Watts, Watt, Watson DNA Project

  • 544 members

About us

Group Projects are an opportunity to work with others to explore your genetic heritage. They are usually focused on a common geographic origin, surname, or ethnic heritage. They may also be based on some other aspect of a paternal or maternal lineage. Membership in a Group Project is FREE.

Watts DNA Project is an ongoing project open to any descendant with the Watts (and variant) surnames. These spellings range from Wat,
Watt, Watts, Watson, Watkins, Walter, Watter, Wattier, Wauter, and Wautier.  Read more: https://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Watt

Our primary objective is to try to identify and tie together the numerous Watts (and variant surname) families as well as prove the various theories that abound regarding our relationships. Current participants' results and furthest-known ancestors can be viewed on our website. 

 Your ancestor information (if known)is required before joining this project. Please submit data on your earliest-known ancestor, including, the name, date and location. If possible, also include a brief pedigree from you to that ancestor. If you are researching a possible adoption situation, and you are not sure the exact connection, Please let the group Administrator know. 

Those who take a Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) Test may join: All members must order Y STRs or they will not appear on the project reports and in the Y matching system.

  • You must have a Y-DNA test result with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) or transfer your Y-DNA to FTDNA and activate, see https://www.familytreedna.com/landing/ydna-transfer.aspx , to be eligible to participate in Y DNA genealogical project.
  • Paternal lineage projects such as a Surname Project for all who have the same surname or a variant. Paternal lineage projects may also be a project specific to a suspected shared ancestor.
  • Y-chromosome Geographical Projects to verify a possible point of origin for the paternal line.
  • After testing, you may join a Y-Chromosome Haplogroup project to explore your haplogroup in a historic context.
  • Note: The Y-DNA results subgrouping is for direct male descendants of the surname, If you are born as a female descendant of the surname you will not have Y-DNA, and can not be tested for Y-DNA. If you are a male descendant of a daughter of the surname, your Y-DNA results will not reflect the Garrett Project surnames and you will be grouped with the Proven surname connection group, only If provide a pedigree showing you to the ancestor of the Garrett group surname family. If you do not provide a pedigree you will be grouped with the unverified group until you can provide the group Administrator a proven pedigree of the surname connection.
  • Female born descendants, and their descendants are allowed into the group to help with surname research, their Family Finder ( Autosomal DNA ) matches will help with Triangulation of matches to prove or disprove family connections.

Those who take a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Test may join: 

  • You must have a mtDNA test result with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) to be eligible to participate in mtDNA Haplogroup project, or they will not appear on the project reports and in the matching system.
  • Maternal Lineage Projects for individuals that have or suspect having the same maternal line.
  • Mitochondrial Geographical Projects to verify a possible point of origin for the maternal line.
  • After testing, you may join an mtDNA Haplogroup project to explore your haplogroup in a historic context.

Those who take the Family Finder (Autosomal DNA) Test may join: 
     You must have a Autosomal DNA test result with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), or Transferred to Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) , to be eligible to participate in the Family Finder matching system. You will need to activate your Transferred kit to use Chromosome Browser, myOrigins, or ancientOrigins. On the menu bar, click Unlock For Only $19.
If you or a family member have previously tested your autosomal DNA at 23andMe©, AncestryDNA™, or MyHeritage™, you can transfer your results to FamilyTreeDNA by uploading your raw data fil
e. https://www.familytreedna.com/learn/imports/transfer-autosomal-ancestry/family-tree-dna-family-finder-transfer-program/

To join this project, 
Go to
https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/garrett-dn-aproject and click on JOIN in the graphic banner at the top of page and login with your FTDNA account kit number and password. 
For frequently asked questions and answers about testing check the
item in the menu above. 

Please contact the administrators for more information: Howard Garrett  hg.wattsgroupadm@yahoo.com

In memory of Duane Watts, the original Project Administrator and creator, and his wife, Jeannette.*****************************            
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