R1b-DF27 and Subclades Master Project - Y-DNA Results Overview

For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. This page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) STR results for the project. The columns display each project member's kit number, paternal ancestry information according to project settings, the paternal tree branch (haplogroup), and actual STR marker results. In the haplogroups column, haplogroups in green are confirmed by SNP testing. Haplogroups in red are predicted. Above each subgroup, we display the minimum, maximum and mode values for each STR marker in the subgroup. STR marker values that differ from the mode values are color-coded. You can learn more about this page in our Help Center.

Markers:   Page Size:
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Kit Number
Paternal Ancestor Name
10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch)
MIN     12 23 13 10 10-11 12 12 11 12 12 27 14 8-8-10 11 11 23 14 17 27 13-14-14-15-17-17 9 9 18-19 14 13 16 15 33-35 10 11 11 8 15-16 7 10 10 8 9 8 12 21-23 14 10 9 12 14 8 11 21 17 11 12 11 13 10 11 12 11 32 14 9 15 11 23 26 18 11 10 11 12 10 9 11 11 10 10 11 28 11 12 23 12 8 9 17 15 15 12 22 15 11 14 22 12 23 18 9 13 16 9 12 11
MAX     15 26 15 12 12-16 12 13 14 14 15 31 20 10-10-11 12 12 27 16 20 33 16-17-17-18-18-19 12 12 20-24 19 16 21 19 38-41 14 14 11 9 16-18 8 12 11 8 12 11 12 23-25 18 11 12 14 17 9 14 25 21 15 14 11 15 12 12 13 13 37 15 9 17 12 27 27 20 13 12 14 12 11 9 13 13 11 11 12 33 12 13 27 16 10 11 26 16 20 14 25 19 14 16 26 13 25 19 11 15 18 9 14 11
MODE     13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-17-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 18 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 13 24 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
427805 Perechuda Ivan Perehuda, 1562 Poland R-DF27 R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 12 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 14 13 13 29 14 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 31 14-15-17-17 10 12 19-23 16 15 19 17 36-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
49497 Lewis Walden Lewis, b. 1774 VA & d. 1843 MS Wales R-FTE16210 Big Y-700 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 12 25 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 10-10 11 11 24 15 19 31 15-15-16-16 11 11 20-22 15 15 18 17 35-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 7 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-25 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 25 20 13 12 11 13 10 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 11 27 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 28 12 13 24 16 10 10 22 15 19 14 24 17 14 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
26660 Lewis John Lewis, b.c. 1780, Virginia England R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 12 25 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 10-10 11 11 24 15 19 31 15-15-16-16 11 11 20-22 15 15 18 17 35-36 13 12 11 9 15-16 7 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-25 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 25 20 13 12 11 13 10 11 12 12                                                                                        
81883 Coelho Pedro Tinoco Portugal R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 12 25 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 12 13 28 15 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-17 10 11 19-22 15 15 19 17 36-36 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 9 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 21 13 12 11 13 12 11 12 13                                                                                        
88189 Lorda Pierre Lorda, bc1750, Hazparne, Aquitaine, France France R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 14 10 11-11 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-17-17-18 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 16 37-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
93074 Rhodes Jefry Davis, b.c. 1695, Prince Edward Co., Va Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 24 15 19 31 15-15-16-16 11 10 19-23 15 15 20 18 35-37 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 16 8 12 23 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 14 24 17 12 16 26 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
160221 Harrison James Harrison b.1755 Virginia Unknown Origin R-DF27 R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 13 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 15 16 17 19 35-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 9 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 33 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 17 13 23 17 12 15 24 12 23 19 10 14 17 9 14 11
373328 Leo Lars Jönsson, b. 1708 and d. 1774 Sweden R-DF27 R1b - M343&M269 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 14 11 11-11 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 21 17 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 10 11 12 13                                                                                        
314130 WILLOWS Johann Georg JOB, 1734-1794 Germany R-DF27 P312 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-11 11 11 25 15 19 29 14-16-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-24 17 11 12 12 16 8 12 24 19 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 11 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 13 10 10 21 15 17 12 24 17 12 16 24 12 23 19 10 14 17 9 12 11
316045 Fraga Manoel de Fraga (Coelho?) b. circa 1660 Portugal R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 29 15-15-16-18 11 11 19-24 16 15 18 16 36-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
E13820 de Oliveira Antonio d'oliveira, 1755-1825, Gondar, Amarante,PT Portugal R-DF27 Deep Clade 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 15 10 12-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-17-17 10 12 19-23 17 15 18 17 35-37 11 12                                                                                                                                                
36182 Raines Josiah Raines abt.1794 GA, d.1837 Monroe Co,,Al Unknown Origin R-DF27 R1b - M343&M269 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 25 15 17 29 15-15-16-18 11 11 19-23 16 13 19 18 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 13 12 35 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 11 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 13 25 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 11 14 17 9 12 11
N9405 Singel Jan Cenkier/Cezer, b.1786, Huta Wysowska, Poland Poland R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 10-14 12 12 11 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 24 15 19 28 15-16-17-17-18 11 10 19-23 15 15 18 17 38-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 11 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 21 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
B8507 Vance Davis Vance, b. 1765 and d. 1835 Unknown Origin R-DF27 R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 11-13 12 13 12 13 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 16 19 29 15-16-17-17 11 11 19-23 17 15 18 17 35-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 13 12 11 15 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
U2408 Gower not known England R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 11 19-23 16 14 18 17 34-36 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 8 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
N142917 Baca Jose Marcos Baca Unknown Origin R-DF27 R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 11-14 12 12 13 12 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 24 15 19 28 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 37-40 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 9 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 12 12 12 33 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 22 15 17 13 24 15 11 15 25 12 23 18 10 13 17 9 12 11
226829 Barnes Thomas Barnes b.c. 1745 d. 1812 England R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 11-14 12 12 13 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 27 14-16-16-17 12 10 18-23 16 14 19 17 35-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 12 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 20 15 19 13 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 13 11
29213 Rocha Jose Baltazar Rocha, d. 180_ , Mexico Mexico R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 11-14 12 13 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 11 19-23 15 14 17 18 36-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 9 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 10 11 12 12                                                                                        
143952 Menendez Mantici Antonio Menendez Valdes, born c. 1627 Spain R-DF27 CTS4466 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 11-15 12 12 12 14 13 30 17 9-10 12 11 24 15 19 29 14-16-17-17 11 11 19-23 16 15 17 18 34-36 13 13 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 18 10 12 14 16 8 14 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
323203 Fagerström Lars Andersson, b. 1650, d. 1719 Sweden R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 11-15 12 13 12 13 13 29 15 9-10 11 11 24 15 19 28 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 17 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 11 11 8 10 10 12 23-24 16 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
