Crabbe DNA Project - mtDNA Test Results for Members

The table below shows each project member's kit number and their tested mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) results. According to the project's settings, it may also display the earliest known ancestor of each project member. Following scientific standards, FamilyTreeDNA compares all mtDNA results to the RSRS. The earliest known common maternal ancestor to all people alive today as well as several ancient humanoids are the basis for the RSRS. Thus, a comparison to this reference reveals clearly the path between each person and our shared maternal ancestor. In general, those who share the same direct maternal ancestor within the last fifteen generations should have mtDNA results that match exactly.
You may learn more about mtDNA on the Understanding mtDNA Results learning page.

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Kit Number Name Maternal Ancestor Name Country Haplogroup HVR1 Mutations HVR2 Mutations
12879 Holly Rachel TOTTEN, 1747 - 1811 United States H A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T, C16519T C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, 315.1C
253496 Gray   Unknown Origin H10e2 T16093Y, A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, C16221T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T G73A, C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 315.1C
339655 Prall Ralph Crabb: b. ca 1690 and d. 1734 MD England H15a1a1 A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T, C16366T, C16519T T55C, T57C, G73A, C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 315.1C
12583 Sutton Solomon Cox ,b. c. 1745 Adams Co., PA England H1aq1 A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, C16218T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T G73A, C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, 315.1C
439569 Verissimo Emily Soper b.1858 Dunsford, Devon United Kingdom H1c1 A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16263C, T16278C, C16311T G73A, C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, T477C, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 309.2C, 315.1C
IN16440 Goulding Marie Gastrie, b. estimated between 1560 and 1580 France H7b6 A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T G73A, C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 315.1C
184178 Crabb Ann Williams, Ystradgynlais, Wales b circa 1829 Wales K A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, T16224C, G16230A, T16278C  
326472 Napier Rollo the Norseman Unknown Origin K A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, T16224C, G16230A, T16278C C195T, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 315.1C
IN104657 Wray Elizabeth Kitchingman b.1762 England R1a1a2 A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C C146T, C152T, C195T, A247G, C295a, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 315.1C
271853 Crabe Eugenia Towner b. 1857 and d. 1909 WI, USA Unknown Origin T2c1d1 T16124C, T16126C, A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16292T, C16294T, C16311T, G16319A C114T, C152T, C195T, A247G, T279C, 522.1A, 522.2C, 309.1C, 315.1C
182243 Holland Weyman (f) Roberts Crabb 1858 Ely Cambridgeshire E England U5b2c1 A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, C16192T, T16223C, G16230A, C16270T, T16278C, C16311T, C16519T C146T, C150T, G185A, A189G, C195T, A247G, 522.1A, 522.2C, 315.1C
256864 Crabb Tsuin Mao Ho b 1906 and d . 2001 California China Z4a1a A16129G, C16185T, T16187C, C16189T, G16230A, A16235G, C16260T, T16278C, T16298C, A16302G, C16311T, C16519T C146T, C195T, A247G, A249d, A374G, T489C, 522.1A, 522.2C, 315.1C