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U5a1a1 FGS

  • 244 members

About us

Welcome to the U5a1a1-FGS DNA Project.

As the haplogroup U5a has thousands of test results, even for the full genome sequence (FGS), the administrators have elected to keep a workable focus. Therefore, to qualify for this project, you MUST have the following mutations in your mtDNA full geonome sequence results:
05495C, 15924G This basically makes you a U5a1a1.

Researching female lines is quite difficult, and all of us will come to a brick wall with no records to trace back another generation. With this project we hope to connect with other families through DNA testing and forge ahead together to find that common ancestor. With the hopes that DNA testing will assist in crumbling our brick walls, we are excited to be your administrators for this project, and we urge you to join us in solving our lineage dilemmas.

As females and males who have tested their full mitochondrial DNA, please consider assisting in locating possible U5 candidates to encourage them to test their full mtDNA. In order to find DNA matches, a tester needs to allow his DNA to be available to the public. If you select to have your results made public, link your results to Mitosearch at to find matches with other testing companies. 

The instructions for displaying your results for the Administrators to see are:

1.  Go to your personal webpage.
2.  Click on the U5a1a1 FGS Project in the upper left.
3.  Click on Preferences
4.  Scroll down to the bottom and click the HVR1, HVR2 and CRS so a checkmark appears in the box.
5.  BE SURE TO CLICK: Save Update

You are also encouraged to post your Gedcom on FTDNA so that all of us can see your female surnames. Please do not post information after 1900. Cousins have found each other just through the Gedcoms so they can be quite important.

I have started an U5a1a1-FGS DNA email list that disseminates information on the lineages being tested and on various DNA topics as they relate to genealogy. You do not have to be a volunteer for testing to be a part of the U5a1a1-FGS DNA Project email list. Some of you may have to have a surrogate test for you as your line is not the all female line, but you are genealogical cousins with someone who tested. Email me, if you would like to be included in this e-list.

The success of this website will depend upon contributions by participating in the DNA Project and in providing source documentation and family records to assist everyone in understanding the lineage of your lineage. As our group grows, there will be a need to revamp this website to assist its members. Send your ideas for this website directly to Emily (email above), as well as any lineage you would like posted to the group email list. In the least, I would like to post the ancestors in brief form for those who are testing. We do wish to respect everyone's privacy, so please to not expect any dates and locations for living persons to be added to this site. It is also imperative that we post genealogical data that has good documentation to minimize errors. If you share data that is speculative, please clearly state which parts are not proven.

Again, welcome to the group. We hope you enjoy your visit and that you will be the one to provide that missing link we all need! If you have questions, email either administrator.

Member of the International Society of Genetic Genealogists (ISOGG
Regional Coordinator of and Speaker for ISOGG for Oregon, Washington and Idaho
If you do not hear from me in a timely manner, just write again...I was buried in email.  LOL

Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond by E. Aulicino.  Order online at AuthorHouse, Amazon or Barnes and Noble

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