395068 Garcia (Vega) Vega - Mexico Spain R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 12-13 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-9 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-22 15 15 18 17 37-41 12 12 11 9 15-16 7 11 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 24 20 13 12 11 13 12 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 13 24 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
B1088 Christensen George Christensen (1848-1917) DK > IL > TN> AR Denmark R-DF27 L21 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 10 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 17         12 12                                   11     13                                                   11 30 12 13 24 13 10                       25           12  
194931 Alomar Lorenzo Cabrera Puerto Rico R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 10-15 12 12 12 13 13 30 16 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 28 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 35-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
350445 .   Unknown Origin R-DF27 R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-11 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 23 15 19 29 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-21 15 14 19 17 36-38 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 13 12 32 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 28 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 20 13 24 17 14 15 25 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
73467 Monigal Ambrosius Mannigel d.15Nov.1806, Budzyn, Chodziez, Poland R-DF27 DeepSNP-R1b 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-11 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-9 11 11 25 15 19 28 15-15-18-18 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
232302 Boyd Marcus D. Boyd b.1820-1824 d. unk Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-13 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 20 19 38-38 13 12 11 8 16-16 8 10 10 8 12 10 12 23-25 15 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
147076 Ogg JohnThomas Ogg(1804 GA/1875 GrimesCoTX) Q495Z Unknown Origin R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-13 12 13 13 13 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 28 15-15-15-18 12 11 19-21 15 14 18 19 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
97262 Hull (managed) John Hull, c1724, IRE Northern Ireland R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 14 17 17 36-36 12 12                                                                                                                                                
318556 Bara- Del Gaudio Unknown or Martin or Dulaney Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 14-16-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 20 18 37-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
522645 Ekblad Magnus Jonsson, b. 1734 and d. 1789 Sweden R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 14-14-14-16 11 11 19-23 15 15 16 19 38-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 14 8 12 23 20 14 12 11 13 10 11 12 12                                                                                        
364449 Roberts Josephus Roberts b 1753 d 1807 Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 16 19 28 15-15-17-17 11 10 20-23 17 15 17 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-17 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 13 17 8 12 22 21 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
42357 McCalip James McCaleb NC 1755 United Kingdom R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 30 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 28 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 19 15 17 17 37-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
395047 Montes Joaquin Montes,c1864 nrSantiago Papasquiaro,DUR,MX Spain R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 14 13 30 19 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-18 10 11 19-22 15 15 16 17 37-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 23 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 11 13 23 13 10 10 26 16 19 14 23 15 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 13 11
392921 Fiedler Godefridus Fiedler b. 1781 and d. n/a Germany R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 28 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 14-15-17-18 11 11 19-23 15 15 18 18 36-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 11 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 25 26 20 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 25 12 10 10 20 15 18 13 24 19 11 15 22 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
556953 Sotis Sotis Italy R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 24 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 11 19-24 15 14 17 16 37-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
329566 García Álvarez Bernardo Garcia, c.1810 Conforcos, Aller, Asturias Spain R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 24 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 11 19-24 15 16 17 16 36-38 12 13 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-24 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 10 11 13 12                                                                                        
330968 Tomlinson John Tomlinson,UK England R-DF27 L21 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 20 30 14-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 18 17 34-40 12 12                                                                                                                                                
E18691 Ertel   Germany R-DF27 P312 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 18 27 15-16-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 16 18 17 37-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
163032 Wiggins Thomas Wiggin(s), bc1592-aft.1666, Shropshire, UK England R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 16 8-9 11 11 25 15 19 28 15-17-17-17 11 11 19-24 17 15 19 19 37-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 13 22 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
B2859 Jones Ambrose Jones, 1720's, Carteret Co., NC Unknown Origin R-DF27 Deep Clade 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 31 18 9-9 11 11 24 14 19 29 15-15-15-15 12 11 19-23 16 15 18 16 36-36 12 12                                   13     13                                                   11 30 12 13 24 12 10                       23           12  
240326 Frias Sanchez Esteban Sánchez, born c. 1870 Spain R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 20 17 35-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 23 21 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 11 10 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 29 12 12 24 13 8 10 21 15 18 12 25 16 11 14 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
142213 Osman William Osman, b. 1803 d. 1873, IOW, England England R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 14 13 13 28 17 9-9 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 17 15 20 16 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 11 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
250890 Govier William Govier, 1777 - 1837 Pitminster, Somerset England R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 13 12 13 13 31 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 18 27 15-17-17-17 12 11 19-23 18 16 17 17 38-38 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 13 14 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
Z1439 Albuquerque R-DF27, H Albuquerque Portugal R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-15 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 25 15 20 33 14-14-15-17 11 9 19-23 15 15 17 17 36-37 14 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
B9039 Natale Tomas Guerrero, b 1800s & d 1900s (DF27- at YSEQ) Spain R-M269 Y-DNA67 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-17-18 11 11 19-23 16 15 19 17 36-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 7 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 14 8 11 22 20 15 12 11 13 10 11 12 13                                                                                        
83436 Valerio Feliz Valerio, b. 1710, Santa Fe, NM Spain R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 13 30 20 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 27 15-17-17-18 10 11 19-23 15 15 19 17 36-39 11 11                                                                                                                                                
E24820 GOUEFFON GILLES GOUEFFON GOIFFON GOEFFON 1540 trinay orlean France R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-15 12 12 13 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-18 11 11 19-23 17 15 17 17 36-38 10 12 11 9 16-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 18 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 37 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 11 11 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 20 14 24 16 12 15 24 12 25 18 9 14 17 9 12 11
236339 Ambrogio Carlo Ambrogio, bc1870 Villanova Mondovi, Cuneo IT Italy R-DF27 Deep Clade 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 12-14 12 12 13 13 12 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-16-18 11 11 19-23 17 14 17 17 36-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
