You can help

Join the FamilyTreeDNA database by uploading your genetic file for free and help bring closure to families and victims.

A message from Edward Smart

Edward Smart, father of Elizabeth Smart, asks you to participate and join the FamilyTreeDNA database.

At FamilyTreeDNA, we understand that we are in a unique position to help bring closure to families and victims; therefore, we have taken the initiative to openly support law enforcement and third-party agencies in their efforts to use genetic genealogy to identify John and Jane Does as well as perpetrators of homicide or sexual assault.


What does law enforcement
have access to?

Law enforcement is not given full access to the FamilyTreeDNA database. When law enforcement or a third party working with law enforcement submits a genetic file for upload, they are searching for familial matches and will only have access to the exact same information that any other customer viewing matches has and nothing more.

How to join


Already tested with AncestryDNA™, 23andMe©
or MyHeritage™?

It's simple, just download your autosomal DNA data and upload it to FamilyTreeDNA for free.


Already taken the FamilyTreeDNA
Family Finder™ test?

Just sign in to your account and make sure you have opted in to Investigative Genetic Genealogy Matching.


Thousands of cases waiting to be solved
with DNA

You can help by joining the FamilyTreeDNA database and opting in to Investigative Genetic Genealogy Matching. Through familial matching, your DNA could help investigators get one step closer to identifying John and Jane Does as well as perpetrators of homicide or sexual assault.


On a case-by-case basis

FamilyTreeDNA grants law enforcement and, in some cases, third parties working with law enforcement permission to upload a genetic file in an effort to help identify the remains of a deceased individual or a perpetrator of a homicide or sexual assault. Permission is only granted after the required documentation is submitted, reviewed, and approved.

Note: Whether you are opted in or opted out of IGGM, you will never see a registered Investigative Genetic Genealogy kit in your matches list.

Accounts created for investigative purposes will only show up in your matches list when both of the following requirements are met:

  1. You are a genetic close or distant match to the uploaded genetic file.

  2. You have opted in to Investigative Genetic Genealogy Matching.


Have questions? We have answers.

Here are a few of the questions people frequently ask. View additional information in our Help Center or reach out to our Customer Service team.

Cases that involve identifying the remains of a deceased individual or a perpetrator of a homicide or sexual assault.

Law enforcement does not have open access to the FamilyTreeDNA database. They are given the exact same access as any other user, nothing extra.

What law enforcement can see is completely dependent on your profile and match sharing preferences. If you are opted in to Investigative Genetic Genealogy Matching and you are a familial match to a forensic kit, the individual managing the forensic kit can see the name and email you have provided in your profile settings. Other information viewable by law enforcement depends on your match settings. For further information on match settings, visit our Help Center.

Access to any additional information not accessible to the standard user participating in matching would require a court ordered subpoena or warrant.

If you have previously tested your autosomal DNA at 23andMe© or AncestryDNA™ or MyHeritage™, you can join the FamilyTreeDNA database by uploading your raw data file or by providing an identification number given by an acceptable third-party company. Your autosomal data is then entered into our database.

Please note that you can only transfer the following file versions:

  • 23andMe© V3, 23andMe© V4, 23andMe© V5

  • AncestryDNA™ V1, AncestryDNA™ V2

  • MyHeritage™

After uploading your results, for free, you will receive a list of your autosomal matches from our database.

After uploading your genetic file, you can unlock all Family Finder™ features, which include the Chromosome Browser, myOrigins®, and ancientOrigins for only $19.

Note: Family Finder™ is the name of our autosomal DNA test.

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