Azores Islands, Port | 2811 | The Azores Islands Geographical DNA Project welcomes all male and female descendants whose ancestors ORIGINATED in the Azores. IF YOUR ANCESTOR DID NOT ORIGINATE IN THE AZORES OR IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PAPER TRAIL TO THE AZORES, CONTACT ONE OF THE LIST ADMINISTRATORS BEFORE JOINING THE PROJECT. The Azores project may be able to overcome some of our genealogical brick walls and the changing of the surname every few generations, as well as making new connections with cousins. Our focus is genealogy. We accept Y-DNA from males with an Azorean Y chromosome, mtDNA from anyone with an Azorean mtDNA line, and Family Finder results (your Azorean ancestor is any where in your tree). The Administrator settings must be set to at least Limited to participate in a group project. NOTE: Some surnames listed above also have Spanish and English origins, as well as some Anglicized spellings. Locating your name above does not necessarily indicate that your ancestors came from the Azores. Also, the list does NOT contain every known Azorean surname. Please contact one of the administrators if yours is missing.<br><br>O Projeto Geográfico de DNA Ilhas dos Açores recebe toda a linha irigir macho e dedescendentes femininos de herança açoriana. <br>Tem um pai incógnito? Seus antepassados açorianos mudaram seu sobrenome cada poucas gerações? Receba após estas tijolo-paredes com o Projeto de DNA das Ilhas dos Açores!<br> |
Project: Azores Islands, Port Members: 2811 The Azores Islands Geographical DNA Project welcomes all male and female descendants whose ancestors ORIGINATED in the Azores. IF YOUR ANCESTOR DID NOT ORIGINATE IN THE AZORES OR IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PAPER TRAIL TO THE AZORES, CONTACT ONE OF THE LIST ADMINISTRATORS BEFORE JOINING THE PROJECT. The Azores project may be able to overcome some of our genealogical brick walls and the changing of the surname every few generations, as well as making new connections with cousins. Our focus is genealogy. We accept Y-DNA from males with an Azorean Y chromosome, mtDNA from anyone with an Azorean mtDNA line, and Family Finder results (your Azorean ancestor is any where in your tree). The Administrator settings must be set to at least Limited to participate in a group project. NOTE: Some surnames listed above also have Spanish and English origins, as well as some Anglicized spellings. Locating your name above does not necessarily indicate that your ancestors came from the Azores. Also, the list does NOT contain every known Azorean surname. Please contact one of the administrators if yours is missing.<br><br>O Projeto Geográfico de DNA Ilhas dos Açores recebe toda a linha irigir macho e dedescendentes femininos de herança açoriana. <br>Tem um pai incógnito? Seus antepassados açorianos mudaram seu sobrenome cada poucas gerações? Receba após estas tijolo-paredes com o Projeto de DNA das Ilhas dos Açores!<br> |
Brasil | 1641 | A genealogia e a genética brasileira são das mais diversificadas no mundo, caracterizadas pela pluralidade e heterogeneidade nas suas origens e misturas. O Brasil ocupa metade da América do Sul e apresenta extensa riqueza Ameríndia, compatível com o seu território, espalhada desde grupos ainda não contatados ou miscigenada em todas as localidades e esferas sociais, desde os Tibiriçás, Caramurus e Arcoverdes. Os estudos genealógicos apresentam uma riqueza documental muito grande e um imenso acervo sobre a colonização e o povoamento do Brasil. A Genealogia Paulistana, o Catálogo Genealógico da Bahia, a Nobiliarquia Pernambucana, as Primeiras Famílias do Rio de Janeiro, a Genealogia Mineira, A Genealogia Paranaense, a Genealogia Riograndense e muitas outras obras e pesquisas regionais formam impressionante manancial demográfico e genealógico. Colonos do Minho, dos Açores, das mais diferentes regiões portuguesas e dos mais diferentes setores sociais multiplicaram-se ao longo da história no país. Colonos de todos os segmentos sociais e religiosos formaram o Brasil, da alta nobreza aos cristãos novos, de burocratas aos ciganos, toda a sociedade portuguesa ibérica se fez representar na sua variedade na construção da sociedade brasileira. O Brasil foi a sociedade americana que mais recebeu africanos ao longo de vários séculos, presentes e miscigenados em todos os grupos sociais e regiões do país. A partir do século