223815 Starr James Fitzgerald Ireland R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 12 10-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 17 8-9 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-16-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 20 18 36-39 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 23 26 19 12 12 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 13 10 10 22 15 20 13 24 16 12 15 25 12 24 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
75617 Woollacott Henry Woollacott ( -1945), Suffolk, UK United Kingdom R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 12 12-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 18 9-9 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-17 10 11 19-23 15 15 19 17 37-39 12 12                                                                                                                                                
31070 Vidal tomas vidales Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 12 12-16 12 12 12 13 14 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 20 29 15-15-16-17 10 12 19-23 16 15 18 17 38-40 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 13 15 8 12 24 19 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 17 12 25 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 12 10 10 20 15 19 13 24 15 12 16 25 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
192896 Østlyngen Bastian Mortensen Lium c 1640-1719 Trøndelag > FR France R-DF27 DF99 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 10 10-15 12 12 11 12 13 28 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-18 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
180825 Fowler John Fowler, b.c1794, Ireland - d.c1850, Ireland Ireland R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 10 11-11 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 12 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-16-17 11 11 19-22 17 15 18 18 34-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 9 10 12 22-23 16 10 9 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
128021 Reynoso CAP Francisco de Reynoso b.Peru / d.Mexico Spain R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 10 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 28 17 9-10 11 11 24 15 18 31 14-15-17-17 10 11 19-23 16 15 20 17 37-38 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 13 22 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
200470 Atkey John Atkey, 1550-1610, Ilfracombe, Devon, Englnd England R-DF27 Deep Clade 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 11 11-14 12 12 11 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 13-15-16-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 18 16 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 11 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 16 8 11 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 11 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 27 13 10 10 21 15 19 14 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 11 14 17 9 13 11
N86449 Guerrero Escobar Manuel Guerrero Aragón, b. 1860 Spain R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-16-16-18 11 10 19-22 17 15 18 16 34-35 12 12                                                                                                                                                
260567 Frappier Jacques Frappier d. bef 14 Oct 1668 France R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 16 9-9 11 11 24 15 18 31 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 16 14 19 18 36-37 11 12                                                                                                                                                
N44145 Leitão Benjamim Antunes Leitão, 1886 - 1948 Portugal R-DF27 DF27 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 11 11-15 12 12 13 13 13 29 16 9-9 11 11 25 15 20 31 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 15 16 20 17 35-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
H1763 Brickell John Brickell,1796 - 1867, Shaftesbury, Dorset, En England R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 11 12-14 12 12 11 13 13 28 16 8-9 11 11 26 16 19 29 14-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 17 17 34-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 11 11 12 12 11 9 12 11 11 10 11 30 11 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 23 17 12 15 24 12 23 19 10 14 17 9 12 11
366426 Starkweather William Sidney Starkweather, b. 1811 United States R-DF27 R1b - L21v2 SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 11 12-14 12 12 11 14 13 30 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 12 11 19-23 15 15 17 17 36-40 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 11 12 12 15 8 12 22 21 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 11 11 13 12 11 9 12 12 10 11 11 29 12 12 23 14 10 10 20 15 15 13 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
141266 Hayes William Hayes, b.c. 1700, Virginia Ireland R-DF27 DF13 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 12 13 28 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-18 12 11 20-23 16 15 17 16 35-38 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-24 16 10 12 12 17 8 14 23 20 13 12 11 14 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
25922 Rutherford Allen Rutherford, b 1803 co Down, Ire - d 1851 OH Ireland R-FTG33696 Big Y-700 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 11 11-11 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 10-10 11 11 25 15 19 28 15-15-15-16 11 12 20-23 14 15 19 18 34-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 7 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 21 11 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 17 12 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 13 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 22 15 20 13 24 17 12 15 24 12 24 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
212887 Parker George Henry Parker, 1860 Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 14 13 30 18 9-9 11 11 26 15 18 29 15-15-16-18 11 11 19-23 16 15 19 17 36-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 11 10 8 10 10 12 22-25 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
N1829 DuBois Henry Dubois, b 1775 Salins-les-Baines, France France R-DF27 R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 12 13 28 18 10-10 11 11 25 15 19 28 15-15-16-17 11 11 20-23 15 15 19 17 36-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
122048 Johnston James Johnston b. Ireland Scotland R-DF27 R1b-M343 Backbone SNP Pack 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 20 17 35-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 14 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
N106213 Elgiet Franciszek Elget, 1792 Poland R-DF27 Deep Clade 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 31 15-15-17-17 11 12 19-23 15 15 19 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-24 16 10 12 12 16 8 11 22 21 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 13                                                                                        
B172456 McDuffie Angus McDuffie b.1801 d. 1880 Unknown Origin R-DF27 DF27 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 15 10 11-14 12 12 11 13 14 29 16 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-17-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 19 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
N54740 Fernández Fernando Fernández, born c. Spain R-DF27 Deep Clade-R 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 15 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-16-17-17                                                                                                                                                                    
176452 White Ethelred Edward Howell, b.1635, Wales, Scotland? Wales R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 24 13 10 12-14 12 12 12 13 14 29 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 28 14-15-17-18 10 11 19-23 16 15 18 17 35-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 10 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 27 26 18 12 10 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 9 21 15 18 12 24 17 13 15 24 13 23 18 11 13 17 9 13 11
157730 Davis Thomas Davies/Davis, b 1788 WLS, d. 1850 PA, USA Wales R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 19 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 18 37-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 17 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
259459 Nash Jeremiah Nash b 1660 d 1720 Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 14 29 17 8-10 11 11 25 14 19 30 15-15-17-19 11 11 20-23 15 15 21 17 38-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 12 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 11 23 20 15 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 27 27 20 12 11 13 12 10 9 13 13 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 20 15 18 13 22 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 18 9 12 11
N58368 MacNally Johan de Ossory, 1263-1311 Spain R-DF27 U106 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 32 15-15-16-17 11 11 20-23 16 15 18 16 36-37 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 12 12 12 36 14 9 15 12 26 26 19 13 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 13 10 11 17 15 19 13 24 17 12 15 23 12 23 18 10 15 17 9 12 11
349398 Lopez   Unknown Origin R-DF27 Family Finder 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 24 14 11 12-12 12 12 13 14 13 30 16 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 31 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 17 15 17 17 36-38 11 12 11 9 15-17 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 14 10 12 12 14 8 13 22 21 13 12 11 14 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
