
  • 39 members

About us

If you came to this page because you are interested in RUNCIMAN family genealogy, then some of you may have already "met" me in the course of your own research.
My webpages have details of the family I am particularly interested in. I am excited by the possibilities opening up with the addition of the science of DNA testing to the armoury of tools available to genealogists and I hope you are too, and will participate in this survey.
All you need is to be on a direct line of RUNCIMAN men, and 5 minutes of your time to provide the swab needed for the tests.
If you lack, as I do, a Y chromosome, but are still interested, then convince a RUNCIMAN brother or father or cousin to participate instead.
Read the familytreeDNA FAQ pages (link at left) for details on what the tests may be able to discover for us, and when ready, we would love you to join us, simply click on the request to join link at left and provide your kit number.
Testing is cheaper via a surname group than if done directly, but if you have already had a test done, it can be included in the RUNCIMAN results.
For more background information on familytreeDNA, click on the logo at top left and for more background on the RUNCIMAN name, click on the Goals link above, or visit the Runciman One Name Study web pages. Also check out our RUNCIMAN surname pages on the World Family Network and the latter's background info.
Contact the administrator on RuncimanDNA @@ for further information (you'll need to remove one of the @ symbols and spaces)
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