circa 1831; Elizabeth, circa 1833; and Josiah TROUT, c 1836, all born in Germantown. Henry died 13 Jul 1868 in Germantown and was initially buried at the German Methodist Cemetery (defunct, no longer exists), then re-buried next to his wife Susanna 7 Jan 1886 in Ivy Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.  >>RESEARCH COMMENT: Circumstantially, based on his birth in Germantown, and his trade in leather goods (shoes), there is some possibility he descends from Line #2 in our study, but DNA testing will be needed to confirm this. >>We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #88. _____Nicholas J. TRAUT, Sr. was born Apr 1873 in Germany, immigrated to the US in 1889 and married circa 1896 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Mary A. unknown, who was born Sep 1869 in England. At least four children were born to this union, to include Thomas Godfrey, 2 Jun 1898; Nicholas J., Mar 1900; Florence, circa 1901; and Elenor M. TRAUT circa 1901, all born in Philadelphia.  Nicholas died sometime after 1904 and was buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Yeadon, Delaware, PA (greater Philadelphia area). >>We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #89. _____Michael TROUT was born circa 1805 in PA, perhaps in Westmoreland County (unconfirmed), and died sometime before 1880 in Cambria County, PA. He married Ellenor "Ellen" HICKMAN in about 1840, perhaps in Westmoreland County (unconfirmed). At least (9) children were born to this union, to include Jacob circa 1841; Sara circa 1844; William Findley c 1846; Andrew circa 1848; Joseph circa 1853; Hudson 2 Feb 1856; Benjamin circa 1859; Martha Ann circa 1862, and James B. TROUT, circa 1864. Later generations settled in Cambria and Indiana counties, PA.  RESEARCH UPDATE:  9/30/2012, testing results indicate that Line #89 is actually a downstream subset of Line #2; linking generations have yet to be identified, research continues.  This is member Paul A. Trout's line. 

  • Line #90___ TROUT Mariners of Philadelphia – siblings Capt. William TROUT (1793-1861); Capt. John F. TROUT (1796-1863); Georg TROUT (1794-before 1850); and sister Margaret TROUT MULLICK (1790-1834), all of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. Capt. William TROUT died in Charleston, Charleston, SC and is buried there. RESEARCH NOTE: This line is currently under active research and development; their father is yet to be identified. So far, this is a free-standing line and not related to other known TROUT lines in our study. >>>This is member Michael D. Trout's line<<<

  • Line #91___Capt. Joseph TROUT (1723-1755), Master of the Snow "Union" lost in a storm on the rocks of Cape Cod, Barnstable, MA on 29 Oct 1755 and is buried in Old North Cemetery, Truro, Barnstable, MA. RESEARCH NOTE: This line is currently under active research and development, his family is yet to be identified. >>>We are extremely interested in locating a DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #92___Job TROUT (1824-1890), Philadelphia Steamboat Captain and River Pilot, was born circa 1824 in NJ and by 1848 was living in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA where he first tried his hand at being a hotel keeper, but then soon established his career as a steamboat captain and eventually as a river and harbor pilot. On 02 Apr 1848, Job married Lucy Jane FOX (1828-1869) and at least (11) children were born to this union. Notable among their children was their second born, Joseph McMackin TROUT (1850-1910), who was the only TROUT to ever be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Joseph, who sometimes used the name "James M. TROUT" while serving in the Navy, enlisted at Philadelphia on 13 Jul 1875, and while serving as a Fireman Second Class (coal heaver) on board the steam powered side-wheeler USS Frolic, displayed extraordinary heroism in endeavoring to save the life of one of the crew of that vessel who had fallen overboard at Montevideo, Uruguay on 20 April 1877. Virtually all of Job and Lucy's children remained in the Philadelphia region, to include neighboring Trenton, Mercer, NJ. >RESEARCH NOTE: This line is currently under active research & development, and we are extremely interested in locating a DNA representative for this line.<

