St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 105 members

About us

Those of us who research these families have often wondered if they connect--this is an opportunity to find out. By joining this project you receive access to a Y-line analysis at a reduced, group cost. Not only will your proximity to other project participants be tested, but also your proximity to everyone in the FTDNA database--over 165,000 individuals. Also, one note--this test will only work for males who are direct patrilineal descendants of Starlings, Sterlings, Stirlings, etc., i.e. are men who themselves have one of those surnames. The DNA and ancestry data presented on this page is solely for the purpose of helping St*rling family members make genealogical connections. All DNA and ancestry data published on this page is the property of the respective St*rling DNA Project member and may not be used in other research products with out the express written permission of that member. Additional Project information may be found here ... St*rling DNA Project Web Site