26975 Hall John Moore, May 1758 - July 1836 Unknown Origin R-DF27 DeepSNP-R1b 10000 R-DF27 (no high confidence Y37-Y111 matches - Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 15 24 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-9 11 11 26 15 19 29 16-16-17-18 11 11 19-22 16 14 18 19 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 11 23 17 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
10000a R-DF27 DF27 men as per Y37-Y111 matches (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch)
MIN     13 24 14 11 12-14 12 12 11 13 13 28 17 9-10 11 11 25 12 19 28 14-14-17-18 11 11 19-23 15 15 20 17 36-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
MAX     13 24 15 11 12-15 12 12 12 13 15 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 28 14-14-17-18 11 11 19-23 15 15 20 17 36-37 12 16                                                                                                                                                
MODE     13 24 15 11 12-15 12 12 12 13 15 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 28 14-14-17-18 11 11 19-23 15 15 20 17 36-37 12 16                                                                                                                                                
N113369 Brickell John Brickell, 1796-1867; Shaftesbury, Dorset, UK Unknown Origin R-L151 Genographic 2.0 Transfer 10000a R-DF27 DF27 men as per Y37-Y111 matches (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 15 11 12-14 12 12 11 13 13 28                                                                                                                                                                                      
10000b R-DF27 (tested Big Y, no shared private mutations with other Big Y tested men as of yet)
MIN     13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 14 31 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-15-15 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 20-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 12 14 11 13 11 11 12 12 32 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 11 9 12 12 10 12 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 18 11 23 17 12 15 24 12 24 19 10 14 17 9 12 11
MAX     13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 14 31 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-15-15 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 20-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 12 14 11 13 11 11 12 12 32 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 11 9 12 12 10 12 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 18 11 23 17 12 15 24 12 24 19 10 14 17 9 12 11
MODE     13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 14 31 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-15-15 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 20-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 12 14 11 13 11 11 12 12 32 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 11 9 12 12 10 12 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 18 11 23 17 12 15 24 12 24 19 10 14 17 9 12 11
N55460 Oliveri Lorenzo Oliveri, b. 1725 Italy R-DF27 Big Y-700 10000b R-DF27 (tested Big Y, no shared private mutations with other Big Y tested men as of yet) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 14 31 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 30 15-15-15-15 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 20-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 12 14 11 13 11 11 12 12 32 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 11 9 12 12 10 12 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 18 11 23 17 12 15 24 12 24 19 10 14 17 9 12 11
11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch)
MIN     12 23 14 10 11-11 12 12 11 12 12 27 16 9-9-10 10 11 23 14 18 28 14-15-15-16-18-18 10 9 17-21 14 14 16 15 33-36-39 12 9 11 9 15-15 8 10 9 8 8 10 12 21-23 16 8 12 10 13 8 12 22 20 12 12 11 8 11 11 12 11 32 14 9 16 11 25 25 19 12 11 12 11 10 9 11 12 10 11 11 29 12 13 23 13 10 10 19 15 17 11 23 16 12 14 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 11 11
MAX     14 25 15 11 14-16 12 13 13 14 13 30 19 9-10-10 11 11 26 15 20 33 15-17-18-18-18-20 12 12 23-23 17 16 20 18 38-39-39 13 12 12 9 16-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 13 23-23 18 11 13 13 16 8 13 23 21 14 13 11 15 11 11 12 13 36 15 9 17 13 27 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 13 13 10 11 11 30 14 13 25 13 11 11 25 15 22 14 24 18 13 16 26 13 23 19 10 14 18 9 13 11
MODE     13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-17-18-18 11 11 19-23 16 15 17 18 36-38-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 22 15 20 13 24 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
E26588 Petitjean Marie-Alcide PETITJEAN,b.1862 d.1934 France R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 14 11 11-11 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 30 15-16-16-16 12 11 19-23 16 15 18 18 37-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
345564 Hartley Mossop Hartley, 1828 - 1865 England R-Z195 P312 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 15 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 33 14-15-16-17 11 11 19-23 16 15 19 17 38-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
223383 BIGELOW Joseph Bigelow b. 1825 Canada R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-13 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 18 31 15-15-17-17 12 11 19-23 15 14 18 17 33-36 12 12 11 9 16-16 8 10 9 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 11 13 13 16 8 12 23 20 13 12 11 15 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
IN105991 Lundgren Magnus Jonasson, b. 1768 and d. 1831 Sweden R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-17 12 11 19-23 16 14 19 16 37-38 13 12                                                                                                                                                
N51984 Zavorokhin Ivan Zavorokhin, born c. 1850, Russia Russian Federation R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 12 13 28 20 9-10 12 11 25 15 19 29 14-15-15-16 10 10 19-23 16 15 18 14 37-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
N46786 Michael Peter Knippen, 1775 - 1837, Kirchweiler, Germany Germany R-Z196 Deep Clade-R 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 16 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 9 19-23 16 15 17 18 35-38 12 12 12 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 8 10 13 22-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
301642 Pallant Ambrose Pallant b 1775 d 1851 England R-Z195 R1b - M343&M269v2 Backbone SNP Pack 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-17-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 18 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 17 12 25 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 13 13 24 13 11 10 22 15 21 11 24 17 12 15 26 12 23 19 10 14 17 9 12 11
155204 Ditty ......................Northern Ireland Northern Ireland R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 16 9-9 11 11 25 15 19 30 14-15-18-18 11 11 19-23 17 15 17 18 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 8 12 12 13 8 12 22 21 14 12 11 8 11 11 12 13                                                                                        
IN29810 Roberts Thomas Roberts, 1700s England R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 10 12-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 23 15 19 29 14-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 19 18 36-37 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 14 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 14 9 16 13 27 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 14 13 25 13 10 10 22 15 17 14 24 17 12 16 25 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
N82272 BARRIER Jean Marie BARRIER b.1863 et d. France R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 14 11 12-13 12 12 13 13 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-17-17-18 11 11 19-23 16 15 16 16 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 17 10 12 12 13 8 13 23 20 13 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 11 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 11 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 23 13 10 10 25 15 18 13 24 17 12 14 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
IN68124 Reka (Река)   Unknown Origin R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 23 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 31 15-15-16-17 11 12 19-21 15 15 17 18 35-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 13 15 8 12 23 20 13 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 32 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 13 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 20 13 23 16 13 14 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 11 11
757336 Grooms William Groome b.1610 d.1677 Scotland R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 24 14 10 12-16 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 25 15 20 30 15-16-17-17 11 11 19-23 15 16 18 16 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 21-23 16 10 12 12 13 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
62704 Snyder Adam Schneider, 1822/1877 Germany R-Z195 Family Finder 11000 Z195 (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 14 24 14 11 12-14 12 13 12 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 26 15 19 30 15-16-17-18 11 12 17-23 15 15 19 18 38-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 21-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 36 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 12 11 13 11 10 9 13 13 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 24 15 22 12 24 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