  • Line #93. _____Abraham TROUT, Sr. was born 22 Feb 1810 in PA (parents yet to be determined). He married Eliza GRUBB (1822-1899) in about 1843. Abraham died 15 Apr 1862 in Cumberland County, PA. At least (6) children were born to this union, to include George W. circa 1843; John G. circa 1845; Samuel Grubb circa 1847; David Henry. Oct 1849; Abraham Grubb circa 1852; and William Wesley TROUT, 5 Mar 1854. After Abraham's death, Eliza married 2nd to Adam FREDERIC (18151-1882) on 30 Dec 1863 in Carlisle, Cumberland, PA. Eliza died 5 Feb 1899 in Carlisle, Cumberland, PA. RESEARCH UPDATE:  Based on Y-DNA test results posted 4/17/2013, Line #93 is proven to be a genetic downstream subset of Line #1. >>>This is member William G. Trout's line<<<

  • Line #94. _____Henry Nicholas TROUT was born circa 1790 in Germany (perhaps Darmstadt) (parents yet to be determined). He married Ann Dorthea unknown (circa 1791-1883) in about 1823, perhaps in Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. They immigrated to the US sometime after 1824, eventually settling in Bedford County, PA. At least (5) children were born to this union, Alexander (no further information): Margaretha 30 Dec 1823, Darmstadt; George William 28 Dec 1834, Darmstadt; Jon Conrad c 1834, MD; Julia Ann 3 Jan 1838, Bedford County, PA. Henry Nicholas TROUT died about 1840 in Bedford County, PA. After his death, Ann Dorthea married 2nd to Michael BOOR (1770-1856) on 20 Dec 1842 in Cumberland Valley, Bedford, PA. Ann Dorthea died 31 Mar 1883, Bedford County, PA.>>>We need a Y-DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #95. _____Joseph TRAUT (1823-1895) was born circa 1823 in Filzen, Prussia, immigrating to the US in 1847, settling In Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa , where he died 7 May 1895.  Joseph married Anna HILKEN (1827-1894) on 6 May 1848, not long after his arrival in Dubuque.  Anna had been born 18 Sep 1827 in Luxembourg, and died 12 Sep 1894 in Dubuque.  At least 10 children were born to this union, to include Elizabeth, 1849; John, circa 1850; Paul, 27 Jun 1851; Jacob, 1853; Mary, circa 1855; Joseph P., circa 1858; Matilda, circa 1860; John, circa 1863; Albert F., 2 Mar 1867; and Louisa TRAUT, 9 Jun 1872, all born in Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. Joseph was a skilled boot maker, and most of his sons carried on with this trade, with the exception of Paul TRAUT (27 Jun 1851 - 23 May 1898), who became a prominent banker, entrepreneur, brewery executive, and the holder of multiple public offices, to include City Treasurer, County Treasurer, etc.  Research continues.  >>> We need a DNA representative for this line<<< 

  • Line #96___ Joseph Andrew TROUT (1824-1893) was born 17 Mar 1824 in Bavaria, immigrating to the US and settling in Minnesota sometime prior to 1856.  By 1858, Joseph and his family had relocated to Janesville, Rock, Wisconsin; and then finally sometime prior to 1868, settling in Utica, Chickasaw, Iowa. Sometime prior to 1856, Joseph had married Cresence FLESHRUD (1830-1890), also from Bavaria. At least six children were born to this union, to include John, 17. Nov 1856; Andrew Patrick, Nov 1858; Mary A., Nov 1860; Elizabeth, Ma 1864; Ellen, Circa 1868; and Ann TROUT, circa 1875. Census records suggest that Joseph was a very prosperous farmer in Chickasaw County, Iowa, where he died 14 Aug 1893.  Research continues.  >>> We need a DNA representative for this line<<< 

  • Line #97___Thomas M. TROUT (1825-1900) was born circa 1825, perhaps in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and had relocated to Medina County, OH, sometime prior to 1892, when he married Sarah M. HACKATHORN (1864-1933) on 12 January 1892, at least five children were born to this union, to include Mahlon Thomas, 26, August 1894; Andrew, 20 October 1896; Lottie, 19 November 1898; an unknown child before 1900; and Myrtle TROUT, circa 1900, all being born in Medina County, OH.  Thomas was a Civil War veteran, having served a Private in Company "A" (Musser's), 101st PA Infantry.  There is some possibility that Thomas' middle name may be "Mahlon," but this has not yet been confirmed.  Research continues.  >>> We are extremely interested in finding a DNA representative for this line<<< 

