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The Acuff-Ecoff surname is relatively unusual, but we have no documentation for sure where it originated.
As a result of DNA testing, we can now identify at least three different lineages: Scandinavian, German, and British (probably England/Scotland border).
DNA testing has also helped us identify a better structure for how the major branches in the United States are related. Our research goal is to identify and correctly connect to the family tree every person who ever lived who had one drop of Acuff-Ecoff blood in him/her.
Won't you help us by submitting your DNA sample for comparison to those Acuff-Ecoff descendants we have tested?
Thanks -- we appreciate your interest and support.
A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. They are of the most interest in cultures where surnames are passed on from father to son like the Y-Chromosome. This project is for males taking a Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) test. Thus, the individual who tests must be a male who wants to check his direct paternal line (father's father's father's...) with a Y-DNA12, Y-DNA37, Y-DNA67, or Y-DNA111 test and who has one of the surnames listed for the project. Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA. Females who would like to check their father's direct paternal line can have a male relative with his surname order a Y-DNA test. Females can also order an mtDNA test for themselves such as the mtDNAPlus test or the mtFullSequence test and participate in an mtDNA project. Both men and women may take our autosomal Family Finder test to discover recent relationships across all family lines.
Surnames In This Project
Achoff, Achuff, Ackoff, Acoff, Acuff, Acup, Ainscough, Aiscough, Ascough, Ascue, Askew, Ayscough, Ecoff