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This group is open to all families with the surnames Kiss, Kis, or Klein. Kiss or Kis is the Hungarian translation of the German/Ashkenazi surname Klein, which means small or little. You can also join our Facebook group: Join the Kiss, Kis, and Klein Facebook group The surnames Kiss, Kis, and Klein were also common Jewish surnames and all individuals from both Jewish or non-Jewish backgrounds are welcome to join. In Hungary, Kiss is considered to be the 7th most common surname and Kis is the 26th most common among all surnames used by Hungarians today.[1] Kiss, Kis, and Klein were (and are) used by Hungarian Jewish families, including those with Sephardic Jewish or Ashkenazi Jewish roots. If you visit Jerusalem, Israel you can see Naomi Kis Street (רחוב נעמי קיס) located near the Old City of Jerusalem. For those researching relatives in Hungary of the old Austro-Hungary (today Hungary, and parts of Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, and Croatia)[2], you can see the geographic distribution of the surnames Kiss, Kis, and Klein among businessmen and tradesmen in Hungary in the year 1891 by following the below links (each link opens a new window): Kiss | Kis | Klein YDNA can be used to search for lost relatives. The Yad Vashem Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names located at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, Israel and accessible over the Internet contains 1000s of families with the surname Kiss, Kis, or Klein that perished in the Holocaust: Link to Yad (opens a new window). [1] Wikipedia: Surnames Hungary[2] For a good map of Austro-Hungary before border changes after World War I and the Treaty of Trianon: click here or here
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