  • Line #98. _____John TROUT (1796-1863) was born 17 March 1796 in North Carolina, and died 11 August 1863 in or near Vienna, Scott, Indiana.  He married Mary B. NUCKOLS on 7 December 1824 in Oldham County, Kentucky.  Mary was born 1 October 1794 in Virginia and died 30 May 1863 in Scott County, IN. At least two children were born to this union, including William Henry TROUT (1825-1909) and Susan Jane Elizabeth TROUT (1832-1907), both being born in Kentucky, and both died in Scott County, IN.  Susan married John Michael NUNNAMAKER (1827-1864), and brother William married Nancy Ann CRAIG (1846-1936.  Research continues.  >>> We need a DNA representative for this line<<< 

  • Line #99____Jacob TRAUTZ (circa 1799-1855) was born circa 1799 1942 in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany, the son of Andrew TRAUTZ and wife Catherine unknown, also presumably born in Hanover. Sometime before 1837, Jacob married Susanna STIMLER who had been born 1815, perhaps also in Hanover.  Children born to this union included Carl (Charles) circa 14 Jul 1837; Wilhelm (William) 5 Jul 1839; Michel (Michael) 12 Oct 1842; and Jacobina TRUATZ, circa 1843, all born in Hanover.  On 29 Jul 1845, Jacob and Susanna arrived with their young family in the Port of New York on the ship Damascus, having departed from the Port of Havre, Normandy, France, but listed as being from Deutchland (Germany).   Jacob died 24 Dec 1855 in Maysville, Mason, KY and "Susan" died there in 1885.  While some decedents remained in Kentucky, Michael TRAUTZ (TROUTS) and his family moved to Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH and other Ohio counties to include Highland and Clermont. Name variations for descending generations have been TRAUTZ, TROUTS and finally TROUT.  Research continues.  >>> We need a DNA representative for this line<<< 
  • Line #100___Joshua TROUT (before 1672 -1716) was born before 1672 in Dronfield, Derbyshire, England, perhaps the son of Ellis TROUT.   On 14 Jun 1685, Joshua TROUT married Mary HOLMES in Wittingham, Derbyshire, England and at least (6) children were born to this union, to include George, 8 Sep 1687; Jonathan, 3 Feb 1687/88; Mary, 22 May 1693; Robert bap. 17 Sep 1702; Elizabeth, bap. 29 Mar 1704; and Joshua TROUT, bap. 1 Oct 1705, all in  Dronfield, Derbyshire, England.  Of the children Robert TROUT (1702-1760) went on to become the Blacksmith of Arksey, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England, and much has been written about his descending lines.  >>>This is member Edwin A. R. Trout's line<<<

  • Line #101. ____Johannes TRAUD born before 1716 in Herbstein, Voglebergkreis, Hessen, Germany.  He married Ursula unknown on  20 Jun 1735, also in Herbstein. Among their children was Ignatius TRAUD (1736-1804), also born in Herbstein.  There is some chance this line is related at a very early generation to Line #34 above. >>>We need a DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #102____Peter TROUT (circa 1774 - 1857) was born in about 1774 in Sowton, Devon, England, and married Betty Bird on 2 Sep 1810 in Exeter, Devon, England.   Having served briefly in the Royal Navy in about 1794, later in life, Peter Trout was a Greenwich Pensioner, first as an out-pensioner, then eventually admitted to the Greenwich Royal Naval Hospital, where he died circa 20 Dec 1857 and was buried in the hospital cemetery.  His son, John TROUT (1817-1859), emigrated to Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia in 1855 on the ship "Cambodia" and then settled in Queensland, where he died in Ipswich on 22 Aug 1859.  Many of the TROUTs in Australia today descend from this line.   >>>This is member Graham Ross Trout's line<<<
  • Line #103____Daniel TROUT (1813-1883) was born in about December of 1813 in Pennsylvania, perhaps in or near Mifflin County.  He married  Anna MCALLISTER 21 Apr 1842 in Mifflin County, PA.  Three issue were born to this union, Thomas M., circa 1842; Lewis H., circa 1843; and William Wilson TROUT, 23 Jun 1848.  Daniel TROUT died 09 Feb 1883 in Lewiston, Mifflin, PA.  Later generations tended to remain in the same general region.  >>>This is member Scott Brian Trout's line<<<  
  • Line #104____ John TROUT, (circa 1825 - after 1850) and wife Rebecca LEAR (circa 1825 - after 1850), both of Pennsylvania, were the parents of Hiram Miller TROUT, born 18 Feb 1850, also in Pennsylvania.  Hiram, Jr., married Frances C. SCHOENER on 24 Feb 1869 in Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania, where several generations remained over the years and worked as either firemen, engineers, machinists, or related jobs with the Reading Railroad. >>>This is member Ellyn Trout Nolt's line<<< RESEARCH UPDATE: 1/10/2016:  DNA testing has now proven that Line #104 is a genetic downstream subset of The TRAUT Brethren, Line #2 in our study, additional details pending. >>> This is member Dale LeRoy Trouts' line <<< 

