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  • 825 members

About us

Greetings and Welcome to the Clan Crawford Genealogy Y-DNA surname project operated in partnership with Family Tree DNA.  Crawford is a Scottish surname of ancient origin probably in use as early as Roman times in Scotland.  Your DNA test is helping to tie together the pieces of history, genealogy, and heritage of the Crawford surname.  Your test will be evaluated and you will be assigned to an existing lineage if applicable.  If there are no matches for your Y-DNA you will be placed in an Ungrouped category as sort of a holding tank until someone with a similar DNA background takes the test and is grouped with your results. Family Tree DNA has a lot of written resources for download and these are very valuable in helping understand and interpret your results.

For the main subgroups of Crawford Y-DNA identified so far (R1b and I1), and several other smaller subgroups (in R1a, I2, and so on), we are beginning to use SNP analysis (based on Big Y-500, SNP Packs and individual SNPs previously, mainly with Big Y-700 more recently). Please ask the project administrators for ideas and guidance regarding SNP testing, and see the Y-DNA pages at the Clan Crawford Association ("CCA") website:

Y-DNA follows the father-to-son line, and only that line. If you have joined the project due to a connection other than Y-DNA to the Crawford name (e.g.,your paternal grandfather wasn't a Crawford, but his mother was a Crawford, or any other non Y-DNA connection) you are welcome to be in the project and compare your tree & autosomal test to others, but please let us know what your connection to the Crawford line is, so we can make sure to put you in an appropriate Y-DNA group, so as not to mix your Y-DNA in with our analyses oft he Crawford Y-DNA data.  We also track mitochondrial DNA participants and have begun to analyze this information as well.

There is a forum on the Clan Crawford Association website ("CCA" site, above) where members can ask questions and share their research. Additionally, if you are a Facebook user, there are several Crawford-oriented groups you might wish to join. There is a closed group that is really only focused on the DNA and genealogy angles (the"Clan Crawford Association Ancestry & DNA research forum"). There is also a group that has a much more open topic policy, where you can chat about pretty much any Crawford-related topic (the "Clan Crawford" group), some general Scottish topics, and so on. There are also several regional Crawford groups.

We appreciate your participation and respect your right to privacy. Genetic genealogy, as with all genealogy, works best when people cooperate and communicate (it is really a "team sport", so to speak). To that end, the intent of this project is to help members understand their own results, and those of others to whom they are genetically related. Therefore, unless project members request otherwise, in addition to the usual project results pages at our site on, we will generate more extensive analyses which will be presented on a periodic basis on the Clan Crawford Association's website (in non-public members only areas), and on the CCA Newsletter (which is sent to CCA members every 2 months), as well as here in our project pages (see "
Updates - Members Only" tab when logged into your FTDNA account). If you have questions or objections, we invite you to contact us to discuss them.

We hope you enjoy the adventure, and thanks again.

Dave Nicolson (
Volunteer Administrator, Crawford Surname Y-DNA Project
Clan Crawford

Please see also the Clan Crawford Association website used by our project for further information:

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