St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 710 members

About us

This surname project is for all PARK/E/S researchers worldwide, even though the bulk of the members to date are from the United States. It is hoped that PARK/E/S researchers from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and any other part of the world where PARK/E/S from the British Isles have emigrated will join us in our quest to trace and connect the many PARK/E/S lines known to exist.

We are also eagerly seeking all PARK/E/S researchers of African-American descent to participate in the DNA project, as well as to join the Parke Society (PS). The surname project is administered in association with the Parke Society (PS), which is a clearing house for on-going research of all PARK/E/S immigrants from the British Isles to the United States and Canada as well as PARK/E/S of African-American descent. However, membership in the Parke Society is not required for participation in the DNA surname project, which is open to all.

For more information about the Parke Society, including how to become a member, please visit the Parke Society home page:

Due to the nature of the Y-DNA test, only males bearing the PARK/E/S surname are eligible to submit a DNA sample (for more information on this, see the explanation on the Family Tree DNA website). It is hoped, however, that other researchers will find the results useful, and they are encouraged to contact eligible family members in their PARK/E/S line of research about submitting a DNA sample for testing and inclusion in the project. The more test results in the database, the greater the chance of establishing DNA profiles for known lines of descent, as well as finding links between what may appear to be unrelated lines.

There is also a Surname Project General Fund which allows anyone to contribute funds to offset the expense of a test, with the use of the donation either left to the discretion of the group administrator, or earmarked for a specific test.

Test results are shown on the pages marked "DNA Results", and you will note that test participants are identified only by their test kit number. Names of participants are confidential, though participating individuals may give the group administrator permission for their contact information to be released to interested parties. For help in interpreting the results below, please refer to the appropriate pages on the Family Tree DNA website. Further questions or requests for more information should be directed to the group administrator.