Join The "Mennonite" Group Project

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This Project is for those whose ancestry is so-called Low-German Mennonite. Note that this is NOT a surname project. Simply having one of the surnames listed below does not get you into the project. You must provide genealogical information to support the possibility that you have Low-German Mennonite ancestry or have reason to suspect that you have Low-German Mennonite ancestry. There are different types of Mennonites so please read the information provided below before you request to join the project. Also note that simply matching someone who is in the project or matching someone who has known Low-German ancestry does NOT qualify you to join the project. You must provide genealogical information to support the possibility that you have Low-German Mennonite ancestry or have reason to suspect that you have Low-German Mennonite ancestry. The Low-German Mennonites are descended from those Anabaptists/Mennonites who settled in northern Poland from the early 1500s to the late 1600s. The majority of these people were from the Netherlands, with significant proportions coming from Switzerland and Germany. In 1772 a large part of Poland was partitioned, with the region where the majority of Mennonites lived going to Prussia. A second partition put nearly all of the Mennonites in Prussian territory. Most of these Mennonites lived in the province of West Prussia. The Prussian government was highly militaristic which clashed with the pacifism of the Mennonites. Eventually the Prussian government tied land acquisition to military service. Since the Mennonites could no longer acquire new property without giving up their pacifism many chose to leave Prussian territory. Between 1788 and 1820 about a third of the Prussian Mennonites moved to southern Russia (at that time known in German as Sud Russland; now known as Ukraine). After a few generations there were also problems in Russia. Aside from a shortage of land the Mennonites were under pressure by the Russian government to assimilate into Russian society (which included joining the military). As a result large numbers of Mennonites began leaving Russia in 1874. Over the next decade nearly a third of the Russian Mennonites had moved to North America. Because the majority of Low-German Mennonites in North America are descended from those who once lived in Russia they are often, incorrectly, referred to as the Russian Mennonites. This group is known as the Low-German Mennonites because during their 200-plus years in Poland/Prussia they developed their own Germanic dialect, known as Plaut Dietsch, also known as Platt Deutsch in German, or Low-German in English.


A Geographic Project connects individuals who believe their direct line comes from a specific location. The Dual Geographic Projects are for individuals who order an mtDNA or Y-DNA test. Either their direct maternal line (mother's mother's mother's...) or direct paternal line (father's father's father's...) originates from this area.