XIX o Brasil recebe importantes contingentes de imigrantes Europeus e Asiáticos, a complementar o rico mosaico populacional brasileiro. Obras sobre a importante imigração suíça, alemã, italiana, espanhola, polonesa, ucraniana, judaica, sírio-libanesa, japonesa e muitas outras enriquecem a genealogia e genética do Brasil. Agora a demografia e a genealogia tem mais uma técnica de pesquisa fundamental - a genética. A análise dos cromossomos oferece um novíssimo instrumental de investigação à reconstituir os itinerários do passado e mostrar a verdadeira face genética do povo brasileiro ao longo de séculos de encontros e misturas entre todos os componentes da história nacional. O Projeto Brasil é uma janela para esse mundo da genealogia genética brasileira e contamos com a sua participação para revelarmos a nossa gente brasileira em suas caras e raízes. |
Project: Brasil Members: 1641 A genealogia e a genética brasileira são das mais diversificadas no mundo, caracterizadas pela pluralidade e heterogeneidade nas suas origens e misturas. O Brasil ocupa metade da América do Sul e apresenta extensa riqueza Ameríndia, compatível com o seu território, espalhada desde grupos ainda não contatados ou miscigenada em todas as localidades e esferas sociais, desde os Tibiriçás, Caramurus e Arcoverdes. Os estudos genealógicos apresentam uma riqueza documental muito grande e um imenso acervo sobre a colonização e o povoamento do Brasil. A Genealogia Paulistana, o Catálogo Genealógico da Bahia, a Nobiliarquia Pernambucana, as Primeiras Famílias do Rio de Janeiro, a Genealogia Mineira, A Genealogia Paranaense, a Genealogia Riograndense e muitas outras obras e pesquisas regionais formam impressionante manancial demográfico e genealógico. Colonos do Minho, dos Açores, das mais diferentes regiões portuguesas e dos mais diferentes setores sociais multiplicaram-se ao longo da história no país. Colonos de todos os segmentos sociais e religiosos formaram o Brasil, da alta nobreza aos cristãos novos, de burocratas aos ciganos, toda a sociedade portuguesa ibérica se fez representar na sua variedade na construção da sociedade brasileira. O Brasil foi a sociedade americana que mais recebeu africanos ao longo de vários séculos, presentes e miscigenados em todos os grupos sociais e regiões do país. A partir do século XIX o Brasil recebe importantes contingentes de imigrantes Europeus e Asiáticos, a complementar o rico mosaico populacional brasileiro. Obras sobre a importante imigração suíça, alemã, italiana, espanhola, polonesa, ucraniana, judaica, sírio-libanesa, japonesa e muitas outras enriquecem a genealogia e genética do Brasil. Agora a demografia e a genealogia tem mais uma técnica de pesquisa fundamental - a genética. A análise dos cromossomos oferece um novíssimo instrumental de investigação à reconstituir os itinerários do passado e mostrar a verdadeira face genética do povo brasileiro ao longo de séculos de encontros e misturas entre todos os componentes da história nacional. O Projeto Brasil é uma janela para esse mundo da genealogia genética brasileira e contamos com a sua participação para revelarmos a nossa gente brasileira em suas caras e raízes. |
Cape Dutch / Kaaps-H | 1573 | During the periods of Dutch VOC rule at the Cape of Good Hope (1652 - 1806) thousands of Europeans migrated to what would later become the Western Cape province of the modern state of South Africa.
Many of these males became progenitors (or Stamvaders) of the Cape Dutch (later Afrikaner or Boer) ethnic group of South Africa and Namibia. The genealogies of these families have been well documented and this Y-DNA project aims to expand on the currently available genealogical knowledge of these founding fathers.
So why did I choose the name "Cape Dutch" for this project, seeing that so many of the early Cape Stamvaders came from countries other than the Netherlands? The reason is simply that the emphasis of this project is on the "Cape" part of "Cape Dutch" and not on the actual origins of the Stamvaders themselves.
The term "Cape Dutch" is therefore intended as a neutral term to include a far wider group than only Dutch born Stamvaders; in fact the ethnic Dutch probably made up less than half of the men in question. My own Stamvader, Georg STRAUSS for example, had been a French-born German who married the daughter of French Huguenots at the Cape, yet they raised their children as Cape Dutch.