11000a R-Z195 Z195 men as per Y37-Y111 matches (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch)
MIN     13 23 15 11 11-11 12 12 11 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 24 14 17 29 15-15-16-17 10 10 19-23 16 15 17 16 37-38 11 12                                                                                                                                                
MAX     13 25 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 16 15 21 17 38-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
MODE     13 25 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 16 15 21 17 38-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
IN59404 Dickson   Unknown Origin R-M269 Y-DNA37 11000a R-Z195 Z195 men as per Y37-Y111 matches (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 23 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 19 29 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 16 15 17 17 38-38 11 12                                                                                                                                                
268401 Frederick Jacob Frederick b 1817 and d 1897 Unknown Origin R-M269 Y-HAP-Backbone 11000a R-Z195 Z195 men as per Y37-Y111 matches (Big Y needed to identify downstream branch) 13 25 15 11 11-11 12 12 11 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 24 14 17 30 15-15-16-17 10 10 19-23 16 15 21 16 37-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well
MIN     11 22 12-14 10 10-11 10 9 10 12 11 28 13 8-8-9 10 9 19 12 17 26 13-14-15-15-16-17-17-18 9 8 13-19-23-23 12 10 15 14 30-33-37 8 9 10 7 14-15 7 9 9 8 9 9 11 18-22-23 14 10 11 10 13 7 10 18 18 10 11 10 12 9-11 11 9 11 30 13 9 14 10 21 24 18 10 10 11 9 9 8 11 9 8 10 10 26 11 11 21 9 6 9 18 14 15 11 22 15 10 14 23 11 22 17 8 12 14 7 11 11
MAX     15 26 14-16 13 15-17 13 14 15 15 16 32 22 10-10-11 13 12 33 15 19 33 17-17-17-18-18-18-18-20 13 12 23-23-23-25 18 18 22 20 39-40-44 17 13 13 10 16-17 9 12 12 9 12 12 13 23-25-27 19 13 13 15 18 9 15 24 22 17 14 12 15 11-15 13 13 13 39 16 11 17 14 30 28 20 14 12 15 13 13 10 14 13 11 12 13 33 14 14 26 15 11 12 28 16 22 15 25 19 14 17 28 13 25 20 13 16 19 10 14 12
MODE     13 24 14-14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17-17-17-17-18 11 10 19-23-23-23 15 15 18 17 36-38-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11-11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 13 24 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
179628 Bush Reynold Bush Sr. b. 3 Aug 1566 and d. 1602 Fee England R-BY103581 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 11 24 14 10 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 30 17 9-9 11 11 25 14 19 30 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 15 14 20 17 37-37 12 13 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 9 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 11 28 26 19 11 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 8 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 20 13 23 17 12 15 23 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
IN92605 Anderson Thomas Anderson, 1656 Unknown Origin R-S21184 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 11 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 26 14 18 30 14-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 17 17 35-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
132950 Ste. Marie Louis Marie/Ste-Marie, 1634-1703, Tours, France France R-Z209 Deep Clade-R 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 12 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 31 15-15-16-16 11 9 19-23 15 15 20 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
760012 Renaud R-BY152600 Guillaume Renaud (1644 - 1709) France R-BY152518 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 10 11-13 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 31 15-15-15-16 11 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 38-39 12 12 11 9 16-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 13 26 27 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 11 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 22 17 12 15 25 12 23 18 10 15 16 9 12 11
209822 Crespin Juan Cristobal Crespin, born c. 1800 Unknown Origin R-M153 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-17-17 10 11 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-24 16 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
B287624 Lääveri Matti Lääveri (läveri) b. 1490, Muolaa, Finland R-BY152518 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 19 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 31 15-15-16-16 11 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 26 27 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 13 10 10 22 15 18 13 22 17 12 15 25 12 23 18 10 15 16 9 12 11
N122926 Torruella Cristòfol Torroella, b. 1500 Súria (Catalonia) Spain (Catalonia) R-FGC47547 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 10-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 38-39 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 11 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 14 10 11 20 15 19 13 24 18 11 15 25 12 23 18 11 14 16 9 12 11
580277 Torruella Cristòfol Torroella, b. 1500 Súria (Catalonia) Spain (Catalonia) R-FGC47547 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 10-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 38-39 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 11 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 14 10 11 20 15 19 13 24 18 11 15 25 12 23 18 11 14 16 9 12 11
IN26259 Torruella Francesc Torroella , b. ca. 1782 Súria, Catalonia Spain (Catalonia) R-BY45110 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 10-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 38-39 11 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 13 27 26 19 11 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 14 10 11 20 15 19 13 24 18 11 15 25 12 23 18 11 14 16 9 12 11
MK75494 Viau Jean Pierre Viau France R-Z209 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-9 11 11 24 14 19 30 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 14 17 16 37-37 11 12                                                                                                                                                
294848 Gay Henry Gay, b. 1640 and d.1687 England R-Z209 R1b - M343&M269v2 Backbone SNP Pack 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 24 14 18 28 15-15-17-17-18-18 11 10 19-23 15 15 19 18 37-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 19 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
BP31983 Johansson Anders Gustavsson b 1775 Sweden R-Y82986 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 14-15-15-16 11 10 19-23 16 15 20 17 36-38 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 11 12 12 16 9 12 23 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 11 12 11 31 12 13 24 13 10 10 20 15 19 12 24 18 12 15 24 12 23 19 10 14 16 9 12 11
664963 Cushing Matthew Cushing 1588 Norfolk UK-1660 Massachusetts England R-Y130077 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 19 9-9-9 11 11 25 14 18 32 15-15-15-16-17-17 11 9 19-25 16 15 16 18 35-39-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 11 12 21-22 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 15 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 17 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 32 12 13 24 12 10 10 22 15 18 13 24 17 12 15 25 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
77953 Causa Alessandro Causa, b.c. 1830, Liguria, Italy Italy R-Z210 Z210 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 14 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 35-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
B679285 Burke Patritius Burke abt 1811-? Ireland R-FT370926 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 12 10 19-23 15 15 18 18 38-41 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 13 22 20 15 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 14 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 13 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 23 17 12 15 25 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
862179 Watson James Watson b. 1786/1854 Scotland Scotland R-FT370926 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 25 14 18 29 14-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 18 18 38-40 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 13 22 20 16 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 14 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 11 12 10 11 11 30 0 14 23 13 10 10 21 15 17 13 23 17 12 15 24 12 24 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
984880 Acevedo Juan Manuel Acevedo, b. 1767 Mexico R-FTE2843 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 24 14 11 11-16 12 12 13 14 13 30 17 10-10 11 11 25 14 19 30 15-15-16-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 18 19 36-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 12 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 32 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 13 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 14 10 10 22 15 19 14 23 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
529536 Kinsman Thomas Kinsman, 1756-1821, Arlington, VT, USA Unknown Origin R-BY152600 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 10 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 8-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-16 10 10 19-23 15 15 20 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 25 13 10 10 21 15 20 12 22 18 12 15 25 12 23 18 10 16 16 9 12 11
