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Tyrol DNA

Y-DNA, mtDNA, atDNA: Südtirol, Nordtirol, Osttirol, Trentino
  • 114 members

About us

Tyrol DNA area map Zur Erforschung der Tiroler Bevölkerungsgenese
Populationsgenetik, Phylogenetik und Haplogruppen, DNA-Abstammung, genetische Genealogie.
Südtirol Bozen, Nordtirol Innsbruck, Osttirol Lienz, Welschtirol Trient.
Für Herkunft vom historischen Tirol (Y-Chromosom, mitochondriale DNA, min. ½ autosomale DNA).
Bitte nur ohne Einladung beitreten, wenn Vorfahren aus dem Forschunggebiet klar sichtbar sind (Y-DNA oder mtDNA Vorfahren, GEDCOM für autosomale DNA mit einem oder beiden Eltern).

Per studiare la genesi della popolazione tirolese
Genetica delle popolazioni, filogenesi e aplogruppi, origine del DNA, genealogia genetica.
Trentino Trento, Sudtirolo Alto Adige Bolzano, Tirolo Settentrionale Innsbruck, Tirolo Orientale Lienz.
Per discendenza dal Tirolo storico (Cromosoma Y, genoma mitocondriale, min. ½ DNA autosomica).
Preghiamo di aderire senza invitazione soltanto se gli antenati dalla zona di ricerca sono chiaramente visibili (antenato Y-DNA o mtDNA, GEDCOM per DNA autosomica con uno o due parenti).

To investigate the Tyrolean population genesis
Population Genetics, Phylogeny and Haplogroups, Admixture and DNA origin, Genetic Genealogy.
South Tyrol, Nord Tyrol, Trentino, East Tyrol.
For Ancestry from historical Tyrol (Y-DNA, mtDNA, min. ½ autosomal DNA).
Please join only without invitation if you have clearly visible Tyrolean ancestry (Y-DNA or mtDNA ancestor, GEDCOM for autosomal DNA with one or two parents).

Until NextGen sequencing of the full genome (most of the SNPs & STRs) is cheap enough combined with powerful matching and ancestry tools, the focus of the project will be mainly Y-DNA - see project help pages. For more matches/members, uncertain ancestry or from near to historical Tyrol, please look/join Alpine Y/mt-DNA Project.

Y-DNA Haplogroup Reference ProjectsR1b (U152U106, Basal incl. Z2103L21DF99, DF27), J2-M172G (L497 incl L42), I1-M253I2-P37.2, I2-M223E1b-M35 (V13), R1a-M198LT. For more Y-Haplogroup Projects login to your FamilyTreeDNA account and look here: CEFG, HIJLNOQRT or see ISOGG Wiki.

"▶Proj.Pref. ☒Share ✎Access⇾Lim./Adv." in the group name means: Under Project Preferences > Project Sharing please activate Opt in to Sharing to allow easy public Y/mtDNA research and under Administrator Access > Actions edit to Limited or Advanced if you want Admins to look into results and help. 

Ortsnamen, Luoghi, Place names: Alto Adige, Arco, Auer a.d. Etsch, Bersntol, Bolzano, Bozen, Brixen, Bruneck, Colle Santa Lucia, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Eisacktal, Eppan, Fersental, Gadertal, Gherdëina, Gröden, Grödnertal, Imst, Innsbruck, Inntal, Jenesien, Kaltern, Karneid, Kastelruth, Kitzbühel, Klausen, Klobenstein, Kufstein, Ladin, Ladina, Ladinia, Lana, Landeck, Leifers, Lengmoos, Lienz, Livinallongo del Col di Lana, Lusern, Magasa, Meran, Neumarkt a.d. Etsch, Nordtirol, Osttirol, Ötztal, Pedemonte, Pergine Valsugana, Pitztal, Pustertal, Reutte, Ritten, Riva del Garda, Rovereto, S. Michele a. Adige, Sarntal, Sarnthein, Schlanders, Schwaz, Sterzing, Südtirol, Telfs, Terlan, Tirol, Tirolo, Trentino, Trento, Tyrol, Unterinn, Val Badia, Val de Fascia (Fassa), Val di Non, Valle dei Mocheni, Valvestino, Vinschgau, Völs am Schlern, Wipptal, Zillertal.