Uncertainty about who qualifies for this project is hopefully minimised when the emphasis is on a period of Cape history rather than the origins or descendants of those who immigrated there during that time. And during that time, the young society at the Cape and it's people and culture - as well as their architecture - became simply known as "Cape Dutch". |
Project: Cape Dutch / Kaaps-H Members: 1573 During the periods of Dutch VOC rule at the Cape of Good Hope (1652 - 1806) thousands of Europeans migrated to what would later become the Western Cape province of the modern state of South Africa.
Many of these males became progenitors (or Stamvaders) of the Cape Dutch (later Afrikaner or Boer) ethnic group of South Africa and Namibia. The genealogies of these families have been well documented and this Y-DNA project aims to expand on the currently available genealogical knowledge of these founding fathers.
So why did I choose the name "Cape Dutch" for this project, seeing that so many of the early Cape Stamvaders came from countries other than the Netherlands? The reason is simply that the emphasis of this project is on the "Cape" part of "Cape Dutch" and not on the actual origins of the Stamvaders themselves.
The term "Cape Dutch" is therefore intended as a neutral term to include a far wider group than only Dutch born Stamvaders; in fact the ethnic Dutch probably made up less than half of the men in question. My own Stamvader, Georg STRAUSS for example, had been a French-born German who married the daughter of French Huguenots at the Cape, yet they raised their children as Cape Dutch.
Uncertainty about who qualifies for this project is hopefully minimised when the emphasis is on a period of Cape history rather than the origins or descendants of those who immigrated there during that time. And during that time, the young society at the Cape and it's people and culture - as well as their architecture - became simply known as "Cape Dutch". |
CapeVerde | 267 | The Cape Verde DNA Project welcomes all descendants of Cape Verdean heritage. Please upload your Gedcom or tree when you join the project. Finding your name in the surname list does not guarantee you are of Cape Verdean ancestry. Compounded names are not included (listed separately), and the "de," "do," "das" was not included either. The Cape Verde DNA project may be able to overcome some of our genealogical brick walls and the changing of the surname every few generations, as well as making new connections with cousins. Our focus is genealogy. We accept Y-DNA from males with an Cape Verdean Y chromosome, mtDNA from anyone with an Cape Verdean mtDNA line, and Family Finder results (your Cape Verdean ancestor is any where in your tree). The Administrator settings must be set to at least Limited to participate in a group project. NOTE: Some surnames listed above also have Spanish and English origins, as well as some Anglicized spellings. Locating your name above does not necessarily indicate that your ancestors came from the Cape Verde. Also, the list does NOT contain every known Cape Verdean surname. Please contact one of the administrators if yours is missing.
<br><br>O Projecto Antepassados da Cabo Verde dá as boas vindas a todos os descendentes de origem cabo verde, seja em suas linhagens. Ao juntarem-se a este projecto, agradecíamos o favor de nos enviar a sua árvore genealógica. |
Project: CapeVerde Members: 267 The Cape Verde DNA Project welcomes all descendants of Cape Verdean heritage. Please upload your Gedcom or tree when you join the project. Finding your name in the surname list does not guarantee you are of Cape Verdean ancestry. Compounded names are not included (listed separately), and the "de," "do," "das" was not included either. The Cape Verde DNA project may be able to overcome some of our genealogical brick walls and the changing of the surname every few generations, as well as making new connections with cousins. Our focus is genealogy. We accept Y-DNA from males with an Cape Verdean Y chromosome, mtDNA from anyone with an Cape Verdean mtDNA line, and Family Finder results (your Cape Verdean ancestor is any where in your tree). The Administrator settings must be set to at least Limited to participate in a group project. NOTE: Some surnames listed above also have Spanish and English origins, as well as some Anglicized spellings. Locating your name above does not necessarily indicate that your ancestors came from the Cape Verde. Also, the list does NOT contain every known Cape Verdean surname. Please contact one of the administrators if yours is missing.
<br><br>O Projecto Antepassados da Cabo Verde dá as boas vindas a todos os descendentes de origem cabo verde, seja em suas linhagens. Ao juntarem-se a este projecto, agradecíamos o favor de nos enviar a sua árvore genealógica. |
Ferreira | 173 | The Ferreira Family Project seeks to find common heritage through sharing of information and dna testing. Any variant spellings are welcome.
