Hashem & Y-DNA cousins (FGC8712 & L862 Geography)

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This is a Y-DNA project that intends to track down individuals, and their Y-DNA kits, who tested positive for L862 and FGC8712 Y-DNA genetic markers.

With respect to FGC8712 subclade, this project concluded that:
 – L859+ individuals are descendants of The Quraysh tribe
 – FGC8703+ individuals are descendants of The Banu Hashem clan
 – FGC10500+ individuals are descendants of Imam Ali AS
 – FGC30416+ individuals are descendants of Imam Hussein AS

Below is the most updated phylogenetic Y-DNA tree of the FGC8712 Project:


Hashem tribe emerged in west Arabia (Hijaz) and migrated to the south (Yemen) or to the north east (Levant, Mesopotamia, & Persia). Sayeds & Sahrifs with well known lines of succession tested positive for L859 and FGC10500 markers. Here is the statistical and geographical distribution of current Qurashi, Hashemi, and Alawite kits:


FGC8712 (as a reference point) and its cousin SNPs are defined as branches of the greater J1 phylogenetic tree (developed by V. Mas et al. and characterized by M267 SNP):


Below are major subclade trees of the J-L862 family (Z18297, ZS241, FGC4745, and Z18243) and their geographical distributions:





Geographical Distribution:


Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismael (Ishmael), Ishac (Isaac), Haroon (Aaron), and Mohamad (PBUH&P) are considered major forefathers in the J1 phylogenetic tree. Today, many groups and families claim to be direct male-descendants of these respected forefathers but they find themselves positioned in distant genetic periods. Thus far, FGC8712 is the only SNP that maintain two parallel descending lines with: one line is 100% Ishamelite-Adnanite (~150 kits, mostly mid-eastern) and the other one is 100% Jacobite (~40 kits, mostly from eastern Europe). The age of FGC8712 subclade is believed to be between 3400 and 4200 years before present yBP.

However, a second/strong genetic group (with ~400 kits) claims the direct descent of biblical prophets Isaac and Aaron. All of the Aaronite kits are found below the genetic marker (Z18271), which is separated from the forefather genetic marker (ZS241) by many centuries. The early branches of the ZS241 originated in southern Arabia. Few branches (ZS227+, Z18271-) are found in Iraq.

To validate the true Isaac/Aaronite line, the origins of major surrounding Y-DNA branches are investigated in this project (mainly the ones with southern Arabian origins). Therefore, individuals who tested positive for these above-listed Y genetic markers (including FGC8712 or ZS241) are encouraged to join this FTDNA project.

To browse all Y-SNPs and understand their positions on the Y-DNA chromosome, please use the ISOGG YBrowse Tool


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