DNA tests Our Diaspora family tree members - Y-DNA SNP

The major branch points on our shared paternal lineage trace back through genealogy, history, antiquity, and ancient anthropology to reach our early hominid ancestors who lived in Africa. Recent (terminal) branches may be as recent as ten generations old or several thousand years. Thus, they are an established way to trace the migrations of human populations from the earliest times to the present. The branches on the paternal tree are haplogroups. SNP markers on the Y-Chromosome define them. This page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) SNP results for the project. It shows Y-DNA haplogroups and all SNP results both positive (derived) and negative (ancestral). A plus, +, sign denotes positive results. A negative, -, sign denotes negative results. You may learn more about Y-Chromosome SNPs on the Understanding Y-DNA SNP Results learning page.

Learn more about this page. This page displays project members' Y-DNA haplogroups and SNP results. Predicted haplogroups are in red, and confirmed haplogroups are in green.

* denotes a no call or heterozygous call.

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Kit Number Last Name Paternal Ancestor Name Short Hand Confirmed SNPs
306482 Blyacher Moishe Blyacher (c1870-c1930) E-L795 CTS119+, CTS11916+, CTS12006+, CTS1446+, CTS1978+, CTS2496+, CTS3262+, CTS331+, CTS3334+, CTS3362+, CTS4994+, CTS5373+, CTS6048+, CTS6333+, CTS6755+, CTS8369+, CTS939+, F1649+, F3170+, L29+, L489+, L492+, L499+, L504+, L507+, L510+, L511+, L512+, L537+, L856+, M145+, P150+, P154+, P167+, P169+, P171+, P173+, P174+, P175+, P176+, P177+, PAGES00024+, PAGES00081+, PF1530+, PF1535+, PF1539+, PF1554+, PF1618+, PF1795+, PF1798+, PF1819+, PF1822+, PF1873+, PF1920+, S7474+
318602 Bey   E-M35  
358528 Belaga David Belaga, b. 1914 and d. 2013 E-M96  
288547 Goldreyer Naftul Goldreer G-M201 M201+
282701 Rabinovich Aron Rabinovich, c 1850 G-M201  
277399 Kaplun Tzal Kaplun c1840 - c1908 I-M170  
277394 Kaplun Tzal Kaplun c1840 - c1908 I-M170  
277397 Reznichenko Moishe Reznichenko (1903-1941) I-M223 M223+
219081 Pishnov Yitzchak Pishnov d.1935 J-L25 CTS12632+, CTS3654+, CTS4443+, CTS7683+, F1209+, F1704+, F1714+, F1753+, F2048+, F2155+, F2402+, F2837+, F3111+, F3136+, F3402+, F719+, FGC222+, L132+, L15+, L16+, L24+, L25+, L26+, L27+, L352+, L468+, L498+, L505+, L508+, M172+, M89+, P123+, P124+, P127+, P130+, P133+, P139+, P14+, P141+, P145+, P148+, P157+, P158+, P159+, P160+, P163+, P166+, PAGES00024+, PAGES00081+, PF2608+, PF2615+, PF2624+, PF2723+, PF2739+, PF2747+, PF2748+, PF3528+, PF3562+, PF4509+, S35+, V205+, YSC0001315+
158155 Lebensold Efroim Lebensold, d. 1905/1910 J-M172  
283468 Levin Leyzer Levin (c1825-c1885) R-BY1823 BY1823+, CTS10081+, CTS10149+, CTS10834+, CTS10851+, CTS11985+, CTS12632+, CTS196+, CTS3135+, CTS3358+, CTS3475+, CTS3654+, CTS3662+, CTS3868+, CTS4364+, CTS4368+, CTS4437+, CTS4443+, CTS4944+, CTS5457+, CTS5884+, CTS623+, CTS7194+, CTS7604+, CTS7904+, CTS8627+, CTS894+, F115+, F1209+, F1329+, F1704+, F1714+, F1753+, F1767+, F2048+, F2142+, F2155+, F2402+, F2587+, F2688+, F2837+, F3111+, F313+, F3136+, F3335+, F3556+, F3692+, F47+, F719+, FGC222+, L1185+, L132+, L1351+, L15+, L151+, L16+, L23+, L352+, L407+, L468+, L479+, L483+, L498+, L500+, L502+, L506+, L508+, L51+, L52+, L741+, L747+, L752+, L754+, L757+, L761+, L762+, L768+, L773+, L82+, M173+, M207+, M306+, M343+, M415+, M45+, M526+, M89+, M94+, P128+, P131+, P132+, P135+, P136+, P139+, P14+, P141+, P145+, P146+, P148+, P151+, P157+, P158+, P159+, P160+, P163+, P166+, P224+, P225+, P228+, P230+, P232+, P233+, P234+, P235+, P236+, P237+, P238+, P242+, P243+, P244+, P245+, P280+, P281+, P283+, P295+, P297+, P305+, P310+, P311+, PAGES00081+, PAGES00083+, PF1029+, PF110+, PF192+, PF210+, PF223+, PF2593+, PF2608+, PF2611+, PF2614+, PF2615+, PF2620+, PF2624+, PF2643+, PF2718+, PF2723+, PF2739+, PF2745+, PF2747+, PF2748+, PF278+, PF316+, PF5459+, PF5495+, PF5865+, PF5872+, PF5885+, PF5887+, PF5889+, PF5936+, PF5945+, PF5953+, PF5957+, PF5958+, PF5980+, PF6145+, PF6246+, PF6249+, PF6263+, PF6265+, PF6271+, PF6272+, PF6399+, PF6409+, PF6426+, PF6429+, PF6430+, PF6432+, PF6434+, PF6435+, PF6463+, PF6469+, PF6470+, PF6495+, PF6498+, PF6506+, PF6507+, PF6520+, PF6524+, PF667+, PF815+, PF844+, s3+, U152+, V168+, V186+, V189+, V205+, V221+, V250+, V2590+, V52+, V9+, Y8283+, Y8285+, Y8288+, Y8289+, Y8291+, YSC0000075+, YSC0000082+, YSC0000186+, YSC0000191+, YSC0000224+, YSC0000225+, YSC0000227+, YSC0000269+, YSC0000288+, Z11893+, Z11917+, Z145+, Z17897+
268841 Levin Leyzer Levin (c1825-c1885) R-M269  
268946 Vayn Leib Vaynshelboym, d.1930 R-M269  
295706 Levin Leyzer Levin (c1825-c1885) R-M269  
330345 Weinshel Abraham Weinshelboym (1890-1967) R-M269