
  • 25 members

About us

Welcome to the Whiffen worldwide DNA project. We welcome all participants, and would encourage you to join us.

The project was originally set up in 2006, and in 2011 gained a new co-administrator, who has been researching the above surnames for almost thirty years.

The DNA project is run in conjunction with the W(h)iffen / W(h)iffin(g) One-Name Study, which is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies in the UK. Further information about the study can be found on the Whiffen profile page at http://www.one-name.org/profiles/whiffing.html

We are using the Y-DNA test, which tells you about your direct male line, that is, your father, his father, and so on back in time. You must be a male to take this test, with one of the surnames shown. If you believe there is a WHIFFEN or variant in your direct male line, although you have a different surname, you are also welcome to participate. If you are female, you will need to ask your brother, father, uncle or cousin to take part and represent your tree.

We encourage males to order a Y-DNA test for a minimum of 37 markers, if possible. If you order fewer markers, you can upgrade later, but this may cost more.

Whether male or female, you may also be interested in learning about your direct female line, that is, your mother, her mother , and so on back in time. Both men and women inherit mtDNA, although only women pass it on. For this purpose, you should order an mtDNA test, preferably the mtDNA Plus test, or mtDNA Full Sequence test, which can indicate matches in more recent generations.

The project accepts mtDNA results from anyone who has an ancestor in his or her direct maternal line with the surnames Whiffen, Whiffin, Whiffing, Wiffen, Wiffin, Wiffing or variants. The project is also collecting Family Finder results from both males and females with these surnames anywhere in their tree within the last ten generations.

TO ORDER A KIT click on the "Join Request" tab at the top of this page. Tests ordered through this project are charged at the special group rate which provides a substantial saving on the standard FTDNA price.

The DNA tests used for genetic genealogy contain no personal information, and the tests are quite different from those used by forensic scientists in criminal investigations and by doctors to identify paternity. Furthermore, the test itself cannot identify a unique individual as close male members of the same family (brothers, uncles, cousins) will probably have identical results.

If you have already had your DNA tested with Family Tree DNA as part of a geographical project or another surname project, you are welcome to join this project too. There is no extra charge for joining multiple projects. Simply click on the "Request to join this project" button at the top left, enter your kit number and password and your results will automatically be included in this project as well.

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