Due to the fact that surnames in families of Iberian origin are often inherited matrilineally, mtDNA results will also be included in this project.
O projeto da família Ferreira busca encontrar ancestrais comuns através do compartilhamento de informações e de testes de DNA. Quaisquer variações do sobrenome são bem-vindas.
Devido ao fato de famílias de origens ibéricas muitas vezes herdarem sobrenomes pela linha feminina, resultados de DNA mitocondrial também serão incluídos neste projeto. |
Project: Ferreira Members: 173 The Ferreira Family Project seeks to find common heritage through sharing of information and dna testing. Any variant spellings are welcome.
Due to the fact that surnames in families of Iberian origin are often inherited matrilineally, mtDNA results will also be included in this project.
O projeto da família Ferreira busca encontrar ancestrais comuns através do compartilhamento de informações e de testes de DNA. Quaisquer variações do sobrenome são bem-vindas.
Devido ao fato de famílias de origens ibéricas muitas vezes herdarem sobrenomes pela linha feminina, resultados de DNA mitocondrial também serão incluídos neste projeto. |
Iberian Ashkenaz | 2077 | Male-line connections between Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews. Sephardi Jews (as well as their converso descendants in Iberia and Latin America) and Ashkenazi Jews are genetically related, especially on their male lines, at multiple timepoints throughout history—from ancient (i.e. common origins in ancient Israel) to early modern (i.e. post-Inquisition Sephardi ancestry in Eastern Europe). The goal of this project is to document as many of these Sephardi-Ashkenazi links as possible, using Y-DNA haplogroups and haplotype signatures of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Iberian, Hispanic, and Italian males. All male Sephardim and Ashkenazim are welcome to join, as well as their Iberian, Hispanic, and Italian matches, and members of other Mediterranean Jewish groups. |
Project: Iberian Ashkenaz Members: 2077 Male-line connections between Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews. Sephardi Jews (as well as their converso descendants in Iberia and Latin America) and Ashkenazi Jews are genetically related, especially on their male lines, at multiple timepoints throughout history—from ancient (i.e. common origins in ancient Israel) to early modern (i.e. post-Inquisition Sephardi ancestry in Eastern Europe). The goal of this project is to document as many of these Sephardi-Ashkenazi links as possible, using Y-DNA haplogroups and haplotype signatures of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Iberian, Hispanic, and Italian males. All male Sephardim and Ashkenazim are welcome to join, as well as their Iberian, Hispanic, and Italian matches, and members of other Mediterranean Jewish groups. |
Iberian Berber E | 273 | The purpose of this project is to study the inter-connections of Iberians (Spain, Portugal) who have tested positive for haplogroup E, or are predicted positive. Please join if you have known Iberian origins or suspect you do because your line is from the New World (Central and South America).
We are most interested in getting SNP testing in order to fully explore all the known subclades and especially NextGen testing to discover new ones to reach the point of a genealogical time period.
Project: Iberian Berber E Members: 273 The purpose of this project is to study the inter-connections of Iberians (Spain, Portugal) who have tested positive for haplogroup E, or are predicted positive. Please join if you have known Iberian origins or suspect you do because your line is from the New World (Central and South America).
We are most interested in getting SNP testing in order to fully explore all the known subclades and especially NextGen testing to discover new ones to reach the point of a genealogical time period.
Iberian Peninsula | 6124 | This project is open to those who's Y-DNA (father's father's father's...) or Mt-DNA (mother's mother's mother's...) line extends to Spain, Portugal, and/or Andorra (Iberian Peninsula). It is the hope of this DNA project to discover the different people who made a mark on all of us who have roots on the Iberian Peninsula. Please submit a family tree that shows your connection to the Iberian Peninsula for entrance into the project. |
Project: Iberian Peninsula Members: 6124 This project is open to those who's Y-DNA (father's father's father's...) or Mt-DNA (mother's mother's mother's...) line extends to Spain, Portugal, and/or Andorra (Iberian Peninsula). It is the hope of this DNA project to discover the different people who made a mark on all of us who have roots on the Iberian Peninsula. Please submit a family tree that shows your connection to the Iberian Peninsula for entrance into the project. |
IberianAshkenazmtDNA | 747 | If you are an Ashkenazi male or female with an oral history that your maternal ancestors were Sephardic or some other indicator of Sephardic ancestry on your maternal line, such as a family custom or an inherited Mediterranean disorder, you are welcome to join this mtDNA project. |
Project: IberianAshkenazmtDNA Members: 747 If you are an Ashkenazi male or female with an oral history that your maternal ancestors were Sephardic or some other indicator of Sephardic ancestry on your maternal line, such as a family custom or an inherited Mediterranean disorder, you are welcome to join this mtDNA project. |
by Robert Rubin, M.D.
