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Barmore is a rare name in the United States.  2000 census data indicated that there werejust 1,530 Barmores and 151 Baremores in the United States.

Most of the early Barmores appear to have come from the NewJersey-New York-Connecticut area, but efforts to tie together the families havebeen frustrated by the too frequent gaps in the records.  This project hopes to assist in identifyingrelationships between families that can only be confirmed by DNA at this point.

Among the major Barmore branches include descendants of:

1. Marshall Barmore of Dutchess Co, NY (1760)

2. Henry Barmore of Rockland Co, NY (abt 1761)

3. Gilbert Barmore of Greenwich, CT (say 1730)

4. John Barmore of Chautauqua Co, NY (1823), orig. from NJ

5. James Barmore of Dutchess Co, NY (1759)

6. Christopher Barmore of Essex Co, NJ (1780)

7. Jonathan Barmore of Green Co, PA, orig. from NJ 1792

8. George Barmore of Abbeville Co, SC 1790, orig from NJ c1720

More information will be added on each of those families.


Most information about Marshall Barmore comes from his pensionapplications.  He says he was bornon 25 May 1760 in Filkintown (now known as Washington Hollow, part of the townof Washington), Dutchess County, New York. He first enlisted at Dover, Dutchess County, about 1 April 1776 andseems to have lived at Dover during the war.


Marshall’s application of 11 June 1833 indicates that hemoved from Dover to

Granville [Washington Co] and lived there about

10 years

Plattsburgh [Clinton Co]

12 years

Fort Ann [Washington Co]

1 year

Scipio, Cayuga County

2 years

Batavia, Genesee County

1 year

Royalton, Niagara County

10 years

Napoli, Cattaraugus County

1 year

Alabama, Genesee Co, where he now resides

2 years


This listing was not precise. He appeared in the census asfollows:


Westfield, Washington Co., NY

males: 1 16+, 2 <16; females: 3


Champlain, Clinton Co., NY

males:  1 26-44; 1 10-15; 1 < 10;

females:  1 26-44


Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., NY

males:  1 45+; 1 10-15

females: 1 45+; 1 < 10


Royalton, Niagara Co., NY

males: 1 45+; 1 10-15

females:  1 45+


Royalton, Niagara Co., NY

males:  1 70-79

females:  1 60-69


Williamson, Wayne Co., NY

age 84


Marshall was a resident of Genesee County when he made his15 October 1828 application.  Marshalldied on 10 March 1843 at Williamson, Wayne Co., New York, where he had beenliving with his daughter Abi.


An affidavit of Harry Bormore of Napoli, Cattaraugus County,New York, dated 7 February 1834, states that Marshall is his father andpresently resides with him.  In additionto Henry (Harry) and Abi, it seems likely that Marshall was the father ofNathaniel Barmore.  Marshall was livingin Westfield, Washington County, New York at the time of the 1790 census.  Nathaniel’s wife was from that town and theylived at Hartford, Washington County, in 1800 when their oldest son, Dennis M.was born.  “M.” could stand forMarshall.  The Nathaniel Barmore familylater lived in Genesee and Cattaraugus Counties, which were also residences ofMarshall.


Children (could be more):


i.               Abi[gail], b. abt 1777; m. Ezra Thomas; of Williamson, WayneCo., NY 1840


