R-DF49 and Subclades

  • 1237 members

About us

Welcome to the R-DF49 and Subclades Project one of the many sons of R-L21. For more information on R-L21 (and how DF49 fits in) visit our patriarchal project the R L21 and Subclades Project

DF49 is the biggest subclade of L21, mostly due to the herculean efforts of M222. You can see more information on this extraordinarily successful group at the R-M222 Haplogroup Project

The purpose of this project is to act as a central resource for research into DF49 & its subclades.

Our aim is to help identify clusters under DF49 and investigate the age and possible origin of these various groups.

Only people who have tested positive for DF49 or one of the SNPs below it are eligible to join the project unless we feel there is enough supporting evidence to assume somebody is DF49 plus.

Big Y and the emerging structurer of DF49


Download the R1b-DF49 Tree in a PDF file

To order SNPs not on FTDNA's haplotree first make sure you are logged into the right kit then click this link DF49 in Y-Tree

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