Baltic Sea

Baltic Sea Region linear DNA Project
  • 996 members

About us

Starting in February 2006 the Project initially focused on the inhabitants and descendants of emigrants from the states situated around the Baltic Sea


With only 41 members and no active administration the project soon lost its momentum, but thanks to the efforts of Mr Stanislaw J. Plewako who on May 1, 2012 not only took on the role of administrator but he also managed to increased the participation rate to over one hundred members within the first 2 months under his guardianship, the membership today is well over 900 participants. Now we prefer BigY searching program for Y-DNA (actually near 350 participants) and FGS for mtDNA (actually over 470 participants), see: . The area of interest has also been expanded to encompass the area that falls in between the Gulf of Finland and the Bay of Pomerania and Crimean Peninsula on the north cost of the Black Sea.

Administrator: Stanislaw J. Plewako, is a genealogist and has a MSc. degree in Molecular Genetics (1980), scientific researcher (1980-1991) at Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences. In his further career Mr. Plewako did not have an opportunity to use his skills as a geneticist, but his interest in genealogy brought him back to genetics as a tool for genealogical research. Mr. Plewako (kit number 131251) is I2a L621 Y4882 PLE07 PLE14 PLE02 PLE01 Y-DNA and belongs to X2e1b mtDNA haplogroup Mr. Plewako specializes in the study of sequence mutations within families, as a valuable source of their characteristics (see: Result section).

Administrator: Alex Chartorisky  is also interested in genealogy and believes that the next great step forward is Y-DNA-Genealogy (where written records stop DNA technology moves on) and therefore supports the project with his technical and communications skills

Administrator: Slawek Chylinski is interested in the analysis of the N-L550 subclade and is responsible for the ongoing status of this cluster in our Y-DNA results chart.

By rearranging the Y-DNA Classic Chart and mtDNA Classic Results Chart the Administrators can help members understand the results and recommend what research or tests may be needed to confirm membership to the sub-group that they have been placed in. 

Nomenclature for the Y-DNA SNP’s is based on Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree according to ISOGG, if it is suffiscient and actual, and to mtDNA Phylotree according Mannis van Oven or Human mtDNA Phylogeny

The privacy of project members is respected at all times. The Baltic Sea DNA project  administrators strictly adhere to the Group Administrator Guidelines for Family Tree DNA Projects, the ISOGG Project Administrator Guidelines
See also the Family Tree DNA Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, the Learning Center pages on DNA Group Projects and possible Code of conduct guidelines for genealogists in your own country of residence.
Use of data and information
Information and data obtained from the Baltic Sea DNA Project must be attributed to the project, administrators, and Family Tree DNA as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify the administrators when using data for public or private research.

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)