Surnames In This Project

Abrahams, Abrams, Adrian, Albrecht, Allert, Andres/Andreas, Arends, Arent, Bachdach, Bagdach, Baltzer, Balzer, Banmann, Barch, Barckmann, Barg, Bargen, Bartels, Bartsch, Bartz, Bauer, Becker, Behrends, Behrendt, Berg, Bergen, Bergmann, Bestvader, Bestvater, Beuningen, Bickert, Blatz, Block, Bock, Boecher, Boese, Boldt, Bollee, Born, Boschmann, Brand, Brandt, Braun, Breuel, Breyel, Brucks, Bueckert, Buhler, Buhr, Buller, Buschmann, Busenitz, Casper, Claassen, Conwentz, Cornelius, Cornelsen, Cornies, Dahl, Daniels, Dau, de Fehr, de Veer, Deichgraef, Dell, Dellesky, Derksen, Dick, Dickmann, Diederich, Dill, Dircksen, Dirksen, Doell, Doerksen, Dollesky, Donner, Driedger, Dueck, Dueckmann, Dunkel, Dyck, Dyckmann, Eck/Ek, Ediger, Eds/Eidse, Elias, Engbrecht, Enns, Enss, Ensz, Entz, Epp, Erdmann, Ertmann, Esau, Ewert Fademrecht, Eytzen, Fadenrecht, Falk, Fast, Fehr, Fieguth, Figut, Fisch, Flaming, Flemming, Fock, Focking, Fokking, Foth, Frantz, Franz, Frey, Friesen, Froese, Funk, Gaeddert, Gaede, Geddert, Gede, Gerbrand, Gerbrandt, Gertz, Gertzen, Giesbrecht, Ginter, Goertz, Goerzen, Goetz, Goosen, Goossen, Graewe/Graeve/Grave, Groening, Guenther, Guhr, Hamm, Harder, Harms, Heide, Heidebrecht, Hein, Heinrichs, Hempel, Heppner, Hiebert, Hildebrand, Hildebrandt Hoewner, Hoeppner, Holtzrichter, Hooge, Horn, Huebert, Huebner, Isaac, Isaak, Janzen, Joost, Jost, Just, Kaetler, Kasdorf, Kasper, Kauenhowen, Kehler, Kerber, Kettler, Klaassen, Klassen Conrad, Kliewer, Klingenberg, Klippenstein, Knelsen, Koehn, Konrad, Koop, Krahn, Krause, Kroeger, Kroeker, Kropp, Krueger, Lehn, Lemke, Lepp, Letkeman, Loepp Leppke, Loeppky, Loewen, Mantler, Martens, Mathies, Momber, Nachtigal, Neubauer, Neudorf, Neufeld, Neumann, Neustaedter, Nickel, Niebuhr, Niessen, Nikkel, Olfert, Paetkau, Pankratz, Pauls, Penner, Peters, Petkau, Philipsen, Plett, Poetker, Preuss, Pries, Quapp, Quiring, Rahn, Ratzlaff, Redekop, Regier/Regehr, Reimer, Rempel, Richert, Riediger, Rogalski Rosenfeld, Rogalsky, Roy, Sawatsky, Sawatzky, Schapansky, Scheffler, Schellenberg, Schierling, Schmidt, Schroeder, Schultz, Schwartz, Siebert, Siebrandt Siemens, Spenst, Sperling, Sprunk, Steen, Steffens, Steingart, Stobbe, Stoesz, Striemer, Suckau, Suderman, Teichgraef, Teichgrob, Tessman, Tessmer, Tgart, Thielmann, Thimm, Thun, Tiahrt, Tieszen, Tillitzky, Timmermann, Toews, Unger, Unrau, Unruh, Van Almonde, van Bargen, van Steen, Veer, Viegut, Vock, Vocking, Vogt, von Bergen, von Niessen, von Riesen, von Roy, Voth, Wall, Warkentin, Wedel, Wedler, Weier, Werner, Westerwick, Wiebe, Wiehler, Wieler, Wiens, Wilcke, Willems, Willms, Winter, Wittenburg, Woelke, Wohlgemuth, Wolf, Zacharias 

Click on "More info..." below each test name for a description. Printable Version Containing All Test Descriptions

Big Y-700
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  • Note: This is an expert level test for advanced research. Raw data files are not included. The option to purchase your file will be available for an additional fee after your test is completed.
  • For men only.
  • Most comprehensive Y-DNA test available.
  • Provides your deep ancestral origins.
  • Uncovers new branches (SNPs) on the paternal tree.
  • Find recent branches (SNPs) unique to your direct paternal line, your family, or you.
  • 10 million base-pair coverage.
  • Nearly 25,000 known SNPs tested.
  • We store your DNA for free, so that you can upgrade the tests in the future.
  • NO subscription fee.
  • Includes STR results from Y37, Y67, and Y111.
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  • For men only.
  • Highest level of Y-DNA tests.
  • 111-marker matches are highly likely to be related within the past 4 generations.*
  • Provides genealogically relevant matches and recent ancestral origins.
  • Recommended for confirming a genealogical relationship with another male.
  • Provides your Haplogroup: deep ancestral origin of the paternal line.
  • We store your DNA for free so that you can upgrade the tests in the future
  • NO subscription fees
Your matches and ancestral origins largely depend on how your DNA compares to our database. With the largest DNA database in the world, you have the greatest chance of finding close relatives by testing with us. However, if your paternal line is rare, it is possible you will not have matches or ancestral origins information right away. As our database is constantly growing, you may have matches over time, and we will send you e-mail notifications about any new matches.

