Hendricks DNA Project

  • 636 members

About us

The root of this research effort is Dorothy N. Lloyd Wright’s research into her Hendricks Family History. Beginning about 1989 Dorothy hired Dr. John Scott Davenport to conduct research into her family history. As word of this effort got around to various Hendricks researchers, the project grew in terms of contributors. The contributors included Marilyn Coalla, Col. Meredith E Hendricks, Caroline Crabtree, and Roberta Hendrix.

Dorothy Lloyd Wright passed away in the very early 1990s. Her work was carried on by what was to be called the Hendricks Family Association put together by Col. Meredith E. Hendricks. The research effort was titled “The Frontier Hendricks” given the fact that many of the early Hendricks were Indian traders on the frontier and could speak the variety of Indian languages. A coalition of Hendrick/s Family member supported the research with their personal funds and carried the work forward. The resulting research was published in two Volumes called Frontier Hendricks Vol 1 and Vol 2.

Additional research was carried forward into the Albemarle (NC) Hendricks (sponsored by John Henry Hendrix). Patti Mulnix completed a book on the Hendricks family that lived in the Cache Creek area of NC and later removed to Bulloch County, Georgia. Her work elaborates on this Hendricks family. DNA evidence confirms that there are two distinct family groups in Eastern NC.

Research into the Pamunkey (Virginia) Hendricks family was expanded to better define the various branches of the family. Research conducted by Robert Baird can be found here http://www.genfiles.com/hendrick/Chronicles1780.pdf

Two family groups that appeared to have gone through Westmoreland Co., PA and then into Indiana, were originally thought to be connected by lineage to the Frontier Hendricks Family. DNA evidence has confirmed that these were two distinct families.

1. VP Thomas Andrews Hendricks line has been shown to be from Daniel Hendrick of Haverhill MA

2. The family of Henry Hendricks, b 1755-65, thought to be kin to V.P. Thomas Andrews Hendricks and the Frontier Hendricks, has been identified as a separated family from either.

In all, research in PA, MD, DE, VA, NC, KY, TN, SC, GA and a little of AL was documented. These files and contributors of other Hendrix/Hendrick/Hendrick/Hendricks research (>2GBits) is available to DNA participants and helpers on a DVD-R.

However, there still remained uncertainties such as:

1. the exact lineage of Thomas A. Hendricks, VP of the USA Ancestors Family,

2. the origin of Moses Hendricks of SC m Susanna,

3. James Hendricks of SC m Jane? and a growing number of others.

Of particular note was the separation of another group called James Hendricks m Christinia (from MD to NC) from the Frontier Hendricks group via DNA testing. 

Hendrix/ck/s DNA Project

Dorothy N Lloyd Wright Memorial

Hendricks Research By Dr. John S. Davenport

Frontier Hendricks Vol. I & II Plus - Col. Meredith E. (TuT)Hendricks (USA Ret)

Pamunkey Hendrick –Bob Baird

Albemarle Hendricks - John H, Hendrix,

Albertus Hendricks Genealogy

Susan J. Blade Gall & Mike K. Hendrix

SC Hendrix/ck/s Research

Mary H. Copeland, Wilma C. Kirkland & Herbert D.Hendricks



Hendricks DNA Project With FTDNA

The Hendrix/ck/s DNA Project would like to thank the followingcontributors; 

1.      Dorothy N. Lloyd Wright Memorial Hendricks

2,    Colonel Meredith E. (TuT) Hendricks (USA Ret), Frontier Hendricks Association

3.    Dr. John S. Davenport and Research Associates

4.    Frontier Hendricks; Caroline H. Crabtree,Roberta. L. Hendrix, Marilyn S. Coalla, Deandra L. Wallace, Ginger HendricksLong, Mrs. Robert Barrett, Margaret Kerns, Lynn Wood, Arthur Jarvis Wood, GraceW. Wright, Mary Jane Barbas, Mrs. Lester E. Hendricks, Dr. AliceEichholz,  John A. Mehring, Jo White Lynn, and Lynn S. Garett.

5. All The Frontier Hendricks, Albemarle (N.C.) Hendricks,Pamunkey (Virginia) Hendrick, Hendrix Family of ,AL., and other Associated Families.

6. Roberta L. Hendrix File (Ken Johnson), SC Hendrix/ck/s Research (Mary H. Copeland, Wilma C. Kirkland and Herbert D.Hendricks),Albertus Hendricks Genealogy (Susan J. Blade Gall, William “Bill”Hendrick, and William “Bill” Green), Albertus Hendrickson Genealogy (Mike K.Hendrix), Albemarle Hendricks

(John H, Hendrix- Midland, TX), Pamunkey (Virginia) Hendrik (BobBaird), MFamily.com Hendrix/ck/s site (Susan Shepard), Albemarle HendricksResearch (Paul M. Hendricks), SC , VA & NC Archives Staff and NumerousHendrix/ck/s Families.

To join the Hendricks DNA Project please use the following link:


Last updated 11302010

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