  • Line #105____Henry Baker TROUT (1854-1928) and wife Emily Ann HARVEY (1859-1940), both of Pennsylvania, were the parents of George Albert TROUT, I, born Jan 1878 in Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  Henry B. TROUT was the son of a Jeremiah TROUT and wife "Catherein," additional details pending.  Descendants of this line eventually settled in the Mount Holly, Burlington, New Jersey area, where many remain to this day.  RESEARCH UPDATE: 1/4/2016:  DNA testing has now proven that Line #105 is a genetic downstream subset of The TRAUT Brethren, Line #2 in our study, additional details pending. >>>This is member Ronald Warren Trout's line<<<

  • Line #106____Heinrich TRAUTH (Dec 1849 - after 1910) reports that he was born Dec 1849 in France, the son of W. TRAUTH and wife Eve (no further information).  "Henry Traut" married first to (unknown) who died in about 1881, and then married 2nd to Minnie SHULTZ (1865-1942) on 16 Mar 1883 in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma.   Minnie was of Choctaw Nation descent (Choctaw Nation #4700; enrolled 1896 Tobcucksy County #12039, pg. 312), and accordingly, Henry and Minnie's children can claim Choctaw Nation ancestry.   With very few exceptions, descendants of this line have tended remain in the Pittsburg County, OK area. >>>We need a Y-DNA representative for this line <<<< 

  • Line #107____John Franklin TROUT  (20 Feb 1831 -- 20 Sep 1899) was born 20 February 1831 in Ohio, and was married 30 April 1856 to Helen Victoria COLLINS (1841-1906) in Missouri.  She had been born 20 Feb 1841 in Giles County, TN.  They spent their entire married life together in or near La Plata Twp, Macon, MO.  At least (10) children were born to this union, although later generations change their surname to TROUTT. >>> We need a DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #108____George T. TROUT  (21 Oct 1834 - 30 Apr 1904) was born 21 Oct 1834, perhaps in Delaware Twp, Hunterdon, New Jersey.   On 17 Jun 1857, he married Sarah MOORE (18 Aug 1836 - 8 Feb 1914). At least (5) children were born to this union, to include: Matlilda Moore TROUT 26 Feb 1859; (infant) TROUT circa 1860; Josephine TROUT 5 Dec 1861; Anna M. TROUT 4 Dec 1865; John Moore TROUT, Sr. 21 Sep 1873; and Mary Louisa TROUT 24 Jun 1877. The first three children were born in Delaware Twp, Hunterdon, NJ, with the remaining children being born in Bridgeville, Sussex, Delaware, where George T. TROUT died on 30 Apr 1904. RESEARCH UPDATE: 9/16/2016 – Compelling evidence, albeit circumstantial, very strongly indicates that George T. TROUT was the previously-undocumented third son of Jeremiah TROUT, Sr. (1805-1896) Line #6, and wife Mary Ann DUNN (1808-1900) of Delaware Twp, Hunterdon, NJ. Y-DNA testing will be required to validate that Line #108 is actually a genetic downstream subset of Line #6, which in turn is a subset of Line #2.    >>>We need a DNA representative for this line<<<
  • Line #109____William TROUT  (circa 1585) was born in circa 1585 in Morton Bagot, Warwickshire, England, and was the father of Richard TROUT, born 1621, also in Morton Bagot. A number of the descendants in the were among the well-know needle makers of the Warwickshire/Worcestershire region of England in the mid-1800s.    >>>Y-DNA Testing for this line is currently pending<<<

