
HAM DNA Project for genetic genealogy at FTDNA
  • 149 members

Code of Conduct

All project members and project administrators should be familiar with and should abide by the Genetic Genealogy Standards.

Family Tree DNA projects are run by volunteer administrators who work on their projects in their own free time. While every attempt will be made to answer questions promptly there will be occasions when real life gets in the way and patience will be required.

Project administrators do not receive any payments or incentives from Family Tree DNA. Family Tree DNA project administrators are required to abide by the Group Administrator Guidelines for Family Tree DNA Projects. The administrator of the HAM DNA Project is a member of ISOGG and also follows the ISOGG Project Administrator Guidelines.

The activity feed provides a means for project members to collaborate and share their research findings, and to get to know each other. Members are encouraged to ask and answer questions on anything related to genealogy and DNA testing.

All participants are expected to abide by the following few basic guidelines:

* Be polite, courteous and respectful to your fellow project members at all times.
* Messages and comments posted in this group should not be shared on other mailing lists, forums and Facebook groups without the consent of the project member.
* Respect the privacy of living people. Information about living people, including names, e-mail addresses, and postal addresses, should only be shared if the appropriate consent has been obtained.
* If you are copying material from elsewhere please ensure you have permission from the content creator and that you acknowledge the source.
* Private e-mails and messages posted on other mailing lists, forums and Facebook groups, whether private or public, should only be shared with the consent of the sender.
* Religion and politics are strictly off topic.
* Racism and trolling will not be tolerated.
* Do not post messages about spam, viruses or chain e-mails.
* If you wish to advertise any products or services that have specific relevance to this project please contact the administrator before posting. Advertising which is not related to genealogy or DNA testing is not permitted.

All myGroups members are required to abide by the Family Tree DNA Privacy Policy.

                   HAM DNA Project Privacy Statement

As Administrator and Co-administrators of the HAM DNA Project we give priority to protecting your privacy and to the confidentiality of your personal data.  In particular we will not publish your name, e-mail address or other contact details, or share this information with any other project member or other person or organization without your specific written approval.

The only personal data we hold is that relevant to meeting the published goals of our Project, and which has been made available to us by DNA testing companies, in the same format as they make it available to you, or which you have given us direct by e-mail or by post. 

We hold this data indefinitely or until you request its deletion, and publish anonymized data at least [once a year] on our Project website HAM Country where you may see its current status.  You may also request a more updated version direct from the Project Administrator.

We will be pleased to correct any errors in your personal data that you bring to our attention.

At your request at any time we will promptly remove your data from our project files.  However we cannot retrieve data that has previously been posted in the public domain.

In our administration of this project we endeavor to comply with the most recent guidance issued by ISOGG and by FTDNA, and with the Genetic Genealogy Standards.

We endeavor to respond promptly to any queries or complaints you may make about our handling of your personal data for this Project.  However you should be aware that some of your concerns may be better forwarded direct to the relevant DNA testing company.

Dave Hamm, volunteer HAM DNA Project Administrator 
  email:    odoniv (at) yahoo.com