About us
The Ballew Family DNA project is a global surname research effort. We welcome all participants and encourage you to join today! If you need financial assistance and meet the criteria, scholarships may be available! Please contact the admins listed below.
The surnames in this DNA Project are researched as part of the Belew One-Name study. You can learn more about our significant research, and the associated family trees, by visiting the One-Name Study web site (One-Name.org), the Belew Family website (Belew Family), the Belew Family Genealogy website (Belew Family Genealogy) , the Belew Family Community website (Belew Family Community) or contacting the Group Administrators at:
Our research includes Belew, Ballew, Ballou, Balloue, Bellew, as well as, Bailleue, Baillew, Balew, Ballieu, Balliew, Balloo, Ballough, Ballow, Ballowe Ballue, Balow, Balue, Beauleau., Belleau, Belieu, Belleau, Bellou, Bellow, Belllowe, Bellue, Belue, Belyeu, Belyew, Bilieu, Billew, Billou, Billue, Bilou, Bilow, Bilyeu, Blaeu, Blew, Bloo, Blow, Blue, Boileau, DeBelleau, and other variant spellings! Soundex Index B400.
With over 40+ spelling of our name, one thing we have learned, be global and be flexible in your family history research; expect the unexpected.
In our family DNA site we will use different surname spellings, but please understand, we have all variants available. Maybe, here, you can find another piece of your family genealogy puzzle.