  • Line #110 ____Mathias TROUT  (25 Jan 1811 - 20 Jun 1893) was born 25 Jan 1811 in McMinn County, Tennessee and was married there sometime before 1834 to Mary IRELAND (30 Oct 1811 - 28 Jan 1887). At least (9) children were born to this union. Mathias TROUT died on 20 Jan 1893 in Tremont Twp, Tazewell, Illinois, where his wife Mary had preceded him in death on 28 Jan 1887.   >>>We need a DNA representative for this line<<<

  • Line #111____John TROUT, (born before 1756), perhaps in Devonshire, England, and then died there, most likely in Sowton, Devon, England, sometime after the birth of his son, Roger Thomas TROUT (1774-1853) who was born in Sowton.  The vast majority of the descendants in this line remained in the Devonshire region, with the several recent generations of one very prominent line coming to be know as the "Trout Boat Builders of Topsham." Y-DNA testing has confirmed that members of this TROUT line are Haplogroup (Hg) "R-M269," or that is to say, the Modal Haplogroup for Western Europe, perhaps reflecting that the Topsham/Exeter region has been very active port and trading center since Roman Times, and perhaps earlier. >>>This is the family line for Michael Leslie Trout of Topsham, Devonshire, England <<< 

  • Line #112____ Johann Lorenze TROUT  (1798-1862) was born 1798 in Neidersachsen (Lower Saxony), Germany, immigrating from Germany via New York in 1822, and marrying Amelia LIEBER (1809-1885), perhaps in Akron, Summit, OH in about 1832.  At lest (5) issue were born to this union.  Johann died in 1862, most likely in Greenfield, Milwaukee, WI.  Among the descendants of this line was L/Cpl Michael Richard Trout (1949-1968), USMC, Rifleman, Foxtrot 2/7 (Co. " F," 2nd Bn, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division), killed in action, small arms fire; posthumous Purple Heart; and is memorialized on Panel 42W, Line 8, of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. >>>We are seeking a Y-DNA testing representative for this line<<<

  • Line #113____George TROUT  (circa 1790 to circa 1855), born circa 1790, perhaps in Berks County, PA, married Maria Magdalena WINDBIGLER (1806-1875) some time before 1833, perhaps in Alsace Twp, Berks, PA.  At least (5) issue were born to this union.  Some time after 1840, the family moved from Alsace Twp, Berks, PA to Reading, Berks, PA where George worked as a "fuller," processing raw wool, until his death in about 1855.  His widow, sometimes called "Mary" or "Polly" died in Reading, Berks, PA on 3 Jul 1875. Later generations of Line #113 tended to be railroad engineers with the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, with one descendant, Cyrus TROUT (1836-1892), later moving to New York City to accept a position as a locomotive engineer with the Bushwick Railroad in Brooklyn.  >>We are extremely interested in finding a Y-DNA testing representative for this line, due to related research.<<<

  • Line #114____ Samuel Friedrick TRAUT (1773-1835) was born 27 Mar 1773 in Tillicham, Germany, perhaps the son Johann Yollman TRAUT (c 1740-after 1773). On 4 Aug 1795, Samuel married Anna Sophie GRAMPE (1777-1854) in Burg, Germany, where Samuel later died on 14 Jul 1835.  At least one issue was born to this union; Friedrick Augustus TRAUT (1813-1874) who immigrated in about 1840, and ultimately settled in New Britain, Hartford, CT, where he died on 13 Apr 1874. Among the descendants of this Line #114 were Capt. Federick Augustus TRAUT (1871-1958) who was awarded the "Navy Cross" for his distinguished actions while in command of the pre-dreadnought battleship USS Illinois (BB-7) during WW-I, and his half-brother, Justus A. TRAUT, Sr. (1839-1908), manufacturer and highly prolific inventor and patent-holder for wood working-related tools, and a longtime early design engineer for Stanley Tools. >>>We are seeking a Y-DNA testing representative for this line<<<

        Line #115____ Thomas Trout (1791); Somerset (ancestor Edwina Trout, Titanic survivor)[currently in development]

        Line #116____Thomas Trout (1817-1881) Provost Marshal  [currently in development]

        Line #117____The Trouts of Suffolk [currently in development]

        Line #118____The Troughts of Lancashire [currently in development]

        Line #119____The Troughts of Bonby, Lincolnshire [currently in development]

        Line #120____ The Trouts of St. George’s Southwark [currently in development]

