St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


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About us

This is primarily a Y-DNA project for Dudley males.  mtDNA testing for Dudley maternal lines and autosomal DNA testing for Dudley lines are also welcomed.  If you DNA tested with the National Geographic's Genographic project and/or tested your autosomal DNA with Ancestry, 23&Me and/or MyHeritage be sure to upload those DNA results to FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA).  The Genographic Project is ending with those DNA results available only until 2020.  Uploading any of those results will afford additional DNA genetic matches in FTDNA's large independent worldwide database. 

To join the Dudley project the donor's Dudley line is required.  These proved data are crucial to pair with DNA results.

Genealogical records indicate that the first Dudley immigrant into New England was probably Thomas Dudley (1576-1673) who arrived with his family in 1630 aboard the Arbella of the Winthrop Fleet. He became Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.  His issues include  the notable poet Anne Bradstreet, and Joseph Dudley who became a Provincial Governor of New Hampshire.
In 1637, Edward Dudley of Bristol, England immigrated to Virginia
In 1639, William Dudley (1608-1683/4) left Ockley, England and helped found the town of Guilford, Connecticut. 
In 1663, Francis Dudley (origin unknown) settled in Concord, Massachusetts where he died in 1705.
In 1673, John Dudley (origin unknown) removed from Boston, Massachusetts to Guilford, Connecticut. 

There is considerable question regarding the ancestry of each of these Dudley gentlemen and no proof of familial relationship among them.  This project seeks to identify and link all Dudley families via a combination of DNA and documented research.  Early on, Dudleys can also be found in Virginia, South Carolina and Kentucky, but their points of origin are not always known. 

In addition to this Dudley project there is also a Sutton etc. project at FTDNA that includes Sutton descendants of the Sutton Dudley

The banner photo is "Dudley Castle -England-8" by Lee Jordan - originally posted to Flickr as Dudley Castle Manual HDR. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

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