Isles of the Hebrides

History and Beauty in Abundance
  • 265 members

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Please Note - The Isles of the Hebrides DNA Project:  
  1. Is not open to those with only Family Finder results.  
  2. Is open to those people who have tested their mtDNA or Y-DNA, and have either a paper trail or an oral history for their ancestors who lived on one of the Isles of the Hebrides.
  3. You must ensure the first and last name and Isle of Origin is entered in your Personal Profile of your FTDNA webpage, under "Most Distant Ancestor" - date of birth and death also if possible.   This information must be entered on your FTDNA Profile page before you can be accepted into the Project.  If you do not know for sure, or just suspect that your ancestor lived on one of the Isles, then you do not qualify for this Project.

If you are joining through your maternal ancestor who lived on one of the Isles, then you will have tested your mtDNA; or if you are joining through your paternal ancestor then you must have tested your Y-DNA.  You can also order testing through this Project if you have a direct maternal or paternal link to the Isles.

The purpose of this project is to take the Family History Research of our Isles of the Hebrides ancestors to another level. DNA research will help establish links between our ancestors beyond any available parish or civic records. This project will show connections between families where surnames were changed or forgotten, and help us determine the migration of our ancestors both to and from the Isles.

The Isles of the Hebrides DNA Project includes Y-DNA (paternal) surname study; and a mitochondrial mt-DNA (maternal) study. Males can be tested for both Y-DNA and mt-DNA, and women can only be tested for mt-DNA.

Mt-DNA is only passed on from mother to daughter, all the way down the line. Y-DNA is only passed on father to son all the way down the line. The male also carries his mother's mt-DNA, however, he cannot pass that mt-DNA on to his offspring.

If you do not meet the criteria of this Project, I am very sorry, however, please pursue other possibilities. There are many other Projects you would qualify for.

DNA results will provide information to take your ancestry back several thousands of years, beyond the Patronymic naming system, to show who they were (Viking, Pict, Celtic, etc.); their migrations; and often this will lead you to information on their rich cultural heritage.

DNA research is becoming very popular, and is cutting edge science. I urge you to get involved to take your genealogy research to another level and to discover the history of your ancestors’ journey, which is your heritage, and ultimately resulted in you being here, today – in this very moment.
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