        Line #121____The Family of Abraham & Hepzibah Trout [currently in development]

        Line #122____My Trout Family of Kent & Canada [currently in development]


        Line #123___Adam Trout (1802-1841)Lebanon, Wilson, TN; genetic downstream subset of Line#1, full research pending

-- and many, many other TROUT lines -- 

>>> Please submit any additional lines you would like to see referenced. <<< 

The earliest American ancestors for virtually all these lines probably arrived in the Colonies during the early to mid-1700's through the Port of Philadelphia, while a smaller number may have arrived through Boston, New York, Charleston, or other early colonial ports. While many appear to have originated in the Electoral Palatinate region of the Holy Roman Empire (now SW Germany), most others came from England or Scotland.  Later generations also may have arrived from intermediate stops in Canada and Russia.



           Additions and corrections are always welcome!

  • RJ-1_____The "Trout Family Historian" is an outstanding quarterly research journal covering a well-balanced mix of articles and research updates regarding TROUT family lines for the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Russia, and many other countries  and is published by Edwin A. R. Trout, 10 Allendale Road, Earley, Reading, RG6 7PB, UK (Note Edwin's new mailing address). Edwin can be reached at Edwin Trout. While there is no subscription charge as such, Edwin welcomes donations to help cover his costs. Back issues can be found at The Trout Family Historian Archives. Note: First-time Forum users will probably see a screen asking them to register (much like with GenForum and RootsWeb), but once this is accomplished, access should then become routine. The third posting in the series is an index of past issues. Special thanks to Edwin Trout for making these TFH back issues available to the TROUT-DNA Research Project. Edwin’s strong support for the TROUT-DNA Research Project is very much appreciated.
  • RG-1_____TROUT-DNA Family Forum is our new forum intended for our project members and visiting researchers to post TROUT-related messages. Numerous TROUT research reference resources are also posted for the benefit of all. Note: First-time Forum users will probably see a screen asking them to register (much like GenForum and RootsWeb), but once this is accomplished, access should then become routine. Register Now
  • RG-2_____TROUT GenForum, hosted by, is perhaps the leading TROUT message forum. RG-3_____TROUT RootsWeb Message Board, hosted by, is also a truly outstanding TROUT message board.
  • When visiting either site, always keep in mind that you can very easily switch boards to other TROUT spelling variations, such as "TRAUT, TROUTT, DRAUT," etc.
  • RG-4_____TROUT ListServe is a very useful site for joining the TROUT ListServ in either full "List" or condensed "Digest" mode. Handy notes for "Unsubscribe" are also included, as well as "Search" and "Browse" engines for all "TROUT ListServ" archives for the past 7 years.© 1998-2006, Inc.
  • RG-5_____TROTT ListServe; same as above, but for the TROTT surname.
  • RG-6_____TROUT Distribution Map shows the geographical distribution of the TROUT name as found in databases. Enter your own variation (TROUTT, TRAUT, DRAUT, etc.) at bottom to modify map and data. Also note very useful notes on name origins at bottom of page. 
  • RG-7_____TROUT Ancestor Guide is a very useful consolidated search engine and guide for TROUT research in;;;; and Actual detailed database access at some of these various sites may require subscriptions or search fees.  
  • RG-8____TROUT (T630) at ROOTSWEB is a very useful "Trout Research Template” found at RootsWeb.

These are not TROUT-specific sites, but are very useful for entering TROUT searches, and general research activities.

  • RT-1_____RootsWeb WorldConnect, hosted by, is a truly amazing free site containing over 25,390 TROUT entries. An absolute "must see" research site!
  • RT-2_____GenCircles, although a relatively new site, has many unique features that show great promise. Be sure to also visit "Trout surnames" at the "Clubs" link at the top right corner of the site.
  • RT-3____LDS Family Search Site is the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) search engine. While I am not of that faith, the Mormon Church has microfilmed many courthouse, church, and census records from all over the world and now make many data extracts directly available on this useful site. Researchers have also posted some of their own family data in LDS files. While the site frequently has many important errors in individual postings, it is still extremely valuable when cross-checked or validated through other research means, and frequently provides a very useful starting point. Tip: Try using “Family History Library Catalog” at top right of screen, follow link to Keyword Search, then enter “TROUT” or any other family or search term of interest test.
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