ii.              Nathaniel, b. 25 Feb 1780; d. 10 Oct 1821; m. 1799 RoxinaChapin

a.    Dennis M. Barmore, 1800-1870

b.    Adna C. Barmore, 1802-1875

c.    Joanna C. (Barmore) Sherwood, 1805

d.    Salma C. Barmore, 1807-1879

e.    Nathaniel Barmore, Jr., 1809-1887

f.     Margaret C. (Barmore) Hinman, 1811-1890

g.    Melinda (Barmore) Gilbert, 1813

h.    Roxana (Barmore) Marsh, 1816

i.      Aurilla (Barmore) Appleby, 1819


iii.             Henry, b. abt 1801, Clinton Co., NY; m. Laura Knox

a.    Loring Knox Barmore, 1826-1865

b.    Roswell Marshall Barmore, 1830-1916

c.    George Harry Barmore, 1835

d.    Harmon Henry Barmore, 1838-1894

e.    William A. Barmore, 1841




Henry1Barmore was born about 1761 and died on 8 February 1831 atClarkstown, Rockland County, New York. He married Elizabeth Huffman atHaverstown, New York on 28 February 1781. She was born in New York about 1762 (1850 census) and died on 8 October1855, age 94-0-19. She was mentioned as Elizabeth, wife of Henry Barmorein  the 16 August 1782 will of herfather, Hermanus Hoffman of Haverstraw.


     Henry served inthe Company of Capt. Aury Smith during the Revolution.  In 1779 he was a drummer and in 1780 a private.  He was captured by the British and taken toNew York City, where he was held for six weeks before making his escape.  He eventually made a pension application onaccount of his service. 


     There was a HenryBarmore in Rockland County in 1810 with a household consisting of one male 10to 15, one male over 45, and one female 10-15.


                  HenryBarmore of Clarkstown made his will on 11 September 1824, which was probated on1 March 1831.  He mentioned his wifeElizabeth, son Nathaniel, daughter Catharine, wife of John Storm, daughterElizabeth, wife of Elias Williams, granddaughter Sally Ann Williams and alsoJohn Coleman, decd.; Adrian Onderdonk, decd.; John L. Smith, decd., and JosephD. Clark, decd. His son Nathaniel and grandson Alfred were named executors.  [Abstract]


     In 1855,Elizabeth Barmore, Henry's widow, aged 93 of Clarkstown, New York, applied fora widow's pension.  She states that shemarried Henry at Haverstown, New York 28 Feb 1781 and that her maiden name wasElizabeth Huffman.  Nathaniel and EffieBarmore, residents of Clarkstown, made an affidavit dated 29 June 1855 insupport of her application stating that they knew her and Henry for more than20 years prior to Henry's death.  Henrydied 8 February 1831 at Clarkstown, Rockland County.




                i.           HenryBarmore, b. 20 Sep 1782, Clarkstown, RocklandCo., NY


               ii.           NathanielBarmore; b. 24 Sep 1785, Clarkstown, RocklandCo., NY and died on 15 October 1870 at Rockland Lake, Rockland Co. He married Efje (Effie) Onderdonk on 6 February1805 at the Dutch Reformed Church at Tappan, Rockland County. Effie was born on25 September 1779 at Rockland Lake, and died at Rockland Lake on 19 January1882.


a.    Eliza Barmore, 1805; m. Abraham Depew

b.    Alfred Barmore, 1807-1875; m. Charity ____; President,Knickerbocker Ice

c.    Harriet Barmore 1809-1848; m. Peter Bodine

d.    Catherine Barmore, 1811-1905; m. Moses Gage Leonard

e.    Garrett Barmore, 1813-1874; m. Hester Lawrence; pianos

f.     Harvey Barmore, 1816-1891; m. Maria Garrison; pianos

g.    Henry Barmore, 1819-1897; m. Sarah Kibbe

h.    Ellen Barmore, 1822; m. E. E. Conklin


              iii.           ElizabethBarmore; of Clarkstown; m. 12 Mar. 1811 Elias Williams of Haverstraw


             iv.           CatherineBearmore; of Clarkstown; d. 1866; m. 25 Oct. 1812John Storm




Gilbert1Barmore married Ann Meadby 31 March 1755, when she is called Ann Baremore in her father’s will. She wasborn in about the 1730s, a daughter of John Mead and Elizabeth Lockwood ofGreenwich, Connecticut. [Brett O’Reilly’s Ancestry Tree contains information onGilbert’s family]


Gilbert bought a dwelling house inGreenwich on 14 February 1757 “on the north side of the road that goes up toLindys Mills.” On 15 September 1760, he sold “my now dwelling house” and anacre adjoining to John Mead, described as “at a place called Pimpersig upon theroad leading to Thingstreet.” Gilbert must have died relatively young, as on 28April 1770 Ann Barmore bought in her own name from John Mead “the dwellinghouse she now lives in and about half an acre of land adjoining said house,”which was “the same house and land that I bought of Gilbert Baremore.” In 1788,1789 and 1793, her land is mentioned as a bound of land bought or sold byNathaniel Barmore in the West Society of Greenwich.


