Atwood's of Sanderstead Court - mtDNA Test Results for Members

The table below shows each project member's kit number and their tested mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) results. According to the project's settings, it may also display the earliest known ancestor of each project member. Following scientific standards, FamilyTreeDNA compares all mtDNA results to the RSRS. The earliest known common maternal ancestor to all people alive today as well as several ancient humanoids are the basis for the RSRS. Thus, a comparison to this reference reveals clearly the path between each person and our shared maternal ancestor. In general, those who share the same direct maternal ancestor within the last fifteen generations should have mtDNA results that match exactly.
You may learn more about mtDNA on the Understanding mtDNA Results learning page.

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Row Number Kit Number Name Maternal Ancestor Name Country Haplogroup Mitotree Haplogroup HVR1 Mutations HVR2 Mutations
1 971085 Pellot Carmen Vega Perez, b. 1925? Puerto Rico A2z A2z C16083T, C16111T, A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, G16230A, C16256T, T16278C, C16290T, C16311T, G16319A, T16362C, C16519T A153G, C195T, A214G, A235G, A247G, 309.1C, 309.2C, 315.1C
2 34220 Garrison Maria Van Hoorn, 1799 - 1846 Unknown Origin H   A16129G, C16176T, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16519T G73A, C146T, C152T, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 315.1C
3 76175 Atwood-Cook-Zaccaro Magdelaine Comeaux, b.1750 and 1800 France H   T16093C, A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16519T G73A, C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, 315.1C
4 B205350 Martin Marjorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland b 1296 d1316 Scotland H1b1-T16362C H1b1ai'bp A16129G, T16187C, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T, T16356C, T16362C G73A, C146T, C195T, A247G, 315.1C
5 N119215 Forster Sarah Wood b. about 1780 Unknown Origin H1c1 H1c1 A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16263C, T16278C, C16311T G73A, C146T, C152T, C195Y, A247G, T477C, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 309.2C, 315.1C
6 B1105896 Robayo Margaret Weir, b.1449 and d. 1809 United Kingdom H1c3a H1c3a1 A16129G, C16176T, T16187C, C16189T, A16219G, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T G73A, C152T, C195T, A247G, A257G, T477C, 522.1A, 522.2C, 315.1C
7 B910985 Goodloe Reola Hill, b.1929 d. 1994 United States L1b1a-A189G L1b1a7+189 T16126C, A16129G, G16230A, C16264T, C16270T, A16293G C146T, C182T, G185t, A189G, A357G, 315.1C
8 B540818 Pickett Zena B. Smith Blakely b.1916 d. 1978 United States L3f1b3 L3f1b3b A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16209C, G16230A, T16278C, C16292T C146T, C150T, A189G, C195T, A200G, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 315.1C
9 B72403 Atwood Hahn, Elizabeth Delllinger Germany T2e7 T2e7c T16126C, A16129G, G16153A, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, C16242T, T16278C, C16294T, C16311T, C16320T C146T, C150T, C195T, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 315.1C