N81670 Yarbrough Edmund Yarbrough, b. 1590 and d. 1631 England R-CTS4065 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30                                                                                                                                                                                      
300686 Yarber John Yarbrough, b 1720 N.C. (most likely) Unknown Origin R-CTS4065 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 15 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 22 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
157531 Gray Jonathan Yarbrough, b.c. 1735, VA England R-M269 Y-DNA67 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 15 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 21-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 22 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
H1963 Yarborough John Yarborough, b. 1685 and d. aft. 1761 England R-Z209 R1b - M343&M269v2 Backbone SNP Pack 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-16-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 17 15 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 22 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12                                     11 29 12 13 24 13 10                       23           12  
265636 Yarbrough Thomas Yarbrough ca. 1685 Va England R-M269 Y-DNA67 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 15 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 22 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
75006 Gillenwater   United Kingdom R-L151 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 17 15 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 22 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 12 11 10 11 11 29 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 14 24 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 11 14 16 9 12 11
74677 Yarbrough Thomas G. Yarbrough, 1785 - 1860 United States R-M269 Y-DNA111 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 14 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 23 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 12 11 10 11 11 29 12 13 24 13 10 10 20 15 19 14 24 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 11 14 16 9 12 11
157534 Yarbro Thomas Yarbrough, b. 1685, VA - d.1761, NC Unknown Origin R-M269 Y-DNA67 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 15 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 22 20 14 14 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
92828 Yarborough Joseph Yarbrough, b c 1756, Virginia Unknown Origin R-M269 Y-DNA67 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 12 25 14 11 12-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 16 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 9 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 17 10 12 13 15 8 12 22 20 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
251354 Williams James Frank Williams 1836-1922 Logan KY United States R-FT195172 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 22 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 19 30 14-15-16-17 11 10 21-23 16 15 18 17 35-36 12 10 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 11 12 22-23 15 10 12 12 17 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 14 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 13 11 12 12 11 9 12 12 10 11 11 31 12 13 24 13 10 10 20 15 20 13 23 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
565950 Travis Henry Travis, b. 1835 and d.1897 United States R-Y429406 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 22 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 29 15-15-16-16 11 10 19-23 17 16 19 16 37-39 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-25 15 10 12 12 15 8 11 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 14 9 16 12 25 26 19 11 11 12 12 11 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 20 15 18 13 23 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
N80344 Gensse Adrien Gensse, b. 1704, Crisolles, Oise, France France R-FT168957 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 22 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 28 15-15-16-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 35-38 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 19 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 24 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 13 9 10 19 15 18 12 23 16 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
730198 Garcia Garcia - ilha do Pico Portugal R-CTS4065 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 22 14 10 11-15 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 26 14 18 29 15-15-15-17 11 10 19-23 17 16 19 17 36-36 12 13                                                                                                                                                
983133 Bickerdike Thomas Bickerdike, b. 1816 and d. 1891 United Kingdom R-FTC5328 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 22 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 14-15-15-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 16 36-37 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 24 20 15 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 9 22 15 17 13 24 16 12 15 25 12 23 18 12 14 17 9 12 11
IN68014 Pallàs Guasch Jaume Pallàs, ?-1642 Spain R-S21184 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 22 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 35-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
14489 Carter Capt Thomas Carter 1630 - 1700 Lancaster Co VA England R-FT39159 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 22 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 14 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 35-37 13 12 11 9 15-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 24 15 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
350317 Edgeworth Francis Edgeworth, 1560 - 1627 England R-FGC28371 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 10-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-36 12 12 11 9 14-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 23 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 17 12 26 26 19 12 10 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 11 21 15 20 13 25 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
163820 Both István Both, b. about 1890, Ulmeni, Transylvania Hungary R-CTS4065 Deep Clade-R 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 11-14 10 12 13 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 14-15-15-16 11 10 19-23 15 15 17 18 36-37 12 12                                                                                                                                                
960561 Decker John Decker, b 1869 and d 1937 Unknown Origin R-BY158738 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 11 14 13 30 17 9-9 11 11 25 14 18 28 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 19 17 36-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 20 15 18 13 24 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 13 11
N86315 Rose John Rose, 1817-1875; Thirsk GBR, Hunslet GBR England R-FGC30421 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 22 14 18 29 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 37-40 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 14 22 20 13 12 11 13 10 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 13 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 13 12 10 11 11 30 11 12 23 13 10 12 20 15 18 14 24 18 12 15 24 12 23 18 11 15 16 9 13 11
AM11995 Tudela Domingo Fernandez Perez de Tudela, b. 1580, Spain R-Z214 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 14 14 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-16-16-18 10 10 19-23 15 15 18 19 35-39 12 12                                                                                                                                                
805812 Klein William Klein Germany R-S21184 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 29 14-16-16-16 11 10 19-23 16 15 19 17 34-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 18 8 11 22 20 15 12 11 13 12 11 12 12                                                                                        
222676 Parris Edward Paris b. 1584 Scotland R-MF119597 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 18 9-9 11 11 25 14 19 29 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 18 37-38 12 12 12 9 16-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 21 12 13 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 11 28 26 19 13 11 13 12 10 9 11 12 10 11 11 31 11 13 24 14 10 10 24 15 18 13 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 11 11
148838 Avelar, Olmos Jose Ramon Avelar b. abt 1788 d. 1855 Mexico R-Z209 Z209 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 13 13 12 14 28 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 14-15-17-17 11 10 23-23 16 15 18 17 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 21 20 12 13 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 13 26 26 19 13 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 11 14 24 13 10 10 20 15 17 13 24 17 12 15 25 12 23 19 10 14 16 8 12 11
326417 Coreejes Antonio Coreejes d 1828 Italy R-Z278 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 11 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-17-17 11 10 19-23 15 10 18 19 34-40 14 12                                                                                                                                                