The purpose of the Jews of Rhodes Project is to try to identify the original 50 families who were Iberian, Italian, and Romaniote Jews that existed in Rhodes in 1522. This will be done by studying the paternal lines (using Y DNA testing) and the maternal lines (using mitochondrial DNA testing) of Jews whose families had lived on the Island of Rhodes.
Jews were credited with assisting in the defense of Rhodes against the invading Ottoman Turks in 1480. At the start of the 1500’s, as a flood of Sephardi exiles from Spain and Sicily desperately sought refuge throughout the Mediterranean world, the Jews of Rhodes also struggled to survive. D’Aubusson, the Grand Master of Rhodes, ordered them to convert to Christianity. Some submitted to baptism, while others faced slavery, death, or were expelled to Nice, France. D’Aubusson’s death prevented the decree’s full enforcement, saving the community, but very few Jews remained.
In 1522, the Ottoman Turks vanquished the Knights of Saint John, heralding the start of four centuries of religious freedom for the Jews of Rhodes. The Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, sought to develop the island with the assistance of the Jews. That same year, about 40 Jewish families from Thessaloniki / Salonica arrived in Rhodes, and he granted them special privileges, including a 20-year tax exemption, free housing, and sulfur mining rights. During this same period, Jewish exiles from southern Italy turned east to the Ottoman Empire for refuge, and some likely joined Sephardic and Sicilian Jews in settling on Rhodes. The appearance of many Italian surnames among the Jews of Rhodes bears witness to this migration. Some historical books, by reputable people, note that about 50 families settled in Rhodes in 1522.
The Romaniote Jews (Jews of Greek origin who spoke Greek) had lived in Rhodes for centuries before the arrival of the Sephardic Jews in the 16th century. The Romaniote Jews became a small minority and soon lost their identity.
Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Rhodes, Chio, Cos, etc., Istanbul: Société anonyme de Papeterie et d´Imprimerie, 1935.
Rabbi Marc D. Angel, The Jews of Rhodes: The history of a Sephardic Community, Sepher-Hermon Press, Inc. and the Union of Sephardic Congregations, New York, 1980.
Esther Fintz Menascé, Gli Ebrei a Rodi, Milano, 1992.
by Robert Rubin, M.D.
The purpose of the Jews of Rhodes Project is to try to identify the original 50 families who were Iberian, Italian, and Romaniote Jews that existed in Rhodes in 1522. This will be done by studying the paternal lines (using Y DNA testing) and the maternal lines (using mitochondrial DNA testing) of Jews whose families had lived on the Island of Rhodes.
Jews were credited with assisting in the defense of Rhodes against the invading Ottoman Turks in 1480. At the start of the 1500’s, as a flood of Sephardi exiles from Spain and Sicily desperately sought refuge throughout the Mediterranean world, the Jews of Rhodes also struggled to survive. D’Aubusson, the Grand Master of Rhodes, ordered them to convert to Christianity. Some submitted to baptism, while others faced slavery, death, or were expelled to Nice, France. D’Aubusson’s death prevented the decree’s full enforcement, saving the community, but very few Jews remained.
In 1522, the Ottoman Turks vanquished the Knights of Saint John, heralding the start of four centuries of religious freedom for the Jews of Rhodes. The Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, sought to develop the island with the assistance of the Jews. That same year, about 40 Jewish families from Thessaloniki / Salonica arrived in Rhodes, and he granted them special privileges, including a 20-year tax exemption, free housing, and sulfur mining rights. During this same period, Jewish exiles from southern Italy turned east to the Ottoman Empire for refuge, and some likely joined Sephardic and Sicilian Jews in settling on Rhodes. The appearance of many Italian surnames among the Jews of Rhodes bears witness to this migration. Some historical books, by reputable people, note that about 50 families settled in Rhodes in 1522.