On 15 June 1793, Ann Baremore ofGreenwich made her will, probated on 3 December 1793, mentioning her childrenJohn, now of New York City, Nathaniel, Gilbert, Ann, wife of Zebediah Taylor,and Aanor Raymond.  Her son Nathaniel wasnamed executor.




2             i.           Nathaniel2 Barmore; m. Abigail Wall


3            ii.           JohnBarmore, of New York City 1793


              iii.           GilbertBarmore


             iv.           AnnBarmore, m. Zebediah Taylor


              v.           Aanor[Eleanor] Barmore, m1 ____ Raymond;m2 Stephen Holmes; m3 David Holmes


2.  Nathaniel2(Gilbert1) Barmoremarried Abigail Wall. He lived atMohegan (east of Peekskill in the town of Cortlandt) on 15 January 1811, wherehe was a town trustee and “carried on agricultural pursuits.” 


The Mackey-Sands papers give hisparents as Gilbert Barmore and Ann Mead. If so, then he was the Nathaniel named in his mother’s will and lived atGreenwich, adjacent to his mother’s land, at least from 1788 to 1795. Assigninghim to this family is also consistent with his having a son Mead, presumablynamed for his mother’s family or one of her male relatives, and the birth ofhis oldest son at Port Chester, which is adjacent to the west side ofGreenwich.


The Ledger of Dr. Amos Mead ofGreenwich contains several references to treating Nathaniel’s family.




                i.           Anna3Barmore, m. Abraham Carpenter


               ii.           HenryBarmore, b. Port Chester, Westchester Co., N.Y. 17 Nov. 1783; d. 18 Feb.1863; m. Bethany Carpenter


a.    Clark C. Barmore, 1806-1873; m. Mary C. Alley

b.    Anor Barmore, 1807-1892; m. Jasper Burtch

c.    Stephen Barmore 1808; m. Caroline Williams

d.    Lydia Barmore, 1809-1901; m. David Stringham

e.    Anna Barmore, 1811-1875; m. Abraham Quimby

f.     Sarah Barmore, 1814-1896; m. Underhill Quimby

g.    Abigail Barmore, 1815; d. young

h.    Mary Barmore, 1816; m. Shadrach Ricketson

i.      Susan Barmore, 1818; m. Egbert Vale

j.      Henry Barmore, 1820-1908; m. Ruth A. Spencer

k.    Philip Barmore, 1822-1894; m. Hannah Gardner

l.      Elizabeth Barmore, 1823-1887

m.   James Barmore, 1829-1907, m1 Abiah Gardner; m2 Mary Gardner


              iii.           JohnBarmore, b. New York; abt 1783?; possibly the John Bearmore who died inNew York City, a resident of Greenwich Street, on 17 April 1814, age 23, of“fever hectic”, and was buried in Trinity Churchyard.


             iv.           HannahBarmore, m. Thomas Carpenter,he b. abt 1782; their son Nathaniel Carpenter was an administrator and nephewof James Barmore, d. 1826


              v.           ElizabethBarmore, b. Conn. abt 1790, possibly the child born Greenwich 12February 1790; in hshld with younger Hunters in Cortlandt, NY 1850; Richmond,N.Y. 1855


             vi.           [child]Barmore, b. Greenwich, Conn. 15 Mar. 1792.


            vii.           [child]Barmore, b. Greenwich, Conn. 29 Dec. 1793.


