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An independent project originally sponsored by Carey Bracewell and Rev. Keith Braswell, joined by Ann Braswell, James W Green III, Jason Brazile, Bruce Lacy & Paul Brazell. This group is open to all men and women with the BRACEWELL/BRASWELL surname or bloodline and also certain others whose last name begins with Brac-, Bras-, or Braz- and is (or was) pronounced to rhyme with 'dazzle'. This includes not only the descendants of Rev. ROBERT BRACEWELL (1611-1668) of Virginia--the largest group-- but also Irish BRASSILs, BRAZILs,and variants; Hugenot BREAZEALEs, Portuguese BRAZILs and anyone else in Soundex B-624 with a surname thus pronounced.
A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. They are of the most interest in cultures where surnames are passed on from father to son like the Y-Chromosome. This project is for males taking a Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) test. Thus, the individual who tests must be a male who wants to check his direct paternal line (father's father's father's...) with a Y-DNA12, Y-DNA37, Y-DNA67, or Y-DNA111 test and who has one of the surnames listed for the project. Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA. Females who would like to check their father's direct paternal line can have a male relative with his surname order a Y-DNA test. Females can also order an mtDNA test for themselves such as the mtDNAPlus test or the mtFullSequence test and participate in an mtDNA project. Both men and women may take our autosomal Family Finder test to discover recent relationships across all family lines.
Surnames In This Project
Bracewell, Brasel, Brasell, Braseule, Brasil, Brasile, Brasill, Brasseal, Brasseale, Brassel, Brassell, Brasswell, Brasuell, Braswell, Braswill, Brazael, Brazail, Brazeal(e), Brazel(e), Brazell, Brazial, Braziel, Brazil, Brazile, Brazill, Brazle, Brazwell, Brazzell, Brazzil, Brusselle, Rhymes With 'Dazzle'.