
  • 655 members

About us

This Surname DNA Project exists to help identify the Genetic Genealogy of current living bloodlines for the surnames Matthews, Mathews, Mathis, Matthis (and many other variant spellings). If you are wondering whether you are related to a specific Matthews, Mathews, Mathis, Matthis (or variant) family, then this study can help prove or disprove suspected connections among the many Matthews/ Mathews/ Mathis/ Matthis family lines. Unsuspected relationships, not previously documented, may also be found. Any adult male Matthews, Mathews, Mathis, Matthis (or variant) is invited to join in this project, which will help identify and confirm family line connections among us. Project Began: November 15, 2003 > 2017 update in progress as of 12/26/2017.
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