The Romaniote Jews (Jews of Greek origin who spoke Greek) had lived in Rhodes for centuries before the arrival of the Sephardic Jews in the 16th century. The Romaniote Jews became a small minority and soon lost their identity.
Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Rhodes, Chio, Cos, etc., Istanbul: Société anonyme de Papeterie et d´Imprimerie, 1935.
Rabbi Marc D. Angel, The Jews of Rhodes: The history of a Sephardic Community, Sepher-Hermon Press, Inc. and the Union of Sephardic Congregations, New York, 1980.
Esther Fintz Menascé, Gli Ebrei a Rodi, Milano, 1992.
Louisiana_Creoles | 1468 | This is a dual Ydna and Mtdna project created for genealogists researching their Louisiana Creole heritage.
Creole means born in the New World or of the New World. Therefore, people of any ancestry or mixture who are descended from the early French and Spanish colonial settlers are part of this ethnic group. |
Project: Louisiana_Creoles Members: 1468 This is a dual Ydna and Mtdna project created for genealogists researching their Louisiana Creole heritage.
Creole means born in the New World or of the New World. Therefore, people of any ancestry or mixture who are descended from the early French and Spanish colonial settlers are part of this ethnic group. |
Madeira, Portugal | 466 | The Madeira DNA Project welcomes all descendants of Madeiran lineage. We accept Y-DNA, mtDNA, and Family Finder results. Please send your pedigree when you join the project.
Bem vindo ao Projeto Madeira DNA!
Para aderir ao projeto, é necessário:
O envio da árvore genealógica, onde consta a ascendência de origem Madeirense pela linhagem Paterna ou Materna.
Também aceitamos registos de comprovativos de testes realizados no FamilyFinder, Y-DNA e mtDNA. |
Project: Madeira, Portugal Members: 466 The Madeira DNA Project welcomes all descendants of Madeiran lineage. We accept Y-DNA, mtDNA, and Family Finder results. Please send your pedigree when you join the project.
Bem vindo ao Projeto Madeira DNA!
Para aderir ao projeto, é necessário:
O envio da árvore genealógica, onde consta a ascendência de origem Madeirense pela linhagem Paterna ou Materna.
Também aceitamos registos de comprovativos de testes realizados no FamilyFinder, Y-DNA e mtDNA. |
Portugal | 1616 | O Projecto Antepassados de Portugal dá as boas vindas a todos os descendentes de origem portuguesa, seja em suas linhagens paterna ou
materna. Ao juntarem-se a esse projecto, agradecíamos o favor de nos enviar a sua árvore genealógica. IMPORTANTE: Se voce tem efetivamente antepassados de origem Portuguesa, seja bem-vindo ao Projeto DNA Portugal caso voce tenha interesse de encomendar ou ja encomendou of novo teste Family Finder da Family Tree DNA
<br><br>The Portugal Heritage DNA Project welcomes all direct line male and female descendants of Portuguese heritage. Please send your pedigree when you join the project.
*UPDATE* in 2010 - If you have known Portuguese ancestry, you are welcome to join the Portugal DNA Project if you order or have already taken Family Tree DNA's new Family Finder autosomal DNA test. |
Project: Portugal Members: 1616 O Projecto Antepassados de Portugal dá as boas vindas a todos os descendentes de origem portuguesa, seja em suas linhagens paterna ou
materna. Ao juntarem-se a esse projecto, agradecíamos o favor de nos enviar a sua árvore genealógica. IMPORTANTE: Se voce tem efetivamente antepassados de origem Portuguesa, seja bem-vindo ao Projeto DNA Portugal caso voce tenha interesse de encomendar ou ja encomendou of novo teste Family Finder da Family Tree DNA
<br><br>The Portugal Heritage DNA Project welcomes all direct line male and female descendants of Portuguese heritage. Please send your pedigree when you join the project.
*UPDATE* in 2010 - If you have known Portuguese ancestry, you are welcome to join the Portugal DNA Project if you order or have already taken Family Tree DNA's new Family Finder autosomal DNA test. |