           viii.           Lavinia/ElizaBarmore, m. Ward Hunter. Hewas in Cortlandt, Westchester Co. in 1820, 1830 and 1840.  Her name is given as Lavinia in theMackey-Sands papers and Eliza in the James Barmore sketch.  Both she and her husband seem to have diedprior to 1850 and Elizabeth Barmore appears in the 1850 and 1855 censuses withHunters.  As the surname is not Hunter, sheseems likely to be their aunt, not their mother.  Accordingly, Lavinia seems like to have beenthe mother’s name and the name Eliza having been given later due to arecollection of such a person in the household.


             ix.           JamesBarmore, d. 1826; m. Eleanor____.


a.    (poss.) Seth Barmore, 1806-1840; m. Margaret Vincent

b.    Ward H. Barmore, 1817-1879; m. Jemima Ann Purdy


              x.           MeadBarmore, b.  27 Mar. 1798; d. 20Apr. 1869; m. Jane Curry.  Farmer and Supervisor for Town ofCortlandt


a.    Susan Barmore, 1823-1838

b.    Sarah Ann Barmore, 1825; m. John Moore Curry

c.    James Barmore, 1828-1880

d.    Catharine Barmore 1830

e.    Edward Barmore, abt 1834

f.     Thomas C. Barmore, 1837-1838

g.    Margaret Fox Barmore, 1840-1908; m. Henry Lewis Armstrong

h.    George Fox Barmore, 1841; m. Mary Elizabeth Armstrong

i.      Jane Barmore, 1846-1847


             xi.           AbrahamCarpenter Barmore, b. New York abt 1801; m. 1825 Susan Agnew.  Abrahamwas a grocer in New York City from 1829 to 1844.  He then went to Putnam Co., Illinois and by1852 was in Placer Co., California.


a.    Anna Maria Barmore, abt 1826-1866; m. Thomas H. Bradway

b.    Charles Agnew Barmore, abt 1839-1895; m. May Haworth


2.  John2Barmore (Gilbert1) was born about 1754 at Horseneck,Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut, and died of consumption in New YorkCity, a resident of Chambers Street, on 22 April 1822, age 68, and was buriedin Trinity churchyard.Thus, he was presumably the shoemaker of 30 Chamber Street, who appears in NewYork City directories in 1816 and 1818 and is the leading candidate to be the husbandof “Barmore widow Catherine, huckster 174 Fulton,” who appears only in 1820. Hemarried about 1782 Catherine possibly Topping, who was born about 1763 anddied in Connecticut in 1840.  JohnBearmore is mentioned on 4 June 1778 in the ledger of Dr. Amos Mead ofGreenwich.




                i.           Gilbert3 Barmore, b. Westchester Co., N.Y. 1783;d. 1854; buried White Plains Rural Cemetery. Gilbert was a witness to the 24 Aug. 1824 will of Benjamin Steadwell.  Gilbert and Rachel were in Harrison in 1820,1830, 1840 and 1850.  He was a shoemaker.


               ii.           [female]Barmore, b. Westchester Co., N.Y. 1785; possibly m. ____ Agnew and had children below mentionedin Walter’s will


1       Susan Agnew4, b. NY abt 1806; m. AbrahamCarpenter Barmore, #7

2       Phillip C. Agnew, b. Orange Co., NY abt May1813; d. of nephritis, 415 W. 46th, Manhattan 16 Apr. 1875, age 61years, 11 months; bu. Yonkers. Married Susan B. Austin


              iii.           WalterBarmore, b. 11 Feb. 1788; d. NY 22 Apr. 1823; m. Mary Peterson, b. 1784; d. 1866.  Made will 22 April 1820, proven 5 May 1823.To wife Mary, daughters Mary and Ann. To Philip and Susan Agnew, nephew andniece. To Abraham C. Barmore. Wife, Eldad Holmes, Thomas Hyatt, executors.