*Estimated for exact 111 marker matches, at a 95% confidence level.

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  • For men only.
  • Recommended level of Y-DNA tests.
  • 37-marker matches are highly likely to be related within the past 8 generations.*
  • Provides genealogically relevant matches and recent ancestral origins.
  • Recommended for confirming a genealogical relationship with another male.
  • Provides your Haplogroup: deep ancestral origin of the paternal line.
  • We store your DNA for free so that you can upgrade the tests in the future
  • NO subscription fees
Your matches and ancestral origins largely depend on how your DNA compares to our database. With the largest DNA database in the world, you have the greatest chance of finding close relatives by testing with us. However, if your paternal line is rare, it is possible you will not have matches or ancestral origins information right away. As our database is constantly growing, you may have matches over time, and we will send you e-mail notifications about any new matches.

*Estimated for exact 37-marker matches, at a 95% confidence level.

mtFull Sequence
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  • For both men and women.
  • Highest level mtDNA test.
  • Tests both HVR1 and HVR2 (Hypervariable Regions 1 and 2) and the Coding Region. This is all of the mtDNA.
  • Provides most recent ancestral origins.*
  • Includes HVR1, HVR1+HVR2, and FMS matches.
  • FMS matches are related within the past 16 generations.**
  • Recommended for confirming a relationship on the direct maternal line.
  • We store your DNA for free so that you can upgrade the test in the future
  • NO subscription fees
* Your matches and ancestral origins depend on how your DNA compares to our database. With the largest DNA database in the world, you have the greatest chance of finding close relatives by testing with us. However, if your maternal line is rare, it is possible you will not have matches or ancestral origins information right away. As our database is constantly growing, you may have matches over time, and we will send you e-mail notifications about any new matches.

** with a 90% confidence interval.

Family Finder
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  • For men or women.
  • Autosomal DNA test.***
  • Matches are related within about the last 5 generations.*
  • Provides percentages of your ancestral make-up (Native-American, Middle Eastern (including Jewish), African, West and East European)**
  • Recommended for genealogists.
  • Includes matches with predicted relationship ranges.
  • Great for confirming close relationships regardless of gender.****
* We are leading the way in the development of innovative genealogical uses for autosomal DNA. You will be matched with others who have also taken the Family Finder test. However, if you come from an under-represented population, it is possible you will not find matches right away. Your matches largely depend on how your DNA compares to our database. As our database is constantly growing, you may have matches over time, and we will send you e-mail notifications about new close matches.

** Due to the nature of autosomal DNA, the test does not specify from which branch of your family tree your matches or the percentages of your geographic heritage derive.

*** Family Finder has a test specific policy for failed samples and retesting. Please read the policy carefully.

****Please note, Family Finder does not provide Y-DNA or mtDNA haplogroup information.
Y-111 + mtFull Sequence
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Y-111 + mtFull Sequence (Thanksgiving sale)
Y-37 + mtFull Sequence
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Y-37 + mtFull Sequence (Thanksgiving sale)
Big Y-700 + mtFull Sequence
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Big Y-700 + mtFull Sequence (Thanksgiving sale)
Family Finder + mtFull Sequence
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Family Finder + mtFull Sequence (Thanksgiving sale)
Family Finder + Y-111 + mtFull Sequence
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Family Finder + Y-111 + mtFull Sequence (Thanksgiving sale)
Family Finder + Y-37 + mtFull Sequence
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Family Finder + Y-37 + mtFull Sequence (Thanksgiving sale)
Big Y-700 + Family Finder + mtFull Sequence
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Big Y-700 + Family Finder + mtFull Sequence (Thanksgiving sale)
Family Finder + Y-111
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Family Finder + Y-111 (Thanksgiving sale)
Family Finder + Y-37
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Family Finder + Y-37 (Thanksgiving sale)
Big Y-700 + Family Finder
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Big Y-700 + Family Finder (Thanksgiving sale)