
  • 195 members

About us

The y-DNA results for members of this project can be viewed at

These results are grouped in family clusters based on the haplogroup (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, or SNP) and haplotype (Short Tandem Repeat, or STR) markers in common. They show that there are many different (unrelated) families of this surname. You can view your own y-DNA matches by clicking the Matches button in the Y-DNA section of your dashboard. For each of your matches, you can access their name and e-mail address, should you wish to contact them to jointly research your connection. Those close matches who are members of this project will appear in a cluster with your kit in the results link above. (Many of you have no matches in this project. Please encourage your genealogical contacts whom you suspect have the same direct paternal ancestor to join.)

In the results table, you will see the name and biographical information (date and place of birth, date and place of death, and name of spouse) of the earliest confirmed direct paternal ancestor of the project member who submitted the kit. If a question mark is displayed in this field, then that project member has not submitted that information to this project administrator (me). To see the direct paternal lineage of the project member for this kit (assuming that it has been submitted to this administrator), click the link at the top of the page to go to the Patriarchs page ( Only ancestors born prior to the year 1900 will be shown on this page, for privacy reasons.

If you haven't done so already, please submit your information to this administrator so that we may include your earliest known direct paternal ancestor and (optionally) your direct paternal lineage to that person. This information will allow your matches to determine how their family connects to yours. (Note that a non-match with a family of this surname can also be useful to your genealogical research as well, by eliminating possibilities, so that you can focus your research elsewhere.)