72190 Knuckles Isaac Sanders b. 1750 d. 1838 United States R-Y74676 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-22 16 14 18 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 17 12 25 26 19 12 10 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 11 21 15 18 13 25 17 14 15 24 12 23 17 10 14 16 9 12 11
270237 Sanders William Sanders d. 1803 Unknown Origin R-M269 Y-DNA67 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-22 16 15 18 17 36-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11                                                                                        
404953 GARNETT   England R-FGC28369 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 13 13 13 28 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 35-36 12 12 11 9 14-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 17 12 26 26 19 12 10 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 11 20 15 20 12 25 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
964625 Fox   Unknown Origin R-FGC28369 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-36 12 12 11 9 14-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 17 12 26 26 19 12 10 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 11 21 15 20 13 25 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
730447 Edgeworth Francis Edgeworth, b. 1560 and d. 1627 Ireland R-FGC28371 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 13 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-36 12 12 11 9 14-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 23 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 17 12 26 26 19 12 10 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 11 21 15 20 13 25 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
515427 Mello - (c/o MaryAnn) Mello Portugal R-Z278 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 13 14 13 30 16 9-9 11 11 25 14 18 29 14-15-18-18 10 11 19-23 16 15 17 16 35-40 12 12 11 8 15-15 8 11 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 22 15 18 13 24 16 12 15 25 12 23 19 10 14 16 9 12 11
69553 Garard Rev. John Garard b.abt 1720, d.19 Aug 1787, VA Unknown Origin R-M269 Y-DNA67 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-14 12 12 14 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 14-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11                                                                                        
B135485 Daniels Capt. Thomas Carter b.1630 - 1700 England R-Z209 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 10-15 12 12 12 13 14 29 18 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 29 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 35-37 13 12 11 9 15-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 16 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 11 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 22 15 19 13 24 15 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
115590 Lopez Prudencio Lopez, b. abt. 1908, Ustes, Spain Unknown Origin R-Z214 Deep Clade-R 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-11 12 12 12 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-15-17 10 10 19-23 16 14 18 17 35-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 11 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
937538 Boone   Unknown Origin R-Z209 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-13 12 12 13 13 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 26 14 18 29 15-15-15-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 19 18 36-39 12 12                                                                                                                                                
855374 Breslin Wm Turner d1843 Carroll Co. MO>Manly b1815 NC United States R-L66 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 19 29 15-16-16-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 18 17 36-40 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 9 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 17 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 24 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 11 12 10 11 11 29 12 12 25 13 10 10 18 15 19 13 25 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
MK39636 Chaves Chaves - Santa Maria Island Portugal R-Z214 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 14 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 15 18 29 15-15-16-19 10 10 19-23 16 15 21 19 35-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
873441 Rhodes     R-FT4671 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 14 14 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-16-16 10 9 19-23 16 15 17 19 35-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 18 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 13 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 22 15 18 13 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 16 16 9 12 11
838036 Cason Jesus Rabago, b. 1885 and d. 1963 Mexico R-FT4775 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 14 14 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-16-16-16 10 9 19-23 16 15 17 19 35-40 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 18 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 32 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 13 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 22 15 18 13 25 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 16 16 9 12 11
136884 Danders William Danders, b. 1811 Germany R-BY93208 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 28 17 9-9 11 11 26 14 18 30 15-15-16-17 12 10 19-23 17 15 18 17 35-41 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 11 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 23 19 15 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 17 13 26 26 20 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 13 11 10 20 15 17 14 23 17 12 15 28 12 24 18 10 14 17 9 12 11
854496 Medd Martin Medd, b. 1760 and d. 1815 England R-S21184 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-22 15 16 18 17 35-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
639668 Miller Creddie Miller, b.1856 and d. 1925 OK, USA United States R-S21184 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 28 15-15-16-16 10 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 35-37 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 19 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
684395 Miller James A Miller, b. 1794 SC, d. 1866 AL Unknown Origin R-A7066 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 28 15-15-16-16 10 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 35-38 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 19 14 13 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 25 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 13 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 13 9 10 21 15 19 12 23 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
IN98453 McMahon Jeremiah McMahon b. 1887, County Limerick, Ireland Ireland R-FTA2678 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 33 14-15-16-16 11 10 19-23 15 15 19 17 34-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 17 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 12 11 12 13 35 15 9 16 12 28 26 19 13 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 13 22 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 14 9 12 11
IN119785 Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Bostronizo, Cantabria Spain (Cantabria) R-BY157765 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-17-18 10 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 35-39 12 12 11 9 15-17 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 15 8 12 19 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 15 9 16 12 24 26 19 11 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 13 24 15 12 15 25 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 13 11
443989 Crowder Hugh Crowder B. 10/3/1579 d.4/21/1628 England R-Z278 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 28 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 16 14 17 19 34-40 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 14 8 12 23 21 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 14 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 13 10 10 20 15 19 11 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
858580 Crowder     R-Z278 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 28 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 16 14 17 19 34-40 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 14 8 12 23 21 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 14 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 11 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
217902 Tucker Mathew Tucker, b. 1735, Prince George County, VA United States R-FT4831 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 28 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 16 14 17 19 34-41 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 14 8 12 23 21 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 14 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 11 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
168328 Berry John Berry, b.c. 1853, Garrard Co., KY Unknown Origin R-BY188878 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 24 14 18 28 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 16 14 17 19 34-41 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 14 8 12 23 21 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 35 14 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 14 24 13 10 10 21 15 19 11 24 16 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
