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About us

If you are seeking a central data base of ADAMS genealogy information, try this site

This project began in 2002 and has been steadily growing ever since.  Although what follows may give the idea that this project is for Americans - it is not, it is a global project.

Wikipedia says this
Adams family
Coat of Arms of John Quincy Adams.svg
Motto: " Fidem libertatem amicitiam retinebis"
(Faith, freedom and fidelity)
Current region Massachusetts, U.S.
Place of origin Braintree, EssexEngland
Connected families Baldwin family (U.S.)
Taft family (U.S.)
Spencer family (UK)
Estate(s) PeacefieldQuincy, Massachusetts

The Adams family was a prominent political family in the United States from the late 18th through the early 20th centuries. Based in eastern Massachusetts, they formed part of the Boston Brahmin community. The surname Adams stems from Henry Adams of the county of Somerset in Great Britain.[1]

The Adams family is one of only four families to have produced two Presidents of the United States, the others being the Bush family, the Roosevelt family, and the Harrison family.

Coat of Arms of President John Adams.

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