
  • 1194 members

About us

This is a study into the DNA of surnames O'Neill, O'Neil, O'Neal, O'Neall and related surnames. It is intended to provide a tool to assist in determining if two or more males with the "O'Neill" surnames are related and, if so, approximately how far back they must go to find a common ancestor. This is a promising new field for genealogical research and will be combined with known Irish O'Neill history to help determine relationships with branches and septs of the O'Neill Clan.

To join the O'Neill Project, click the "JOIN THIS GROUP" button on the left.

A minimum of the 25-Marker Y-DNA test is recommended but 12-Marker tests are accepted. 67-Markers would be ideal.

Anyone with the following surnames should consider joining this group as well as a more specific surname group : O'Neill, O'Neil, Neill, Neil, O'Neal, Neal, O'Neale, Neale, Johnson, McHenry, McShane.