246119 Obar Joseph (Serreau?) Thomas Saint Aubin 1759 d. 1841 Canada R-Z209 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 13 32 16 9-10 11 11 25 15 18 30 15-15-16-17 10 11 19-23 17 14 18 17 35-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
159918 Quijano Francisco Quijano Y Jimenez, ~ 1874 Galicia,Spain Spain R-M153 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 14 14 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 17 30 15-15-16-18 10 10 19-23 15 15 18 19 35-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
IN103578 Pinte-Reich   Unknown Origin R-FTB2692 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 13 14 13 29 17 9-9 11 11 26 14 18 29 14-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 17 18 35-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 12 24 13 10 10 19 15 18 13 24 17 12 15 24 12 23 18 11 14 16 9 12 11
N74772 Valle Jose Antonio Valle, bc1820, d.unknown; Nicaragua Spain R-BY13463 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 13 29 19 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-16 10 11 19-23 16 15 19 16 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 22-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 22 21 14 12 10 13 11 11 12 13 36 15 9 16 12 24 26 19 12 11 13 13 10 9 13 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 12 24 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
348762 Carter Thomas Carter 1630 - 1700 Lancaster Co VA England R-FTB59046 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 14 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 35-37 13 12 11 9 15-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 14 24 15 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
250870 Carter Grover Cleveland Carter b circa 1900 died in Misou England R-M269 Y-DNA37 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 14 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 35-37 13 12                                                                                                                                                
273632 Bennett Travis Bennett b. about 1773 Unknown Origin R-Z295 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 14 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 35-37 13 12                                                                                                                                                
123135 Carter Thomas Carter Sr, b. 1632 d. 1700 England R-BY22389 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 14 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 35-37 13 12 11 9 15-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 31 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 24 15 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
964790 Carter   Unknown Origin R-FTA76106 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 14 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 34-37 13 12 11 9 15-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 24 15 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
MK70588 Carter Thomas Carter (1630-1700) Unknown Origin R-FTA76106 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 13 14 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 16 15 17 17 34-37 13 12 11 9 15-15 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 14 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 36 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 24 15 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
254212 Tissott Joseph Tissott, b. ~1761 and d. 1849 England R-BY95170 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 12 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 17 16 36-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 13 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 34 15 9 16 12 26 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 21 15 18 13 24 16 12 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
N3658 Ruiz Bernardo Ruiz c. 1890 La Barca, Jalisco, Mexico Unknown Origin R-Z220 P312 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 11 11-15 12 12 14 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 14-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 18 15 17 16 36-39 13 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
IN38359 Garnet John Garnet, b. 1680 and d. 1730 England R-Z209 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 14 12 10-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-36 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 13 23 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 17 12 26 26 19 12 10 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 11 22 15 19 13 25 17 13 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
459563 Durkin-Ortiz Durkin Ireland R-FGC14114 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 15 11 11-14 12 12 11 14 13 31 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 18 30 15-15-17-17 11 11 19-23 16 15 18 16 38-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 17 8 12 20 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
133936 Wyrwas Mr. Theophil Wyrwas, b. 1849 Poland R-BY54907 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 16 15 18 17 36-40 13 12                                                                                                                                                
514939 Lehmann Michael Lehmann, b.1836 and d. 1901 Germany R-BY57027 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 14 30 17 10-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 15 16 19 19 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 17 8 12 24 20 14 12 12 13 11 11 12 11 35 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 18 13 23 17 11 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 8 12 11
812504 Lehmann Michael R. Lehmann b.ab. 1835 Alsace. Germany R-BY57027 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 23 15 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 14 30 17 10-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-16-18 11 10 19-23 15 16 19 19 37-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 17 8 12 24 20 14 12 12 13 9 11 12 11 35 15 9 16 11 26 26 19 12 11 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 24 13 10 10 19 15 18 13 23 17 11 15 24 12 23 18 10 14 17 8 12 11
1401 Chernick Leib Chernik, b.c.1785, Krasilov, Ukraine (Y) Ukraine R-BY71074 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 24 13 10 11-13 12 12 12 13 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 26 14 18 29 15-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 18 16 35-39 12 13 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-24 15 10 12 12 15 8 10 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 12 12 12 33 15 9 16 12 27 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 11 10 11 11 30 13 13 24 13 11 10 22 16 19 14 24 16 12 15 23 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
61362 Chernick Leib Chernik, b.c. 1785, Krasilov, Ukraine Ukraine R-M269 Y-DNA67 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 24 13 10 11-13 12 12 12 13 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 26 14 18 29 15-16-17-17 11 10 19-23 15 15 19 16 35-39 12 13 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-24 15 10 12 12 15 8 10 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 12 12 12                                                                                        
N212725 Gil Moreno Spain R-Z214 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 24 13 10 11-16 12 12 13 14 13 30 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 30 15-15-17-17 10 10 19-23 15 15 18 19 36-38 12 12                                                                                                                                                
155630 Lopez Bernardino Lopez, b. 1845 and d. 1958 Mexico R-BY42717 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 24 13 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 14 29 17 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 29 14-15-16-17 11 10 19-23 17 15 17 18 38-39 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12                                                                                        
249259 Velasquez Daniel Velasquez Unknown Origin R-Z214 Family Finder 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 24 13 11 11-14 12 12 11 14 12 31                                                                                                                                                                                      
B3227 Wilson Robert Wilson b.c. 1785 d.c. 1850 Northern Ireland R-FT111354 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 24 13 11 11-14 12 12 13 13 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 14 18 31 15-15-15-17 9 10 19-23 15 16 17 17 36-37 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 16 10 12 12 16 8 11 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 15 9 15 12 24 26 19 11 11 14 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 31 12 13 24 13 10 10 26 15 16 13 24 17 12 15 25 12 23 18 10 14 16 9 12 11
E23182 Besson Besson Simon, n. 1590 France R-FT367125 Big Y-700 11020 R-Z209 Z195>Z274>Z209 and downstream - JOIN the R Z209 Project, and REMAIN in the DF27 Project as well 13 24 13 11 12-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 16 9-10 11 11 26 14 18 30 15-15-15-17 11 10 23-23 16 15 20 17 36-39 13 13 13 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 10 10 12 23-23 17 10 12 12 15 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 12 12 33 14 9 16 12 24 26 19 12 11 13 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 30 12 13 22 13 10 10 20 15 19 13 24 17 11 15 25 12 23 18 10 13 16 9 12 11
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