1       Phebe5 Barmore, b. abt April1815; d. NYC(resident Division St.) 9 July 1816 of dropsy, age 1 year, 3 months

2       Mary Barmore, b. 1818

3       Anna Barmore, b. 1820; d. of gangrene in herfeet, caused by diabetes, in Manhattan 6 Dec. 1892; m. NYC 17 May 1838 WilliamAlbert Mead

             iv.           JohnBarmore


              v.           SilasBarmore, b.  NY 28 Aug. 1795; d.NYC 9 Oct. 1846 of [miasma], age 54, resident at 25 Claridge; m. NYC 8 Oct.1817 Mary McElmack


1       Silas E.5 Barmore, b. 1814; d. 13 Dec. 1816

2       Rosena Barmore, b. NYC 18 Dec. 1820; d.Stamford, Conn. 31 Oct. 1896; m. John Wright

3       Silas Wesley Barmore, b. Conn. 8 Oct. 1824; d.Brooklyn, NY 11 Aug. 1858 of bronchitis, age 33-10-3, bu. Harrison, NY; m1, asSilas Barmore, Jr., Betsey Ann Boughton on 18 Aug. 1842 in New York City


             vi.           Mary(Polly) Barmore, b. NY 1794; d. Conn. 23 Mar. 1861; m. SecondCongregational Church, Greenwich 26 Nov. 1815 EphraimMarshall. On 2 March 1823, Mary, wife of Ephraim Marshall and daughterof John Baremore, was admitted to the Second Congregational Church ofGreenwich. Ephraim, son of Ezra Marshall, was also admitted.


            vii.           MariaBarmore, b. Conn. 12 Mar. 1799; d. 1878


           viii.           AnnBarmore, b.  NY 17 Oct. 1799 [sic,only 7 months after Maria]; d. Roxbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. 7 Dec. 1866; m.Greenwich 14 Mar. 1826 Nehemiah Hoyt, Jr.


             ix.           NathanielH. Barmore, b. NYC 1 Jan. 1800; d. Stamford, Conn. 1 Nov. 1865; m1 NYC 1Sep. 1821 Sarah Scranton; m2 Maria ____. Mason NYC 1822-1834.  Stone mason Stamford.


a.    Edward Topping Barmore, 1822-1823

b.    William Henry Barmore, 1824; m. Rebecca Frances Robbins

c.    [son] Barmore, 1826 stillborn

d.    Nathaniel H. Barmore 1830-1863; m. Sarah F.____. Shoemaker

e.    Sarah Elizabeth Barmore, 1833-1904

f.     Caroline Barmore, 1847-1873; m. Lyman S. Morrill


              x.           AbrahamBarmore, b. 1802


             xi.           MansfieldBarmore, b. Conn. Feb. 1810; d. Conn. 11 Jan. 1871, age 61-11; m. 5 Feb.1832 Mary Ann Woden (witnesses:Abraham and Sarah Barmore).  Mary Ann poss.“Mother” b. 7 Oct. 1804; d. 19 Dec. 1890. Mansfield Baremore/Barrymore and hiswife Mary A. joined the Second Congregational Church of Greenwich on 7 July1839 and were baptized the same day. Their children were all baptized on 12April 1844.


1       Susan5 Barmore, b. Conn. 2 Feb. 1834; d.Stamford, Conn. 22 Apr. 1882

2       Abram Barmore, b. 22 Nov. 1834 (by calc.); d.Conn. 28 Mar. 1847, ae 12-4-6

3       Walter S. Barmore, b. Conn. Sep. 1836; d. JerseyCity, N.J. 2 Jun. 1898

4       Mary Barmore, b. Roxbury, Conn. 2 May 1840?;d. Conn. 7 Dec. 1894; m. John Wesley Wright 28 Jan. 1865; b. 4 May 1838; d. 22Feb. 1905; Civil War

5       Annie Elizabeth Barmore, b. Greenwich, Conn. 2 Sep.1840?; d. Jersey City, N.J. 15 Oct. 1917; m. Anthony Crouter

6       John Benjamin Barmore, b. Conn. 24 Sep. 1845; d.Manhattan, NY 12 May 1897; m. 30 Jul. 1868 Sophia Mackahena Faigle; Co. I, 17thConn.